Sentences with phrase «same code of conduct»

«And the same code of conduct.
I wonder if politicians should have the same code of conduct that we lawyers have?
Parents have reported to staff that they are grateful we talk about situations that may arise during youth sports and that we hold everyone accountable to the same code of conduct

Not exact matches

The biblical God establishes laws, rules, codes of conduct much more complex than I laid out for sure, but the point remains the same.
However, other countries such as Bolivia, Venezuela, or Uruguay have also shown interest in the analysis of their respective mass media though such methods, and currently each nation is conducting research.This article will delve into the application of Media Development Indicators in Latin America in order to decipher the design and interpretation codes of these said tools — through a panoramic reading — and, at the same time, probe the current situations of this region.
At the same time, districts for the most part did not overhaul salary schedules — which still are subject to collective bargaining — cut the amount of sick leave or rewrite codes of conduct, Lewis said.
Ultimately your point is well made, your code of conduct should remain the same, online and in person.
Students who wish to attend TWU law school are required by the code of conduct to refrain from having sex with their OWN SPOUSE, if they are legally married to a person of the same sex, or face being kicked out of law school.
At the same time, while 46 percent of Web users were receptive to a voluntary code of conduct, users» current actions suggest otherwise.
In general, these codes of conduct require lawyers to treat opposing parties who are not represented by counsel politely and in the same courteous manner as they would treat a fellow lawyer.
At the same time, just as many lawyers criticize legal education for failing to acknowledge that law is a business, some experts lament that business schools fail to train MBAs as professionals, with a code of conduct and philosophical ideology about their role in society.
At the same time, however, in common law and in accordance with codes of conduct, the prosecutor is said to be a «minister of justice» and «as more a «part of the court» than an ordinary advocate» (Delchev, para. 64 - 65).
The search engines commonly have a code of conduct, while there are some small things that will vary from one search engine to another, but the main principles are the same.
... There is an organization respondent (the Regional Municipality of Halton) in the proceeding that is alleged to be liable for the same alleged conduct as them, no issue has been raised to the organization respondent's deemed or vicarious liability for their alleged conduct, there is no issue as to the ability of the organization respondent to respond to or remedy any infringements of the Code, and no real prejudice would be caused to the applicant or any other party as a result of removing them as respondents to the Application.
Instead, section 122 of the Criminal Code is one of those strange provisions that captures two completely different types of illegal conduct in the same breath.
Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts or codes of conduct or certification mechanisms approved by the European Commission which give personal data the same protection it has in Europe; or
(e) In the event the respondent named in any complaint alleging a violation of the Code of Ethics is involved in any criminal litigation arising out of the same facts and circumstances giving rise to the complaint alleging unethical conduct, the complaint shall not proceed to a hearing before the Professional Standards Committee but rather shall be held in abeyance until the pending criminal proceedings have been concluded.
In the event the respondent named in any complaint alleging a violation of the Code of Ethics is involved in civil litigation or in any proceeding before the state real estate licensing authority or any other state or federal regulatory or administrative agency in a matter arising out of the same facts and circumstances giving rise to the complaint alleging unethical conduct, the complaint may, at the discretion of the Grievance Committee, or on appeal, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, proceed to a hearing before a Hearing Panel of the Board's Professional Standards Committee.
The customer benefitted not only because TREB members were able to market the property all across the city but also because the brokers who belonged to the board operated under a strict code of ethics ensuring the same honourable conduct of the person representing their property all across the city.
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