Sentences with phrase «same effect on one's body»

Kinetin has the exact same effect on our body and keeps us young longer.
Kinetin has the exact same effect on our body and keeps you young.
Hello I have a question regarding SPROUTED FLOURS, do they have the same effect on the body as just wheat etc..
It has the same effect on the body whether it's the white stuff you put i your coffee or the sweet stuff bees make.
Pumping or expressing breast milk by hand does not have the same effect on your body as breastfeeding does.
... The amount of money that is intended to affect the outcome of elections, but does not go directly to candidates has been growing like virus, with the same effect on the body of politics.»
So, if other star systems contain gas giant exoplanets, it stands to reason that they would have the same effect on bodies orbiting close to their star.
All sugars ultimately have the same effect on your body, breaking down to glucose and fructose.
With the right lifestyle changes, you can achieve the same effect on your body.
Not only do I hate counting calories, but I know that calories are really only half of the battle, as they're not all created equal — 400 calories of Doritos do NOT have the same effect on your body as 400 calories of high - quality vegetables and protein.
Red wine and other types of alcohol have the same effect on your body - they destroy the collagen and accelerate aging of the skin, which leads to more visible cellulite.
Scientists found that drinking one glass of red wine has the same effects on your body as two hours of moderate exercise.
These are usually much higher in sugar content and may have the same effect on your body as refined white sugar.
By indulging in healthy treats day after day, I was pumping my body with way more sugar than it could ever need in a day — yes, even natural or healthier sugars have the same effect on your body as white table sugar — that's a story for another post!
Even though we're still technically putting healthy whole foods into our body, we still have to be mindful of the sugar content (yes, even natural sugar has the same effect on our body as refined white sugar) and the effect it has on the brain.
«Raw sugar, brown sugar and natural sugar are often promoted as healthier but it has the same effect on the body as sucrose,» he explains.
Your pituitary gland naturally produces the hormone, and scientists developed a way to create a substance that has the same effect on your body.
Not all the carbs have the same effect on body.
Isolated, synthetic nutrients don't have the same effect on our bodies, because most nutrients require co-factors and enzymes to be properly absorbed and activated.
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