Sentences with phrase «same destiny»

The phrase "same destiny" means that two or more people or things will experience the same outcome or fate. Full definition
Unconditional love comes from the idea that you help and correct your cooperative partners, who have the same destiny as you, instead of punishing them — there's no point in that.
My sweet potato brownies were a huge success, so I hope the same destiny to this comforting vegan -LSB-...]
That tells me that Arsenal is at peace that Sanchez is a goner and are ready to accept the same destiny for Ozil.
and they will probably suffer the same destiny as Carroll, Thornton and others.
My sweet potato brownies were a huge success, so I hope the same destiny to this comforting vegan -LSB-...]
We don't have to forget that, in this huge world we are living in, we are just simply and only human beings sharing the same destiny.
Therefore, the conference addresses to the cognitive analysis, which has to be done with a polilogic look, where the human being is seen as the same biological specie and the same destiny, as the future history of our biosphere will depend on the historical future of knowledge that we develop and the way we choose to apply it.
Does the same destiny await Keith Cunningham, a forgotten artist of postwar London whose paintings have been rescued from oblivion by the Hoxton Gallery?
Her article's objective might therefore share the same destiny of the neighbouring text's objective, written by two anonymous members of the EU Commission (one assumes) who took part in drafting the rejected proposal for a Monti II Regulation and who use the pseudonym «The Adoptive Parents».
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