Sentences with phrase «same first name»

One example would be using the same first names but different middle names and calling the son by their middle name to help differentiate between the two.
I have the same first name as a ** very ** famous person but no matter how clearly I introduce myself, many many people get it wrong, changing it into a form I detest.
Those who saw «Tusk» will remember the yoga hosers of the title, both of whom share the same first name, and are helpfully referred to throughout as Colleen C. (Lily - Rose Depp) and Colleen M. (Harley Quinn Smith).
Here he goes further, inhabits the role until there seems to be no boundary between character and actor (no accident that both share the same first name).
Its lead character is a screenwriter, like McDonagh, and he shares the same first name with the real - life writer guy.
Finally is Jack (James Nesbitt), an Irish author with a bad case of writer's block who happens to share the same first name of the author (Jack Hitt) from whose book Estevez» screenplay is based.
Finally, always remember to sign your first and last name — there may be another student with the same first name as you.
For the practice exercises in class, each login name had the same first name as the role's character (and all different last names).
When I was growing up, I could easily identify with nerdy Peter Parker during his school days and also because we shared the same first name.
Diehl, who was tall and thin, and Cruz, who was short and stocky, both shared the same first name, Michael.
Arthur C. Clarke was my hero as a youth — it helped that he had the same first name (but I doubt my parents had heard of him before I came along).
That way your resume won't get confused with someone with the same first name.
(If there are four people working in the office sharing the same first name, which one will get the call when the other party calls back?)
And I'm happy to say that although I go by the name Dolley, you and I share the same first names, Ruth Ann.
I have a lot of male friends — including a collection of male friends who all share the same first name (some people collect stamps, I collect [insert name here]-RRB-.
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