Sentences with phrase «same challenges»

Doing 1000 yards of drift was okay fun in burnout, but doing the exact same challenges in another game is not worth $ 60 in my book....
I find this exact same challenge — people focusing too much energy in lower production areas — with entrepreneurs also.
Same clients, same challenging work, better work life balance, control of my own destiny is a compelling pitch to some lawyers these days.
Remember the stats from earlier, you would be surprised how many people have overcome or are going through the exact same challenge you are.
Please lem me know when is the next Challenge starting and how do I enroll myself for the same
Wright challenged Espaillat to do the same
The Cubs have some of the very same challenges — to pull the broadest possible community into Wrigley Field, to change the surrounding neighborhood for the better, and to make the entire country sit up and take notice of what's happening in Chicago.
SK, same challenge here, but while we can't offer reduced prices, we can offer newsletter subscribers things like free short stories, either in the newsletter or by download, or access to subscriber - only giveaways.
Finland is facing changes in integrating technology into education and the very same challenge is happening globally.
Although summer is the perfect time to «bare» legs, mini dresses weren't so many, these demonstrating same long designs, same frills and same challenging slits.
Parenthood gave Jamie Bell an understanding of why his own father left his mother while she was pregnant, but insisted the challenges weren't enough to make him do the same
It's the exact same challenge being played out in the aisles of Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.»
Cuomo tried to address the issue during his first year in office, commissioning a report that outlined the very same challenges the state health department mentioned on Wednesday.
Every business that pre-dated the Internet now faces the same challenge: How to transform to compete in a digital economy?
Strong leaders lead by example, which means they take on all the same challenges as their team, if not more.
And yet with that unbridled excitement and ambition comes the same challenges entrepreneurs have faced for years — how to raise money for their startup idea.
Both companies face the same challenge: They must convince luxury consumers that «cultivated» isn't a fancy word for «fake.»
Even though you have made a name for yourself as an entrepreneur, I'm betting you face the same challenges as other founders.
Verizon will face the same challenge.
We «see» ourselves in the story and vicariously see ourselves experiencing the same challenges and emotions the characters are feeling.
Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges
Residents clustered around Vancouver's Angus Park, a grassy strip just 10 minutes south of the downtown core, face the same challenges faced by most homeowners in that city: debt.
That's not to say that there aren't going to be some concerns and antitrust issues of you know, one distributor owning various content and it might somehow impact other distributors, but it doesn't raise the same challenges as some of those other transitions have brought.
«That's not to say that there aren't going to be some concerns and antitrust issues of you know, one distributor owning various content and it might somehow impact other distributors, but it doesn't raise the same challenges as some of those other transitions have brought,» Delrahim said last year.
«It's the same challenges that my parents faced, and their parents faced.
All of them face the same challenge: to lower the cost of overcoming gravity's pricey pull on people or cargo headed for space.
Some of the companies who introduced personal fitness tech devices will share the same challenges as those in the wearable tech game.
Beyond Google: Women in medicine face the same challenges as women in tech.
«Conventional grocery stores currently face many of the same challenges online as they do offline,» wrote Blue Apron in the company's filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Realizing that other moms were faced with the same challenge, she developed a fitness regimen centered on being outside with your toddler.
These peer entrepreneurs were tackling the same challenges.
When it comes to productivity, we all face the same challenge — there are only 24 hours in a day.
My vice-president of HR, David Heather, does as many customer appointments as I do, because he speaks the language of the HR leader in any company — he has the same challenges, and he goes and talks about what we do as a company.
Everybody who looks at this can put themselves in the place of the people they're watching and say, «That reminds me of the company I work for or that's the same challenge I had with my business.»
Don't arcades have the same challenges as movie theatres?
«And drama is the same challenge, but in drama you have to key a lot more into the emotion of what's happening on screen.
Shooting a missile straight up and down, as North Korea has done in recent tests, doesn't have the same challenges as shooting one on a trajectory that could actually cover ground.
Intuitive said it too is looking to improve technology at a reasonable cost, but newcomers will face the same challenges.
Burger King is facing the same challenges as its U.S. rivals: keeping customers loyal when other fast, cheap options are plentiful and many consumers are on a health kick.
You're not the only one with the same challenge, so learn from others.
Like me, many of our subscribers where precious metals investors, and we shared the same challenge: How do I safely buy and store precious metals?
As a single family office, HCI understands the challenges of managing wealth because we face those same challenges as well.
We share the same dream of homeownership and the same challenges of aging and caregiving for people we love.
While these businesses share many of the same challenges faced by most other small businesses, small business loans for women only account for about four percent of the total dollar amount of small business loans in the United States (according to the Sub-committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship).
All freelancers deal with a lot of the same challenges — from taxes to client relationships.
If you want to ignite your business with learnings and contacts of proven CEO's and CMOs who have lived through the same challenges you are having, Red Rocket can help your business blast off!
An employer ought to prepare their interns for the same challenges full - time employees face every day.
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