Sentences with phrase «same calculation it uses»

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Both companies use the same index for ARM calculation, but they have different margins (or «markups»).
These calculations are not determined using the same formula as required of ACA - compliant plans.
Over 20 years, that 10 percent increase would add up to $ 44 million in new money — enough to replace about 33 miles of underground water pipes, according to the same calculation the mayor used in her request to Cuomo.
France, using the same tweaked calculations of gross national income, is going to get a huge sum of money back.
The AAAS calculation used a literal interpretation of these two statements by OMB and CBO, reducing the President's estimate of discretionary outlays for FY 2001 by $ 40 billion and discretionary outlays for FY 2002 by $ 81 billion, and reduces budget authority by the same amounts.
Because quantum particles can exist in multiple states at the same time, they could be used to carry out many calculations at once, factoring a 300 - digit number in just seconds compared to the years required by conventional computers.
So where a conventional computer uses 1s and 0s to make calculations, the fundamental units of a quantum computer could be 1s and 0s at the same time.
Namiko Mitarai explains that they first used the classical calculations from the theories about ecosystems that say that two predators can not exist simultaneously if they both live exclusively on the same prey.
Ancient Greek mathematicians and astronomers were using geometry around the same time, but only to make calculations involving real, 3D space, such as using circles torepresent the orbits of planets around Earth.
The current experiments use such a small number of photons that it would take a standard laptop a fraction of a second to make the same calculation.
I used was the surface temperature responses from histAll --(histGHG + histNatural) to obtain the response to aerosols + ozone + land - use and derive the enhancement of the response for that case relative to WMGHGs that I called E. Calculation of TCR based on histAll in a model is approximately the same as calculating the sum of responses to histGHG, histNat, and histInhomogeneous where the latter includes the factor E.
A subsequent analysis using the most recent kinematic and radial velocity data available in the literature, however, found Proxima «is quitely likely» to be bound to to Stars A and B based on calculations of the binding energy of Proxima relative to the center of mass of the entire triple system, where its orbital semi-major axis exceeds 10,000 AUs and is «on order the same size as Alpha Centauri AB's Hill radius in the galactic potential» (Wertheimer and Laughlin, 2006).
These had used other data to make temperature calculations for the same period.
Do the «older foram transfer function estimates» make different calculations but using the same original material?
When the math teacher needs models to show students what the math is good for, he obtains them from the science teacher, and when the science teacher needs the students to perform mathematical calculations, she utilizes the same process the math teacher used just a week before.
objectives include: Year 6 objectives • solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to 3 decimal places where appropriate • use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to 3 decimal places • convert between miles and kilometres • recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa • recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume of shapes • calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles • calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm ³) and cubic metres (m ³), and extending to other units [for example, mm ³ and km ³] • express missing number problems algebraically • find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with 2 unknowns • enumerate possibilities of combinations of 2 variables • draw 2 - D shapes using given dimensions and angles • recognise, describe and build simple 3 - D shapes, including making nets • compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons • illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius • recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles • describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all 4 quadrants) • draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axes • interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems • calculate and interpret the mean as an average • read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit • round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy and more!
A learner should be able to: • understand and use whole numbers in practical contexts • add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers using a range of strategies • add and subtract decimals up to two decimal places • solve problems requiring calculation, with common measures, including money, time, and length, • convert units of measure in the same system • extract and interpret information from tables, diagrams, charts and graphs find mean and range work out areas and perimeters in practical situations collect and record discrete data
You can multiply a polynomial by a monomial in three simple steps using the same concept of distributing the calculation:
This applet emulates a calculator with limited functioning keys so that the student must figure out other ways to make the same calculation, such as using addition to do multiplication or using other numerical values that break computations up into component computations.
In the same vein, without standardized tests to feed into their calculations, SGPs and other related growth scores used to evaluate teachers would not exist.
