Sentences with phrase «same applies»

Every successful lifter built his base of strength and size upon a set of rules and ethics, and the same applies to John.
The same applies for bulking up.
That being said, different bodies need different amounts of rest in order to adequately recover, and then the same applies for different body parts.
The same applies for stretching your muscles during the training.
The same applies to how you smell.
The same applies to changing meal frequency when trying to improve your body composition.
Substance abuse is never a smart choice, and the same applies to steroids as well.
The same applies to the other planets, too.
We do this all time in life (relationships, leaving jobs), and the same applies here.
The same applies to the bottom of the movement.
The same applies to sprinting.
The same applies to sending an angry email — you can't take back a heated rant after you hit the send button.
The same applies to our colleagues and friends.
The same applies for variations in solar output (radiation) and / or insolation (Milankovitch cycles).
The same applies to anthropogenic global warming.
Our findings suggest that the same applies to us.
But the same applies to works of art.
The same applies to this technology.»
The same applies to a tone in a chord sequence or a piece of music.
He adds that the same applies to other endangered species of tropical tree with large fruit and seeds dispersed by birds, as evidence from other fragmented tropical forests around the world shows that seeds of this kind are dispersed only locally.
Much the same applies to transgenic animals.
Much the same applies to sanofi - aventis, a company that has consistently ranked highly, often in the top 20 in the Science survey.
The same applies to all those yet to be born.
It turns out lower mammals that are active during the day, such as ground squirrels, lack the local pupillary light reflex Yau's team found; the same applies to primates, whether nocturnal or not.
Same applies to other categories of hospital Support Staff.
The same applies in the case of Joe Higgins, though he won a European Parliament seat on the same day as winning his Council seat; subsequently he won a seat in Dublin West at the Dail election of 2011.
The same applies for the Upstate Revitalization Initiative.»
Again, the same applies in Belgium.
«The same applies to all other UK victims of torture abroad who hoped the House of Lords would open the way to redress,» she said.
The same applies to the London mayoral votes and the referenda on whether to have a mayor in major cities like Bristol, Coventry, Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield.
When MPs» expenses were hitting the headlines we were told that sunlight was the best disinfectant, and the same applies to party funding.
The same applies with Cameron.
«The same applies to his assertions that I misinformed senior executives about what was going on and that I forbade people from reporting to Rebekah Brooks or to James Murdoch.
@ 79 I agree, but think the same applies to the Tories — Cameron will blame the failings of any Tory admin on the Lib Dems and go to the people before any referendum can come through / the results put to legislation (or perhaps even call a general election on it).
The same applies to the 1959 film Left, Right and Centre, starring the late Ian Carmichael.
The same applies in many seats for the Liberal Democrats) but for the record on a uniform swing these figures would result in the SNP winning all but two seats in Scotland.
The same applies to Labour in the Lords where Angela Smith and her team are proving formidable.»
The same applies if I want a Lexus, or a country house.
The same applies to spending cuts in other countries in more recent times, such as Ireland in the late 1980s, or Sweden, Canada, New Zealand and Germany in the 1990s, which we compare in a forthcoming book When the Party's Over: The Politics of Fiscal Squeeze in Perspective.
The same applies to whatever deal she can cut with the DUP's 10 strong team in Westminster.
Same applies for Facebook / Twitter, which may disguise links with their own shorteners etc. but are still how people will look for your site.
The same applies to socialists - who see different aspects of the world through the prism of class inequality.
The same applies more widely to Davis, who does not even seek to be evasive perhaps because he is above all an admirer of Parliament, a politician who has spent much of his career interrogating ministers from the backbenches.
The same applies to mid-career campaigners looking for a change: online political skills should be a hot commodity in 2015 and 2016, and you want to be positioned to take advantage of opportunities that should arise.
Same applies to the plans of changing the Schengen rules to include the refugees.
Of course, the same applies to messaging via Facebook or MySpace, but here's where my personal bias connects with Cerf's observation: I'll submit that the thing that made Facebook messsaging useful (to me, at least) was when the «you have a message» notification emails began including the actual text someone was sending to you.
To me, the same applies to elections.
Same applies to the refugees resettled from another country under the rule of burden - sharing, and no law imposes any quotas on either of the above.
The same applies to yogurt, which is why many pediatricians will agree that it is safe to introduce both of these products prior to baby's first birthday.
The same applies to what they found rewarding and what was difficult and challenging for them in working with the groups.
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