Sentences with phrase «same cloth»

The phrase "same cloth" means that two or more things or people are very similar or alike. Full definition
They are all cut from the exact same cloth and — and knowing that, keeps you so much more knowledge and power than probably most medical professionals.
Murphy and McDonnell are, it seems, cut from same cloth.
All featuring identical specs of 3.3 EFI engine, «Midnight Blue» paint with silver bumpers, 15 - inch alloy wheels as per Royale / Calais, a unique «Cerulean Blue» interior with same cloth as VK SS Group A, black rubber boot spoiler, black Momo steering wheel, GTS badging, and red pinstripe.
The men and women wear same cloth called as «Pehran.»
Bayonetta and its sequel are cut from the exact same cloth.
There are dozens of B2B data providers out there and, for the most part, they're all cut from the same cloth: they build a database and let businesses pick through their bargain bin of leads.
«At our core, OpenFin is a technology company cut from the same cloth as the giants of Silicon Valley, but with a focus on the world's financial hubs,» he said.
And his decision today to green - light the DAPL and Keystone XL pipeline projects together, as if they were cut from the same cloth, with no preconditions, clearly shows it.
Each one of them is cut out of the same cloth,» says Vernon Loucks, CEO of Baxter Travenol Laboratories, a longtime client.»
The CEOs at Ignition - backed companies are, by and large, cut from the same cloth and, as a result, encourage us to meet with their teams.
«Detroit is a community of people who know how to make stuff, and our company is cut from that same cloth
If they're cut from the same cloth as Chelsea Clinton, they're comfortable with their roles as celebrity ornaments.
And they aren't all cut from the same cloth.
Jack and Jill went up the hill» To fetch pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And died a horrible, painful unnecessary death because Jill was a fundie phucktard cut from the same cloth as TheCapitalist who prayed instead of calling 911
LOL, Salero and awanderingscot are cut from the same cloth.
Megyn Kelly is cut from the same cloth as that other famous Fox kewpie doll, Ann Coulter.
You can't even tell anyone else about theirs, except in the most general of terms, because it is uniquely their own; and though it is «cut from the same cloth» as yours, it is individually styled, tailored and fitted.
I view them both as being cut from the same cloth.
Rushworth, who marries Maria, is a dolt cut from the same cloth as Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice, but his very doltishness makes him fun to read about.
According to the Marxists, secular liberation movements and the religious countermovements to which they give rise are cut from the same cloth: Both take for granted the repressive nature of the modern nation state, with its supposedly hypocritical promise of rights for all.
No matter the religion, fundamentalists are cut from the same cloth — ignorance, credulity, and fear.
Any successful New Year's resolution, for Jew or non-Jew, will be cut from this same cloth.
The awful, aching loneliness of those in such extreme circumstances is cut from the same cloth as the garden - variety loneliness that all of us experience.
There are those, especially today, who wonder if those innovations were really good for the country, but even Howe concedes that Jackson's tendency to identify his office and powers with the sovereignty of the nation was cut from the same cloth as his fierce reaction to Southern threats of secession and nullification.
Cut from the same cloth, with a dye suited to my century.
And while one place serves Thai - style street food and another makes dishes that look like an Instagram photo of the forest floor, they're all cut from the same cloth.
your friend olivia must know my friend lisa — cut from the same cloth... this looks like an amazing recipe — looks like it would also work well in the crockpot — pork is one of the best meats for that I have found.
@Charlie Nick It seems as though Carl and Chambers are cut from the same cloth when it comes to defending.
I love the Titans of old, but Fisher and Mularkey are largely cut from the same cloth.
Their head coaches are cut from the same cloth.
Seattle Sounders FC fans are cut from that same cloth, and in just their first year of existence, Sounders FC found themselves backed by a huge following.
I know for a fact Coquelin inhibits us, so if Krychowiak is cut from the same cloth then that's exactly the point i'm making.
He is made of the same cloth as Messi and Ronaldo so trust him to still play at a top level for a couple more years at least.
Have a rec cause we're cut from the same cloth.
i think sato and otto are cut from the same cloth.
What Arsenal need is a manager from the same cloth as Mourinho / Conte, a ruthless manager who'd be willing to bench fancy players if they don't work hard enough.
Wenger and Gazidis are cut from the same cloth so they won't be signing top quality players whether it's Turan, Higuain or whoever else let's just accept our fate will be in the hands or should I say feet of the likes of Walcott, OX, Wilshere the non performing, injury prone, over rated and overpaid english core
In many ways, Howser and Gardner seem cut from the same cloth; both are low - key, average - sized former infielders.
Considering the remarkable speed with which Barcleona forward Neymar went from teenage sensation to global superstar, it's no wonder that teams will quickly pounce on anyone cut from the same cloth as the Brazil captain.
TO and Dez are / were both ME ME ME selfish players with over large ego's cut from the same cloth.
They're cut from the same cloth.
Pep Guardiola is cut from the same cloth as Mourinho and Shankly, Sir Alex Ferguson, Arsene Wenger, Brian Clough and all the other managerial greats who have dominated English football.
Certainly, the two men are cut from the same cloth with respect to the application to the cause they demand from their players.
As his namesake, Kevin, had dived and feigned injury throughout the game, we simply assumed he was cut from the same cloth, and was doing the same.
gosh) years now and our boys are cut from the same cloth.

Phrases with «same cloth»

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