Sentences with phrase «same doctrine»

The phrase "same doctrine" means having the same set of beliefs or principles. Full definition
Sorta, that they see two churches across the street from each other and think that each is preaching the exact same doctrine.
Our Father... and you do understand, God that I'm talking about only those believers in you that adhere to the very same doctrine that I do, preferably the ones that got saved in my church and were baptized by my pastor, but not the old pastor because he read the Amplified Bible, thats the our I'm talking about, God, certainly not those from the church down the street, and definitely not those other ones on the next block.
Or assumed the Father had become man (only an assumption) he had teached the same doctrine like Jesus.
The marks of the Catholic church are: One - In doctrine, sacraments, and head (the pope); Holy - its sacraments and teachings lead men to holiness; Universal - meaning the same doctrine and sacraments and head throughout the world; and Apostolic - can be directly traced to the Apostles and Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, if the same doctrine tries to incorporate into its own body the element which is ex definitione excluded, then it ceases to be logically coherent.
It's funny but most religions will use their doctrine to expouse their authority and ignore the same doctrine when their authority is used in the wrong way... manipulation.
Both are First Baptist churches and share the same doctrine.
The result of the print culture church adopting the expectation that all Christians would agree to exactly the same doctrine resulted in the shattering of Christian fellowship and some bloodshed.
But then I was associated with Tsio - siuk - i, who was also killed for the same doctrine: I spent several years with him, and my heart is full».
To the contrary, the Joint Declaration obviously intends that the Lutheran formula expresses the same doctrine.
It may be worth noting that America's greatest theologian, Jonathan Edwards, had more or less the same doctrine.
We often think that for the sake of unity we need uniform structures, the same doctrine, the same language and culture, and all should become of one race and color.
Both, are of the same doctrine of hate, fear and disgust.
Peter echoes the same doctrine when he says in his first letter, «You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot» (1 Peter 1:18 - 19).
Under the same doctrine, that same National Assembly can pass a law and the law is challenged up to the Supreme Court and the court strikes out that kind of law and say the law was illegal.
The overarching ethical principles that need to be considered when engaging in animal research are driven by the same doctrines of replacement, reduction, and refinement in both the United Stated and Europe.
Today, Palermo Law still operates under the same doctrine, and our results speak for themselves.
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