Sentences with phrase «same evil»

The Jews got right back into bed with the same Evil that they had survived not only 50 years earlier.
He showed that communism and Nazism were but two sides of the same evil coin.
As you will see in the post, I am not advocating sympathy or patience for oppressors of the past, but rather an acknowledgment that Christians today are capable of the same evil.
Both are «ultimately due to the same evil: the notion that there are no indisputable truths to guide our lives.»
I believe that the demonic force emanating from our collective unconscious, created by everyone nurturing violent, destructive negative thoughts, which manifested to me is the same evil force that possessed all these senseless killers.
The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world.
He reminded them that the same evil that destroyed the bodies of prisoners was destroying the souls of his captors.
The same evil crept underneath the separate but equal doctrine with the prize being one that people sacrificed their bodies and humanity to integrate schools for.
My grandfather on another side helped write the SAS handbook sometime after the above happened, he fought that same evil.
Knowing they couldn't defeat this true leadership The evil individuals handpicked a little boy named Gustavito to act as their puppet Realizing that he couldn't compete against true leadership... Gustavito sold his Latino soul, dignity and pride to the same evil group who are forcing Boricuas and Dominicans out of our neighborhoods.
The lean narrative drive builds a real head of steam as the private vendetta of revenge turns Ford into a real bastard only brought back to Earth by the kindness and courage of others touched by the same evil.
Lisa is trapped in the last day of her life with her family in a sort of Groundhog Day conceit, except that she's a ghost who eventually figures out that the same evil ghost dude guy has been killing young girls just like her for decades, and that it's up to her to break the cycle.
Rian Johnson's movie casts the eternal conflict between good and evil in a whole new light, and «Star Wars» will never be the same
To stop them, we risk awakening the same evil in ourselves.»
Though Ember has successfully exorcised demons before, this one is the same evil spirit responsible for the deaths of Ember's wife and child years ago.
He added, «We are sick unto death of being analyzed, mesmerized, bought, sold, and slobbered over, while the same evils that are the ingredients of our oppression go unattended.»
They share the same Evil Co. face that was established in Doom 3 but with a more absurdist and comical slant.
They arise from «the same evil: the notion that there are no indisputable truths to guide our lives, and hence human freedom is limitless.»
So children both with and without their noncustodial parents around are suffering the same evil.
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