Sentences with phrase «same decor»

I mean, you almost always know what to expect — the type of songs that'll start airing on the radio, the rotation of Christmas feel - good movie marathons playing on the tube, the same decor that'll overtake storefronts and neighborhoods — year after year.
Love your blog, we share many of the same decor ideas!
You don't get any pool views or balconies here, but the same decor with four - poster beds and green accents.
It uses the same decor and furniture and appears to be the same size.
Fairlane plans to keep the same decor in place for three more holiday seasons, which will coincide with the construction and opening of the new megaplex.
... so this year, I had the challenge of creating a different looking home tour with the same decor pieces!
-RRB-... so this year, I had the challenge of creating a different looking home tour with the same decor pieces!
Because if there's one thing Leah avoids at all costs, it's having the same decor as everyone around her.
The same decor theme is kept across all rooms with dominant white wall color scheme, dark floor and glossy surfaces.
A few years ago I decided it was time to make some small changes in his bedroom since he had pretty much all of the same decor (vintage golf themed) from when he was a baby.
I also love neutral decor and some of the lovely muted tones that are more and more popular for autumn decor but, and this is a big but, I try to use the same decor over and over each year maybe adding one new item per year or making something new so this year's decor is all recycled from more years than I care to remember.
I redid this space for spring, but decided to just keep the same decor through the summer.
You'll probably notice some of the same decor from previous years, I don't buy new every year but like to add or replace a little here and there.
Step 3: Choose either symmetrical or balanced: Symmetry is having the same decor items on both sides to keep it even or equal.
I even used a lot of the same decor that filled my house as a little girl [like these cookie trees and Santa's Cookie Chest]!
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