Sentences with phrase «same disease»

Although not part of the cohorts, they will focus on same diseases.
This is your disease manual, it will be different from someone else who has the exact same disease because we are individuals even in our disease.
Dogs aren't just living alongside us; they are suffering with the very same diseases and frequently dying like us, too.
Some months after the families gave him DNA samples, Alkuraya delivered the results: All four parents carried one copy of the exact same disease mutation, a change of a single DNA base in a gene called ADAT3.
ALBANY — A lawmaker battling cancer stunned colleagues Friday by coming out against a medical - marijuana bill designed to help people cope with the very same disease.
Because these bacteria are transmissible, it explains why the exact same diseases could be transmitted from humans to rabbits by tooth transplantation in Dr. Price's experiments.
By 1890, the same disease appeared in Gros Michel crops in Costa Rica and Panama, and 20 years later, it was finally attributed to the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
The underlying sickness is described differently by the Mandinka people and the Fula, and by the Soninke and the Wolof — and in ways that don't always translate to either the same disease or the same urgent message: «Go to the clinic right away.»
We'll still have the same diseases, troubles and sadnesses that everyone else has, but with God there to give you the strength to pull through....
(The elevated risk was highest in the first year following a sibling's death, in part due to genetics as many children died of the same disease as a sibling.)
«He has been diagnosed with a brain tumor at forty - four, which would have been devastating enough if he had not already lost his identical twin brother to the same disease a few years ago.»
Along with running a not - for - profit organization for others afflicted by the same disease, Jessica is rising at 3:30 a.m. every morning to train for the 2012 London Paralympics before she heads to school.
My grandmother suffered from the same disease you had and as she's been using your recipes and she's improved by far she still on medication but she is so much better thanks to you!
(Keep in mind that the nursery should not be established near other peppers, Irish potatoes or tomatoes because they are all susceptible to many of the same diseases.)
Many of us today truly ARE eating like the Kings and Queens of old, and suffering the same diseases they did.
Brigance not only served as inspiration for the latest Super Bowl champions, but according to the Baltimore Sun, he's also raised over $ 1 million dollars worth of support for ALS research, helping others who are stricken, and will be stricken, with the same disease he has.
Afc fans are toothless coz we r suffering from the same disease like our players they are also toothless so do nt blame the players that much.
Seems like you have the same disease as Wenger — delusions of adequacy!
But then Parker developed Type 2 diabetes, the same disease that killed his father, and that... [Continue reading]
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is the same disease found in the brains of numerous NFL players, a condition born from concussions.
Lifelong resident Michael Hickey lost his father to kidney cancer in 2013 and soon after that a family friend died from the same disease.
Through clinical follow up of dogs genetically at risk, the research team was able to confirm that several disorders cause the same disease signs also in other than previously described breeds.
The same genes are often affected in the same diseases in both species.
Part of our ancestry is indeed with Neandertals — we grow the same way in our bones and teeth and share the same diseases
Not everyone with traumatic brain injuries develops the same diseases, but more severe injuries can damage more genes, said Gomez - Pinilla, who also is a member of UCLA's Brain Injury Research Center.
Knowing that the mutation causing a child's intellectual disability is new rather than inherited can also reassure parents that other children they conceive are unlikely to have the same disease.
The same disease has taken its toll on the lions of the Serengeti, and a mutated version threatens seals around the world.
albopictus, which can transmit the same diseases but thrives over a much larger range.
The study, the most comprehensive analysis ever conducted of RNA molecules in human saliva, reveals that saliva contains many of the same disease - revealing molecules that are contained in blood.
This is important because the proportion in which the de novo mutation is present in a patient, as well as the type of cells in which it occurs, may not only determine the clinical outcome of a disease for the patient, but also affect the risk of the parents having another child with the same disease in future pregnancies.
Your report makes the statement that «Peer reviewers thus need not be scientific «competitors» of the applicant, or even be studying the same disease or organ system».
Keeping the faith Even when all the kinks are addressed, stem cell therapies may heal some patients but not others with the same disease.
In Denmark, where donors can be anonymous, it was recently revealed that a man with a rare hereditary disease had between 40 and 75 offspring who inherited the same disease.
Some of that happens in the form of large placebo - controlled clinical trials aimed at answering questions such as which of two existing treatments for the same disease produces the best results for the least money.
Although some of the symptoms varied between individuals, the results identified mutations in the same disease gene.
The same disease caused a deadly outbreak 26 years ago when more than 700 dead bottlenose dolphins were found from New Jersey to Florida between June 1987 and May 1988.
Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is?
«Doctors now also have the ability to bring the same diseases they're seeing in the clinic right into the laboratory and experiment on them in a pre-clinical setting,» said Stephen Tuttle, PhD, an adjunct assistant professor of Radiation Oncology who was recognized as a key figure in helping this research room come together by members of the Radiation Oncology brass.
Diana, whose twin sister died from the same disease, says there are multiple reasons she and John decided to participate in the resveratrol study, and they now know he was assigned to take the active drug.
The event was even more tragic because it was the third infant to die in this family from the same disease.
«Disuse osteopenia is the same disease that astronauts get when they're in microgravity environments for long periods of time,» Caird said.
As Vogelstein and his co-authors pointed out in the study, most identical twins do not die from — or even get — the same diseases, which should be a first clue that genetics can only go so far in determining pathological outcomes.
Hispanic Americans tend to survive illness and live longer than white Americans with the same diseases even though the Hispanics have less education, income and access to health care.
But is it the same disease, and is it caused by the same thing?
«It can also indicate whether other family members may be at risk of the same disease and provide an accurate recurrence risk for future pregnancies.»
The first six ferrets to be caught perished of the same disease after being housed together.
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