Sentences with phrase «same emotions she felt»

In her mind she probably went to the same emotions she felt when she was a child and afraid, this is typical of someone who has experienced this.

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Tap into emotion and ask questions such as, «How would you like to feel the same way Jamie does?
We «see» ourselves in the story and vicariously see ourselves experiencing the same challenges and emotions the characters are feeling.
And the same way Rhoades had Axelrod define his own problem and speak it, Shull has her clients identify the emotions they are connecting to their weaknesses, giving them a name and feeling them fully.
If you think that your personal experiences and emotions consti - tute evidence, then by that same logic, every other god and religion is equally as valid, and their followers say and feel just as you do.
I hurried back to my hole, and, rage giving place to despair, sought for the potion that was to procure abortion, and swallowed it, with a wish that it might destroy me, at the same time that it stopped the sensations of new - born life, which I felt with indescribable emotion.
I know that I am «the same person» now as the person who started writing this paper; and I also know that I have undergone a complex variety of changes in sensation, feeling, emotion, ideas, bodily processes and so on between then and now.
But religious love is only man's natural emotion of love directed to a religious object; religious fear is only the ordinary fear of commerce, so to speak, the common quaking of the human breast, in so far as the notion of divine retribution may arouse it; religious awe is the same organic thrill which we feel in a forest at twilight, or in a mountain gorge; only this time it comes over us at the thought of our supernatural relations; and similarly of all the various sentiments which may be called into play in the lives of religious persons.
We don't try to change the emotion, we just ask that everyone commits to a productive and respectful conversation even as they continue to feel the emotion (because lets be honest, my team is only reproducing the exact same emotions that are felt when race conversations happen randomly.
The moon, sea, stars, etc. do NOT feel the same emotions and thoughts of awe that we do.
«8 At the same time, religion is itself always interested in the universal, because the generalities of philosophy give some coherence to the particularities of emotion and feeling that belong to the data of religion.
We actually become chemically addicted to the peptides that those «fluttery feelings» (emotions) release within us, this explains the seemingly strange phenomena of why we miss the orchestrated emotional elation while at the same time realizing that we were being intentionally manipulated by it.
«I feel the same emotions as I did when I was a player, when I come to Milanello it's like I'm in heaven,» he continued.
At the same time, let her know it's OK to feel angry, sad, scared, excited, or whatever other emotion she experiences.
Sometimes you want to share joy, sadness, confusion, a whole spectrum of emotions, and it's so reassuring to know there is a safe place to do this that's full of supportive ladies who more than likely have or do feel exactly the same.
Attempting to find support among parents who do not share the same approach to child - raising is like comparing apples to oranges, and the advice you receive is likely to deepen the sense of doubt being felt, and therefore create guilt — not to mention conflict with your personal values system, which creates its own set of uncomfortable emotions.
I happen to think that when we don't express our emotions or overly judge our emotions, we are teaching our kids to do the same... and that it's bad for them to feel anything other than happy, happy, happy.
As time passes and your emotions change, keep in mind that most NICU parents feel many positive and negative feelings — even at the same time.
Women may be feeling very different emotions at different times — or all at the same time!
This study shows that learning to deal with emotions and stress, and feeling safe at a young age plays a role in how we handle these same issues later in life.
I felt the same emotions of self - doubt that I had felt at the end of my pregnancy with Annabelle.
When your kids know that you understand what they're going through, and they realize that you have, at times, felt that same emotion, it will help them be able to better manage difficult situations.
I guess people just tend to always talk with too much emotion on things they are passionate about and those who arent on the same boat feels those who are are OA na.
By: Jenny MontagueAs I begin another school year as food service director in Kalispell, Montana, I can't help but wonder if my enthusiasm, anticipation, and anxiety aren't exactly the same emotions the students are feeling as they await the return to their classrooms.
I told my friend that I did not want a shower because I was feeling all the same emotions.
Depending on how the birth went, you could feel anything from elated to exhausted and emotionally drained, and even all three of those emotions all at the same time!
When the nurse handed him to me for the first time, I felt that rush of love you hear about — that same surge of emotion that I felt right after the birth of my first two babies when the nurses handed them to me.
«It was very beneficial to my grieving process to physically see via my computer that my friends were feeling the exact same emotion,» wrote one of the individuals Fearon surveyed.
The discovery follows earlier work by the same Italian research team, which found that dogs wag to the right when they feel positive emotions (upon seeing their owners, for instance) and to the left when they feel negative emotions (upon seeing an unfriendly dog, for example).
While emotions are actions accompanied by ideas and certain modes of thinking, emotional feelings are mostly perceptions of what our bodies do during the emoting, along with perceptions of our state of mind during that same period of time.
It is not clear whether it is the feeling of disgust that changes a person's confidence in this way, or whether inducing alertness with a different emotion, such as anger or fear, would have the same effect.
Being able to admit when I'm scared shows them we feel the same emotions and that brings us closer together.
I distanced myself from my emotions in an effort to never feel the same vulnerability again.
Food helps to numb the emotions we'd rather not feel in the same way alcoholics drink to numb out.
I actually felt all the same emotions and energy after my run last night so we both crazy — just different kinds.
Essential oils are also processed by the olfactory bulb and the limbic system, the same system that processes thoughts, memories, and emotions, which can help us feel calm, encouraged, and so on.
Perhaps you've had some sessions with an Inner Bonding facilitator and felt how much easier it seemed to stay with your strong emotions and stay in the dialogue process, but it's just not the same when you are alone.
Your favorite cocktail should evoke those same emotions and that same gut feeling.
So many things have changed since that day and you have been on a roller coaster of feelings and emotions while becoming accustomed to the new way of life, of that I am pretty certain as it is much the same situation and path that everyone in your shoes has had to travel.
With the right mix of understanding, affection and care towards each other's feeling, you can give birth to a beautiful relation with someone who might have a different outlook, color and caste, but just the same emotion and understanding of love, like you do.
Of course you may have them both with the same person and it's just perfect but sex is always emotions and life is feelings.
In other words, you will share the same feelings and emotions, which will eventually unite you.
Readers who responded as fully I did to the book are unlikely to feel the same convulsive emotions watching the end of DH2.
There's much more emotion and darkness put into it, although I will admit that Rapture feels more of the same.
On Chesil Beach presents a deeply moving story with intricate ramifications and a big secret at the heart of its storyline, but the film somehow fails to ignite the same feelings and emotions as the book does.
But being someone who's just never really felt attuned to the art of the graphic novel, throughout I couldn't help but think that even the best panel of Persepolis might be substituted by a better written description of the same represented event or emotion.
On the whole, On Chesil Beach presents a deeply moving story with intricate ramifications and a big secret at the heart of its storyline, but the film somehow fails to ignite the same feelings and emotions as the book does.
You are likely to feel the same emotion he does when she poetically explains the fateful beauty of the flower.
That is why this movie is so amazing, it triggers certain nostalgic emotions that by the end of the movie you are feeling the same type of opportunity and freedom that Lady Bird does.
There is a general wash of emotion from the children as they all feel the same way about David.
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