Sentences with phrase «same classroom day»

AIPCS» 200 pupils take just 20 minutes for lunch and are with the same teacher in the same classroom all day.
The fourth - grader who has trouble sounding out simple words and his classmate who is reading A Tale of Two Cities for fun sit in the same classroom day after miserable day, the one so frustrated by tasks he can not do and the other so bored that both are near tears.
Rather than showing up to the same classrooms every day, the mix - grade cohorts rotate through unique learning spaces reserved by teachers based on their particular lessons.

Not exact matches

I wonder how she would feel about seeing the cross in her son's classroom if this were the only place her son's were being fed a decent meal or only meal of the day and if they were being clothed by the generosity of the same establishment and so on.
The same as in any classroom, in your home there will be good days and bad days and you will be challenged by the conflicts and relationship issues that you will have to deal with.
Here in Houston we've already implemented the same program district - wide, and for those unfamiliar with it, «in - class breakfast» means just that: children receive a free breakfast (regardless of economic need) and bring it into their classrooms to eat at their desks as the school day begins.
Your big kid looks to you for guidance, emotional support and those most important hugs and snuggles that get them through the day... But how do you send them into the classroom, a new environment or with another trusted adult with the same amount of love and confidence they have with you?!
They see us learning during the school day, they come by a classroom where it's a classroom of teachers and they see their teachers engaged in the same work that we ask them to do.
Teacher specialization also usually means that students move classrooms throughout the day (even if they stay with the same class of students), and these constant transitions can decrease instructional time.
The most important step a principal can take is to control classroom assignments so that students who had been recommended for bilingual education before Prop 227 are in the same classroom, making it easier to convert the entire classroom to bilingual education on the 31st day of school.
The first is English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring mixed with regular classroom instruction, wherein both English Learners and English - speaking students are taught in English in the same classroom for most of the day.
Occasionally, even ESL pullout programs, where students spend most of the day learning in English in a mainstream classroom, are mistakenly characterized as bilingual education when the children in the ESL pullout class are of the same ethnicity.
Kirbyville Elementary School Kirbyville, Missouri Grades K - 3 Addie Gaines, principal Our classroom teachers have the same plan time each day.
«I have an opportunity to look at a teacher in a classroom and help answer questions to address challenges they are facing and in the same day think through data visualization implementations for complex learning data in the context of a research project.»
Every classroom in the country has at least five or six of them — the same students day after day.
First and most obvious, we've organized the entire, massive K — 12 system around an age - based, grade - level, 180 - days - per - year calendar; around mostly self - contained and generally low - tech classrooms; and around a pedagogical model centered on a single teacher teaching a uniform curriculum to twenty to thirty children for a prescribed amount of time each day, children who don't have much in common except that they're more or less the same age and (usually) live in pretty much the same community.
Yet we've organized conventional schools in an industrial model and we batch - process students in ways that made sense to «cult of efficiency» experts circa 1920, that lent themselves to uniform teachers delivering a uniform curriculum to groups of twenty to thirty same - age pupils in more - or-less identical classrooms during a six - hour day and 180 - day year that made perfect sense for a country that lacked air conditioning and that wanted to standardize the school year.
I work to bring that same atmosphere into the classroom, and that kind of relationship - building starts on day one.
Savvy administrators can meet the needs of teachers and, at the same time, set the tone for a wonderful school year by visiting classrooms those first days and weeks routinely and regularly, making sure teachers can focus on providing excellent instruction instead of having to hunt down, for example, five additional chairs or a working projector.
«We started with one exercise bike in one classroom and grew quickly to have 11 classrooms that each had their own exercise bike in a corner for students to take turns riding throughout the day, along with one full classroom of 30 exercise bikes so teachers could sign up for 10 to 15 minute periods for every student to have their own bike to ride at the same time.
I realized more people would rather engage with me online than sit in a classroom all day listening to the same health information over and over.
If you have employees that aren't able to spend large chunks of time away from their work then on demand training will be a good choice, eliminating the need for blocking out hours in a day to get everyone into the same room to do classroom training or courses.
As a casual teacher relieving in many classrooms, over a number of subject areas and often seeing the same children during the day in those different classes, it is clear that the teacher who normally takes the class sets the tone and student expectations.
Through these assessments and classroom observations, teachers identify students in need of extra support, who are then assigned to afterschool tutoring the same day.
At the same time actions taken at «higher» levels did not fully determine teacher actions; rather, teachers co-constructed what DI meant for their day - to - day classroom practice as they engaged in sensemaking about the tools and policies provided to them.
I will be out of my classroom for 2 days in a row and its still early in the year so I thought I'd put together a «cheat sheet» for my guest teacher so she can try to use some of the same techniques that my kiddos are familiar with.
Among these similarities are that both case studies (a) span a four - day lesson sequence, (b) were filmed in urban classrooms, (c) involve lessons that actively engage students in doing mathematics and explaining their thinking, (d) allow the viewer to hear the reflections of the teacher voiced before and after the lessons, and (e) were created by some of the same developers.
A learning activity that might take 20 minutes to complete in a classroom setting might take a few days to discuss online, especially if students are not able to be online together at the same time.
Sanford said she further reinforces the small - group morning lessons by repeating the same themes and vocabulary words in her classroom throughout the day.
For most schools, the ability to function as a fully empowered school is typically initiated at the district level, but there are many ways that school leaders and teachers can use this same philosophy in the way that they manage both their staff and their classrooms on a day to day basis.
The same principles used by Google can be employed in classrooms by giving students set amounts of time during their school days or weeks to research and learn about their personal areas of interest.
With differentiated learning being the norm these days, teachers can easily adapt it to provide different levels of the same subject matter, to students with different abilities, simultaneously and this will save classroom management time.
Every day secondary English / Language Arts teachers face students with different independent and instructional reading levels within the same classroom.
Therefore it seemed more «real life» and it made it seem as though we could very well find ourselves in the same situation one day in our own classroom.
I strongly believe all students can succeed at the same level — and I try to prove that in my classroom every day.
Nebraska should limit the number of consecutive days a short - term substitute can teach in the same classroom without completing additional requirements or obtaining a long - term substitute license.
However, substitutes with this permit can only teach for a maximum of 30 days in the same classroom.
It does not specify whether the 45 days can be in the same classroom assignment.
Starting with one - room classrooms where teachers spent the entire day with the same set of students, teaching now involves specializing in one subject and often working with several groups of students throughout each workday.
More than 90 percent of MyLivePD teachers are using information from their coaching sessions the same week in the classroom, sometimes as early as the next day.
Nebraska's policy of allowing substitute teachers to teach 90 consecutive days in the same classroom may be detrimental to instructional quality and daily productivity.
Get the same quality education and eight hours of instruction, without wasting an entire day in a classroom!
When either the classroom course or the online class have been completed by 5 pm CST Monday - Friday the certificates are mailed that same day and received within 2 to 5 business days.
While the curriculum is the same old boring information that a regular traffic school will offer, taking the course online offers three distinct advantages: First, you get to take the course within the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need to drive to a classroom and be forced to sit there for however long the class day takes.
The Chambliss Center provides an extended child care program in the same classroom to cover a full working day.
Children ages 6.8 — 9.8 years (24 with Attention - Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder; 113 typically developing; 72 girls) attended a 2 - week summer day camp grouped into same - age, same - sex classrooms with previously unacquainted peers.
RECAMPUS REFUND POLICY VR will happily provide a full refund or transfer for cancellation or transfer requests received up to 12 days after signing up for the on - line salesperson pre-licensing course, provided that the same person enrolls in the next available classroom pre-licensing course offering.
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