Sentences with phrase «same emotions of love»

They will both cycle through the same emotions of love, anger, and sadness, but they will never be in the same place in that cycle at the same time.

Not exact matches

Don't you see that children, 4, 5, 6 year olds can come to the same basic belief as you have, and they do not arrive there by using reasoning abilities, but are usually lead there out of fear or love, two very powerful emotions?
We as humans either know anger... gentleness / love or hate... peace or anxiety... we as humans can not understand that God is all of those things at the same time because to us it is not possbile... His emotions are way beyond are ability to understand... and when we don't understand we decide to discredit it... we decide if we can't apply the «scientic method» to God then He can't be real.
But religious love is only man's natural emotion of love directed to a religious object; religious fear is only the ordinary fear of commerce, so to speak, the common quaking of the human breast, in so far as the notion of divine retribution may arouse it; religious awe is the same organic thrill which we feel in a forest at twilight, or in a mountain gorge; only this time it comes over us at the thought of our supernatural relations; and similarly of all the various sentiments which may be called into play in the lives of religious persons.
But does the fact that different experiences can be made out of the same «material»» the fact that similar emotions can accompany a love affair, a conversion to God, or a conversion to totalitarianism» mean that the experiences are morally equivalent?
At the same time, a 5 - year - old can't — and doesn't need to — grasp the actual mechanics of sex, they don't understand the emotions behind adult love, and they may be frightened by discussions of erections, periods, labor, and other bodily functions that they can't yet understand.
When the nurse handed him to me for the first time, I felt that rush of love you hear about — that same surge of emotion that I felt right after the birth of my first two babies when the nurses handed them to me.
With the right mix of understanding, affection and care towards each other's feeling, you can give birth to a beautiful relation with someone who might have a different outlook, color and caste, but just the same emotion and understanding of love, like you do.
Debra Rosenman writes in the introduction of her soon to be released book, The Chimpanzee Chronicles: Spellbinding Stories From Behind The Bars, «Chimpanzee's are not playthings, actors, or science project, they are sentient, intelligent and emotionally complex beings, capable of feeling and expressing the same emotions as we do - sadness, grief, excitement, anger, depression, joy and love
detecting emotions of peoples that surrounds her... our household consider her as a family member and she return same loving and cuddly personality..
These findings don't necessarily mean that our dogs love us, but because many of the same things activate both the human caudate and the dog caudate, neuroscientists say this could be an indication of canine emotions.
At the same time, empathetic people maintain positive emotions — feelings of concern, love, hope, and strength for the other.
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