Sentences with phrase «same brush»

The phrase "same brush" means that two or more things or people are being observed or judged as being very similar or alike, usually in a negative way. Full definition
When it comes to taxes, painting everyone with same brush is unacceptable.
«We don't want to be painted with same brush as the bad guys.»
If I use a pink eye shadow yesterday and want to use the us ethe same brush for applying blue eye shadow today.
I have known many priests and none ever acted inappropriately towards me — so for you to paint every Catholic priest with same brush speaks to your deep seated and blind resentment... and yeah, the Church did a lot of horrible things in the past — including to my ancestors, so I don't need a history lesson and I won't hang it over their head some couple of centuries later.
Bronze Brushed Nickel Brushed Gold * Please note that as the metal is hand - finished, no two distressed finishes will be exactly the same
If there are any cynics out there, think twice before you tar Lovestruck with same brush.
Whatever the outcome of that process, Nordstrom should not be tarred with the same brush as other department stores.»
People aren't stupid, and trying to paint them all with the same brush or compensate them all in roughly the same way is the quickest way to lose your best people and demotivate even the good ones, who stay while they're looking for their next job.
When demonizing the «rogue» behavior of an enemy state, it's easy to vilify its citizens or tar them all with the same brush.
«I can't paint all of the seminars and all of the products with the same brush, but I can say with certainty there have been problems in this area.
Like a blameless relative tarred with the same brush as Sino - Forest, Silvercorp's odyssey is sparking a wide - ranging discussion about the role of short sellers, the accountability of anonymous accusers, and the challenges of financial reporting across oceans.
And it could tarnish Cook with the same brush that painted former HP (HPQ) Chair Ray Lane when he took control of board nominations, contrary to that board's governance charter.
Faura's opinion piece paints all ICOs with the same brush by claiming each one of them actually offers securities subject to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) scrutiny.
So don't paint all of us with the same brush.
I thought they were the same belief system, except that fundamentalist mormons did not believe in arranged marriage... If they want to separate themselves from the FLDS church they need to come up with a «new church / belief» name so that they are not «painted with the same brush stroke.»
«Please don't paint us with the same brush,» says Wilde, who dresses in modern clothing, wears her hair short and insists that no one seeing her walk down the street would peg her as a woman in a plural marriage.
The point, AND FACT, is that if you have no way of differentiating between loons and sane people, then you can not say «I don't paint everyone with the same brush» because you can not tell who is and who isn't.
The abuse perpetrated by priests is atrocious and hurts Catholics (meaning THE PEOPLE who make up the Church) deeply but that does not given anyone the right to paint every priest the with the same brush of pedophile!
A lot of believers do that, I suspect because it's easier to paint atheists with the same brush than it is to realize that so many people from so many walks of life have found reason to reject the faith you cling to with such desperation.
This picture is quite accurate in way too many cases I'll readily admit, and my church is far from perfect, but you simply can not paint the whole institution with the same brush because a significant portion is corrupted.
Painting all Christian institutions with the same brush has to be a form of bigotry.
«Please don't paint us with the same brush,» said Wilde, 75, who is «relieved» by the latest turn in the Jeffs saga.
Collin, you paint all Christians with the same brush.
Don't paint them all with the same brush!
They feel judged and painted with the same brush so that might be why they are less inclined to jumped to Americans for friendship.
The characters who speak her opinions explicitly paint Christianity and Communism with the same brush as being oppressive to the human spirit in the worst ways.
Therefore we must resist the temptation to respond in kind, rush into judgement, proclaim this as an atheist hate crime against Christians, tar all atheists with the same brush and suggest that atheism inevitably leads to such persecution of Christians.
I think muslims are correct when they say don't paint us with the same brush... and if you christians truly want to be like christ than you should stop being hypocrits, and acknowledge that religions can be perverted and used by bad people for their own purposes that does not mean that the religion or those who follow it are bad it just means that bad people will do bad things including perverting religious dogma for there own purposes.
The truth is that any group whether christian or muslim or jewish or whatever will have nutjobs in their mix, Brevik is one of them and he is a christian, that does not and should not paint all christians with the same brush... and those of you who make this claim are correct, but many of you same christians saying do nt paint us with the same brush are always quick to blame all muslims and islam in general anytime a nut job who is a muslim kills people.
Steve... since Kenny's «J» theory quote came from the fourth gospel, cd you not paint that author (s) with the same brush?
He is also painting thing with the same brush and saying the Bible can't be trusted, etc..
And the «spice» were washed with the same brush.
and i intentionally used «I» in the first paragraph so as not to paint everyone with the same brush.
Perhaps some people are like that but don't tar everyone with the same brush.
Pathetic that, in your entire post, you seem to only indict Christianity yet you paint all religions with the same brush.
While this may be true for some I'm not sure if you can paint everyone with the same brush.
You can't paint all religions with the same brush and yes that's true there were various religions before Christianity but Jesus is not a mythological figure he is a historical figure.
painting all Muslims with the same brush is just wrong Bush said God told him to go to war in Iraq - that means Bush was lying or insane b / c God did not tell Bush to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqies just to get one man.
Again I have to ask if you ues the same brush to tar other groups.
To agree would be blanketing all, putting on blinders, painting all with the same brush.
There are also a number of grandstanding moves he'd make to get publicity (e.g., ordaining an openly gay man to the priesthood in a very public PR blitz only to defrock the guy a few months later because Spong was so concerned about ordaining a gay candidate that he didn't bother to go through the necessary discernment process — this PR move really impacted some very qualified homosexual candidates who were all painted with the same brush.)
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