Sentences with phrase «same daily routine»

«Conrad remains very snobbish, despite having the same daily routine as all the other prisoners,» said a source.
I guess it's that same feeling as when you get bored with your life, motioning through the same daily routine, going to the same restaurants, eating the same salad for lunch, gawd it's making my eye twitch just writing about it.
Under our care in your home, your pets will be protected illness that exposure to other animals may cause; they will remain on the same healthy diet that you've placed them on; and possibly most importantly, they will experience the same daily routine, reducing the stress and anxiety that can occur in noisy, unfamiliar surroundings such as boarding kennels.
The job requires a myriad of duties as vet assistants enjoy a challenging career that never features the same daily routine.
Commenting on the findings, behaviour expert, Jez Rose said: «Humans are creatures of habit, however, very quickly we can find that we feel stuck in the same daily routine, occupied with mundane activities such as grocery shopping or cleaning the house.
For 53 years, Sunchari Dunwar, 65, has had the same daily routine.
Many people have the same daily routine and, if their presence can be located at about the same time of day as the slip and fall occurred, they may be able to corroborate a victim's account.
Similarly, eating the same lunch at your desk every day and going through the same daily routine is not healthy and will quickly lead to dejection.
Try to keep some of the same daily routines and avoid rushing into new dating relationships.
Try to maintain the same daily routines and special traditions that your family had before the separation...
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