Sentences with phrase «same count»

After a little while, count the length of your next natural in - breath and breathe out for the very same count.
After the reading, pause again, same count to five, look up and then say, «The Word of the Lord.»
After getting Harper on an outside fastball in a 2 - 1 count in the first at - bat, he changed up in a similar location in the same count.
When Gbenro was later arrested by the DSS, he was on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 dragged before Magistrate Olusola Aluko on a three count - charge bothering on conspiracy, impersonation and attempted fraud; same counts his accomplices were slammed with.
A federal grand jury indicted the Skelos» on the same counts as those outlined in U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara last month — one count of conspiracy to commit extortion, one count of conspiracy to commit fraud, two counts of fraud and two counts of solicitation of bribes or gratuities.
Step 3: Exhale the entire breath for a count of 8, keeping the same counting pace you used for the inhale and the hold.
Start by breathing in for a count of four, then out for the same count of four.
The Ashtanga Vinyasa tradition follows the same counting method for Surya Namaskara A and B to this day.
Continue to breathe with the same count for both your inhalation and exhalation.
Again, you should perform two sets of 10 repetitions, using the same count structure as the crunch for each rep.
The same counts for me with the decennia.
The same counts for the beach which is also within 5 minutes drive away.
The more interesting development, however, was the number of Google Plus (G +) active users surpassing the same count on Twitter.
That's the same count as Facebook's other chat product, WhatsApp.
The same counts for water pressure at taps.
The overall supply of homes for sale, as measured by the count of active listings at the end of February 2015, was down by 8.7 per cent compared to the same count in February 2014.
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