Sentences with phrase «same door»

The idiomatic expression "same door" means to leave or depart from a place in the same manner as you arrived. Full definition
Same time to pee, same feeding time, use same door to go outside, and take puppy to the same potty spot!
Each one will walk out the very same door on the very same afternoon as the other.
I don't know why it would be cheaper since you use the exact same doors for both; only the hardware is different.
The light blue / gray door is almost the exact same door that I have on my studio!
But when she opens the very same door she is told not to open it because it acts as a gateway from this life to the next, she unleashes a force of unimaginable horror.
I have the exact same doors with windows!
I am looking for the exact same doors, but can't seem to find them anywhere.
The same door I had been oblivious to in the midst of chasing my own ambition.
«During the first half of the twentieth century, scientific modernists and fundamentalist Christians seemed to stand on opposite sides of the same door.
My point is, if you leave the door open to justify the Canaanite genocide, don't be surprised if modern crusaders try to push their way through that same door and then cite the Bible in their defense.
(The Same Door, p. 44).
If you have a refrigerator with the freezer within the same door as the refrigerator, it will only last 2 weeks.
When walking becomes her prime mode of transit, baby will naturally want to use the same doors you do.
Of course, you can not shield your child from all cues; if he was rejected at school, he'll almost certainly have to endure walking through those same doors every day.
Peterson has every right to seek a primary, Mulhall said, but his representatives are knocking on many of the same doors as Shelley's, making it more difficult for each to obtain the necessary 250 signatures to get on the ballot.
For those who have those same doors slammed in their face, it's little more than a fantasy.
The governor entered the Court of Appeals through the same door as its judges, sitting beside the robed jurists as he gazed down upon the state's attorney general, comptroller and prosecutors in the pews below.
Actors answering the same telephone call and entering the same door into a house on a blustery autumnal evening — it's not hard to imagine a stagehand with a leaf - blowing machine hidden behind the door whirling leaves into the air upon each actor's entrance.
Time isn't Vertigo, but it lives behind the same door in our collective, Jungian cellar.
Yet through the power of narrative description, we are all probably picturing the same door in our heads.
INFINITI M30: The M30 also carries the same door - locking system installed on the Q45.
At a glance, you could easily mistake the new Corsa for its predecessor — it has the same door pillars and glass area as before.
If you're climbing into the driver's seat or sliding behind the driver, it doesn't matter — you open the same door since there's only one massive see - through door per side.
In the rear, you find the same style of center console and the same door - trim panels as well.
Once the door opens with Hachette to dictate its own terms, terms that will block Amazon from offering its titles to readers at a discount, then that same door is thrown open even wider for other publishers to follow suit.
I noticed the Bold and Tour have the same door and I know many people who's Tour battery cover is very loose.
This is the same door we all face when we decide to follow our dreams and pursue our passions.
People looking for lost pets, turning in strays or unwanted pets, and officers bringing in injured, dangerous or lost creatures all come in and out of the same doors in the same 10 foot square room — a dangerous situation for animals, public, and staff alike.
Always use the same door and route, and for the first several months leave one or two stools in the elimination area each day for it to smell.
During yard training, take the dog out by the same door every time.
(This is why you're going to the same door during house training process and repeating «outside?»
Use the same door if possible, and the same leash if you do not have a fenced yard.
It's a good idea to use the same door to go outside each time, and to say something like «let's go potty» while you both are on your way out the door.
Identify your routine (examples: picking up the keys, putting on your coat at the door, picking up a bag by the door, verbally saying goodbye to people / animals in the house, leaving from the same door each time, physically touching Jake before leaving, etc..)
Go out the same door each time for potty and to the same area.
By regularly taking the dog outdoors, through the same door, to the same site, and providing rewards for proper elimination, the puppy should soon learn to head for the door each time it has to eliminate.
They go to school with identical routes and enter through the same door, while finding it extremely difficult to talk or communicate with children in their classes.
The Great Pyrenees is easily housebroken if you persist in simple rules, such as always taking the puppy out the same door to relieve himself.
Each time that you take your new puppy or dog outside for elimination, use the same door, and take her to the same general outdoor area.
Always use the same door to go outside.
Another good idea is to use the same door all the time when you are taking him out so that when he has to go, he will scratch on the door to be let out.
We do our best to focus on the positives to get people in the front door and our pets out that same door.
Owners are advised to take dogs out of the same door and to the same «potty» area consistently.
Go to the same spot, use the same doors, walk the same path, give the same commands.
Go out the SAME door each time for pottyANDto the same area.
Remember to take her out to the same bathroom area using the same door each time at regular intervals.
I am amazed that I had 3 dogs that have all passed on at ages above 13 years and we now have another set of 3 pups that are still using the same door!
5) Desensitizing departure cues — dogs learn to associate certain cues with the owner's departure — picking up keys, putting on a coat, going out the same door, etc..
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