Sentences with phrase «same dichotomy»

And there's always the same dichotomy of joy and melancholy I feel in knowing I am just one part of her story.
As there are holistic people and analytical people in the practice of medicine, he sees the same dichotomy in the world of food.
This same dichotomy exists in the workplace with salespeople.

Not exact matches

The reason is that the idiom «tends to perpetuate the conventional dichotomy between so - called «theoretical» («wissenschaftlich,» «academic») and «practical» disciplines, and at the same time to promote a false impression of agreement on terms» (63).
I think Hannon and I actually agree that the debate should be about the procreative / non - procreative sexual dichotomy and not the same - sex / opposite - sex dichotomy, and that we differ only in what the solution should be; this subject is the area in which I would have preferred a stronger and less assumptive argument.
In American culture today, we speak of the dichotomy between same - sex relations and opposite - sex relations, as opposed to sex ordered for the purpose of procreation and sex not ordered for the purpose of procreation.
Their story made me see that things aren't that simple, and that the «war» between Christianity and homosexuality represents a false dichotomy that is incredibly painful and destructive to Christians with same - sex attractions.
From Plato, who defined time as a moving (i.e., imperfect) image of eternity, down to St. Thomas, who stressed the perfect immutability of his Supreme Being in terms indistinguishable from the language of the Eleatic school, we can trace the same persistent theme — a metaphysical dichotomy of Being and Becoming, of perfection and imperfection, of the timeless and the temporal realms.
@Jasper you're disregarding your own dichotomy if you think the nationalists and internationalists were on the same side of the overton window when you only consider a small part of the economic model of anti-capitalism.
Technical service work presents you with a constant dichotomy: You are providing a service and have a genuine desire to help people work through technical problems, but at the same time you are working under time constraints given the large number of queries you receive each day.
But I can completely relate to the whole challenge dichotomy — it spurs you on but also shackles you at the same time.
Kelly Preston (Eulogy) has less to do unfortunately, and occasionally the couple slip into predictable and clichéd father / mother dichotomies in the same way that The Incredibles did.
Such touches aim for archetypal Americana, but wind up as secondhand mimicry of the same disembodied - ear - behind - the - picket - fence dichotomies wielded to much sharper effect in the work of Lynch and the Coens.
It's an odd dichotomy that works surprisingly well for the series, and Far Cry 5 looks to carry on that same tradition.
Rodriguez's career is one of the most prominent and curious dichotomies in Hollywood, as he manages to make both super violent action flicks (Machete, Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and family adventures (the Spy Kids series), employing several of the same actors in both.
Exploring the concept of the cop and the robber on opposite sides of the same coin is a premise that pretty much every crime drama has delved into in one way or another, yet Mann manages to create the dichotomy's epitome.
Because of the game's use of the Light / Dark dichotomy, some dungeons in the Dark World are in the exact same places with dungeons located in the Light World.
Richter has repeatedly indicated his belief that the dichotomy between figuration and abstraction is essentially a fallacy, and his expression of the same ideas through vastly different styles throughout his career corroborates this assertion.
On this dichotomy, the artist states: «This mixture is a dilemma but also a connection; it is a confrontation but at the same time a harmony.
It is this same, turgid dichotomy found therein, that also characterizes Bridle's internal tension as both pieces represent reflections of each other and of her being.
There's a false dichotomy of nature and us, actually we are part of the same system, that system supports life for us and if you remove a pin, if you remove one of the screws the whole things starts to break down.
At the same time, in keeping with the object - effect dichotomy, the De Minimis Notice and its market share tests do not apply to restrictions by object.
The Law Commission criticised the «illogical dichotomy between the fraudster who chooses to operate by means of a # 10 shelf company which is no more than his alter ego and a mechanism for fraud, and on the other hand, the fraudster whose conduct is the same as the first but who does not either feel the need for such a device or who seeks to give the appearance that he is trading through a company but not go through any of the formalities of acquiring one» (Law Comm 277 Cm 5609 para 8.11).
It's is a dichotomy of love and hate that forms the perfect storm into one spectacular, while at the same time completely frustrating, phone.
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