Sentences with phrase «same flawed assumptions»

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He did this by contradiction, logically: He assumes that these infinite sets are the same size, then follows a series of logical steps to find a flaw that undermines that assumption.
The assumption that the salary for income of 60K is the same as for income of 300K is flawed.
If you go into a discussion of the Best Downloadable Game of 2010 thinking that Monday Night Combat should win, you're less likely to think about its flaws (e.g., limited maps, repetitive comments from the announcer) and more likely to remember its strengths (e.g., class balance, fun character design) relative to someone who didn't hold the same assumption.
Because IAMs typically use similar and inappropriate sets of assumptions, they repeatedly come up with the same narrow and fundamentally flawed answers.»
The flawed assumption underling this theory of LIFO is that law firm hiring during economic expansions fueled by, say, a dot - com bubble or a real estate boom, is done with the same forethought as it is during a recovery.
We explore the reasons for these modest results, including the fundamental flaw in aid - effectiveness discourse and activity of a too polite, if not naïve or even cynical assumption that donors and developing country governments are speaking the same political language.
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