Sentences with phrase «same attitude»

The phrase "same attitude" means having a similar mindset or way of thinking as someone else. Full definition
We can observe same attitude in a new work made especially for this show, which will be exhibited at the end of the exhibition.
But when this exact same attitude comes from a woman, things change.
I did not see Bould doing his job and carried away by AW and just siiting in the bench looking dejected same attitude as AW rather than make any difference.
But just a second thought @Terri Lewis is it possible for investors to adopt same attitude of helping to improve depressed area while handling the so - called war zones?
Hahaha this post made me laugh, cause I have the exact same attitude towards sport as you!
Jim Sterling's and Kotaku's fanbases are exactly the kind of controversy loving people I was talking about... and I mean I wasn't talking about JonTron's fanbase, there's simply a specific political group that joined JonTron's side when he made the controversial statements, and that's where the hardcore hate comes from, I've seen the same people with same terminology and same attitude on specific sites and youtube channels for years.
Tactics will differ but the attitude & commitment must remain the same
But as the series grew the developers somehow felt that if Killstreaks were so good then having more of them was obviously the correct way to make a superior game, the very same attitude they had toward massive set - pieces, and so modern Call of Duty multiplayer matches often feel like nothing more than an endless barrage of Killstreaks, each seemingly more powerful than the last.
I like it we have same attitude in this context:) P.S.: Honestly so far such a dress was really a no - go for me but as I like ruffles at the moment really I won't exclude that finally I would like such a dress, too:) You never know...
Demonstrating caring about the health and safety of staffers will set the tone for others to adopt the same attitude.
«He's taken the same attitude he has toward products and design and applied it to management.»
Much of what every kid would ideally learn in school is, in part, a working familiarity with the same attitudes, approaches and outlooks that we try to instill in our aspiring 1871 entrepreneurs as a lasting part of their overall experience with us.
I am an atheist, yet I just can't imagine the Jesus of the bible treating people who disagree with him, with the same attitude that fishon treats people (me) who disagree with him.
I've tried to operate with the same attitude: even if Satan was in control of the finances, social acceptance, culture, buildings, religion, the world — everything — we'd be okay.
All that being said, Swift's new song is catchy as ever — filled with the same attitude grunge as her other hits.
When she married six years later, I stood beside her with the same attitude.
- show the same attitude?
Paul tells us to have the same attitude as our Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 2).
Imagine if evangelicals across the country had the same attitude.
More surprisingly, Wesley carried the same attitude into his own movement.
In some societies the line of division was not drawn so clearly between men and the animals, as between the nobility and the peasantry, the latter being treated with much the same attitude as the animals.
For those that might say I should have the same attitude here, over there, you obviously haven't swam with sharks and believe the political blogs are not somewhere where you want to let your guard down, or be terribly sympathetic... they often eat their own.
I have in mind primarily the Sojourners Community and their orbit, though the same attitude can be found elsewhere.
Same thing with Fred Phelps — if the tactics are the only problem, if the political position is essentially the same, then you are just a smiling face over an ugly attitude instead of an angry face over the same attitude.
This same attitude is held by those worlds who have developed a high degree of lucidity as they recognize their own perishing (SM 317, 268, 385).
From requiring women to wear veils, to encouraging them to cater to their husbands» psychological and emotional needs, to barring them from ordination, the various fundamentalisms display much the same attitude toward women.
The same attitude is apparent in Monty Python's classic «every sperm is sacred» segment in The Meaning of Life.
That same attitude is represented in some forms of evangelicalism, as in hymns like,
Paul explained to the Philippian church that all believers should have the same attitude as that of Christ, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.
Says the McFarland woman, «I like these birds because they have the same attitude as me.
This same attitude determines the liberal Protestant stand with respect to the relationship between Christianity and the other world religions.
I see the same attitude in this defending of the scriptures.
Next there appeared in the same attitude a figure of great age and dignity, whose wonderful air of authority marked him as a man of the utmost distinction.
One can well imagine a wisdom teacher like Jesus, son of Sirach, having much the same attitude towards those of his fellow Jews who were fascinated by apocalyptic, as an orthodox churchman today may feel towards some of the stranger Christian sects.
This same attitude is described by Paul to the Church of Rome of the function of the Scriptures: «For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.»
However, this same attitude may well be the reason why empirical science first evolved in western civilization.
I've heard or read varying degrees of that same attitude when it comes to some of the conversations about «biblical» womanhood as people heap guilt on mothers or fathers for everything from choosing public school education to relying on babysitters or daycare, from Sunday School to family structures.
«In your relationships with one another,» he explains, «have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant he humbled himself and became obedient to death — even death on a cross!»
Further, if living in the Norwegian mountains required him to cause suffering to thousands of rabbits or deer, one wonders whether he would adopt just the same attitude.
Too many people have the same attitude that Herod had.
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