Sentences with phrase «same chemicals»

This is because they're the exact same chemical structure as our naturally occurring thyroid hormones.
Himalayan sea salt is LITERALLY the exact same chemical makeup as table salt.
It's AMMONIA based same chemical in rat poison 3.
I promise to minimize my use of toxic chemicals, pesticides and other poisons and to encourage others to do the same
Just curious — if it's so «non-toxic» for the cats to get on their paws & coat, then groom themselves (e.g., ingest the silica gel powder), why are there such stern warnings on those humidity control packets of the very same chemical — silica gel — warning us to not eat it.
Bioidentical is a term which is defined as having the exact same chemical structure as hormones found naturally in the human body.
Chemicalized nutrition may not have the exact same chemical structure which means it may have to be used differently or it may not be absorbed at all depending on how the body «interprets» the shape.
They turned their logo green and rebranded their service as EarthCare, but continued to spray the same chemical compounds on customers» lawns.
Acrylamide (the same chemical California's worried about in coffee) is found in some foods cooked at high temperatures.
Coal contains between 0.1 percent and 6 percent titanium dioxide, the same chemical that's commonly used in sunblock, makeup, and paint.
That's the same chemical that's produced when we are trusted or shown kindness, and it motivates cooperation.
Same thing with adding two chemicals; you always get the same chemical reaction.
My body is composed of atoms of the same chemical elements which are found in inorganic matter.
Essentially made of the same chemicals as stars, we have evolved to consciousness, which includes imagination.
In fact making music together releases the same chemicals in the brain that having sex does.
When seeds are roasted or cooked, they lose valuable enzymes and no longer have the same chemical make up.
High Fructose Corn Syrup, Azodicarbonamide (the same chemical in yoga mats and shoe rubber), Chemical Dough Conditioners, Artificial Flavoring and Coloring, GMOs....
Between the sugar and gums, I don't know how anyone is sleeping well taking this product (it's got ta be the L - Tryptophan they add... the same chemical that makes you tired when you eat certain foods, like turkey at Thanksgiving for all you carnivores).
It is the same chemical undoing that happens when meat, fish or eggs are exposed to high heat.
Oh, and dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same chemical your brain creates when you feel like you're falling in love.
I wouldn't count on generics helping the problem, they're usually made by the same people who make the regulars, so it seems like Advil would be the best non-motrin way to get the same chemical.
That's the same chemical found in horse sedatives!
Because all pregnancy tests use the same chemical reaction to test the sample, they are all pretty much the same when it comes to accuracy.
These same chemicals end up in our air, food, and water supply and indirectly on your baby's skin.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recalled more than 150 brands of cat and dog food last year after finding that some pets became ill or died after eating food tainted with melamine, the same chemical found in the powdered milk.
And it also happens to be the same chemical released in the brain when a person falls in love, says Laura Viehmann, assistant professor of pediatrics at Brown University and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatricians.
It's a little known fact that soaps and shampoos contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) are exactly the same chemicals you'll find in the dish soap you use to degrease your dirty dishes... In the same way as it dissolves the grease on fry pans, sodium lauryl sulfate also dissolves the good and natural oils on your skin and scalp, which can leave you with dry itchy skin.
Oxytocin is the same chemical that is released into the brain when people fall in love or are deeply relaxed, so there's a reason that you may feel extra drowsy (other than the basic exhaustion of parenthood) and extra mushy.
The same chemical is found in many other products — especially food and drink packaging, like some reusable polycarbonate water bottles.
More than three decades after manufacturers stopped making children's pajamas with a flame retardant suspected of causing cancer, new research suggests the same chemical has become the most widely used fire - resistant compound in upholstered furniture sold throughout the United States.
This is because the skin contains a chemical called «urushiol» — the same chemical that's found in poison ivy and sumac, both well known for their potential to cause a nasty reaction on contact.
If you want to mimic the same chemical change that results in the production of milk, you'll need to take hormonal supplements.
Women, regardless of orientation, still have the same chemical and physiological makeup, so on a scientific level, there's nothing stopping a lesbian from producing breast milk.
With a compromised immune system, the affect of even low levels of chemical exposure is enhanced (whereas another person with a strong immune system exposed to same chemicals might not be compromised in the same way).
What that report also does nt mention is the chemicals used in disposables for absorbtion are the same chemicals that were banned from using in tampons due to toxic shock syndrome.
Of course they fail to talk about all the nasty chemicals in those diapers... some of the same chemicals that have been removed from feminine hygiene products for safety concerns.
It's the same chemical found in the water in Hoosick Falls and is considered a carcinogen.
The primary neurochemical involved in the reward of power that is known today is dopamine, the same chemical transmitter responsible for producing a sense of pleasure.
Meanwhile, neighboring communities are discovering the presence of the same chemical.
(Dairy fat also has small amounts of trans - fatty acids, but they are not necessarily the same chemicals as those in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
Most use lab made diamonds, which have the same chemical properties as the real deal.
Researchers suspect that it works directly in the brain to disrupt the addictive power of nicotine by affecting the same chemical messengers in the brain, such as the neurotransmitter dopamine, as nicotine does.
The study's findings showed that volatile elements undergo the same chemical reactions during extreme temperature and pressure events whether taking place on Earth or in outer space.
Although they share the same chemical formula, molecules of opposite handedness can behave very differently in the body.
Then he takes a sip, and those same chemicals travel up from the back of his mouth to the same part of his nose.
In both cases this produced the same chemicals found in the smoker's cab.
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