The type of ADA used is annual district ADA (for the same year as the expenditures) from CDE's «Attendance School District» and «Attendance Charter School» reports and includes ADA from special education programs and applicable charter schools (i.e., those charter schools with data in the district's Current Expense of Education calculation).
Indiana has been using the same pass / fail metrics to grade schools since 2005, so it's no surprise school corporations have questions about this year's new calculations.
And again, our figures are not derived from speculative models, we use data from the state pension plans themselves, which use the same data in their own financial calculations.
To get a very rough estimate of how many books were borrowed through Kindle Unlimited during November, I have divided the fund of $ 6.5 million by the payout per borrow of $ 1.40, which results in 4,642,857 — a 12 % increase from 4,135,338 using the same method of calculation in October.
Matt's take: The 30 - day SEC yield is the only yield metric for which all fund providers have to use the same calculation.
You use the same calculation, dividing the total by 12.
If you decide to add a slice to foreign bonds (I would not), use the same expanded calculation used with the stock calculation: slice x domestic / foreign (bond) ratio x (the bond side of the) stock / bond ratio.
(The equivalent annual annuity calculation should use the annual effective rate or the nominal annual rate compounded annual, which is the same.
From a quick calculation using the websites above, the lump sum option will save you almost $ 3k in interest over 25 years, while investing these $ 10k will grow to $ 33k over the same time period (considering a return of 5 %).
For example, if you have other capital gains and losses from stock trading in the same year, you would include the mutual fund capital gain distribution in the overall calculation used to determine the net amount taxable at favorable rates.
While most insurance companies use some combination of the same or similar factors to calculate your insurance rate, there's no standard calculation.
These are the same numbers that are used with all S&P 500 Safe Withdrawal Rate calculations.
Whether you are using the 50 - day, 100 - day or 200 - day moving average, the method of calculation and the manner in which the moving average is interpreted remain the same.
The calculation is illustrated in Table 1 (Return Calculator # 2) using the same portfolio as in Calcucalculation is illustrated in Table 1 (Return Calculator # 2) using the same portfolio as in CalculationCalculation # 1.
While every lender uses the same calculation to work out APR, there are a few variables which may make APR seem higher or lower on paper.
Though the TransRisk score is not a true FICO score, the TransRisk score uses the same data and a similar formula for calculations.
You then do the same calculation for each creditor, using each individual debt in the calculation.
The basis calculation for reinvested dividends is the same as those used for ETFs and stocks.
Then, going forward, you'll want to continue reducing those balances further, using these same calculations until your individual and combined utilization percentages fall within the 1 - 9 percent range.
This program uses the same calculation as the IBR repayment plan above, except your payment must exceed 10 % of the difference between your AGI and 150 % of the poverty line.
This is in effect the same as mark to market valuations for illiquid financial instruments and requires poring through records to find the price of either a comparable basket of goods to one that would be used for inflation calculations today or a comparable set of items.
However, past returns are not a guarantee that in future returns will be same, though equities tend to give very good returns in long term, but for our calculations, we will be conservative and use 12 % returns Year on Year on the investments.
You then do the same calculation for each creditor, using each individual debt in the calculation.Your offers to your creditors should look something like this:
Adjusted to remove multiple calculations by the same person, the data show an average RLR of 60.5, based on a total 1,318 responses from homeowners with mortgages (many prospective buyers also used the calculator).
And when medical debt is reported, even with a balance, it doesn't carry the same negative weight in the credit score calculation that it used to.
Therefore the numbers used for income / asset / debt and credit calculation & analysis are not the same numbers that will be used to approve your loan.
The calculations using the same assumptions over a ten - year period would net $ 21,979 for the A-share fund, and $ 21,589 for the B - share fund.
Use the same calculation to determine the dry matter fat and fiber content as well.
Using the same calculation, that's at least 1,000 kcal per day which is a HUGE amount of food for him, and he'd certainly gain a lot of dangerous weight fast.
The Grand Championship (GCH) points awarded are determined by the same divisional point schedules that are used for the calculation of championship (CH) points.
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