Sentences with phrase «same form»

The new models get the exact same form factor with the same finish.
A proper push up begins with the exact same form as a plank.
I am confident We have look at this exact same form of statement somewhere else, it needs to be gathering popularity while using people.
If they can all use the exact same form fitting case then odds are pretty good that they are going to be the same this time around.
No matter how Vitamin D is obtained, it ends up in the exact same form once it hits the liver (as long as the oral form is D3).
Same form factor for 6 plus years is pathetic.
Two different people can consume the exact same nutrient in the exact same form, yet their bodies may absorb and use different quantities of that nutrient.
That you're always «so busy» doing multiple things at the same time and never actually live in the precious moment which will never come back or repeat itself in the exactly same form, moment or person.
«These same individuals voted for renewal of mayoral control in the exact same form several times so that doesn't stand to reason,» Mr. de Blasio said.
Thus, the very last names of women are usually translated in the very same form (Russian).
for the exact same forms topics that include a big «Join the Discussion» button that takes me to the first page of the topic... which currently has 36 pages.
«Some quick observations of this device: - The 9780 has the exact same form factor and appears to be the same all around hardware of it's older brother, the 9700.
«I do not believe it is essentially philosophical because these same individuals voted for the renewal of mayoral control, the exact same form, in some cases many times, so that doesn't stand to reason,» de Blasio said, referring to Senate Republican support of mayoral control during former mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration.
This new threat comes from exactly the same players, and in exactly the same form, as it did in the smartphone category.
Plenty of variety despite the same form nearly every day: oats, chia seeds, nuts, fruit, and water.
The trick, for employers, is to normalize the notion that business acumen doesn't always come in the same forms.
Written feedback should follow the same form as verbal feedback — simple and concise, with concrete examples that shows how the person's actions affect you without accusation.
Did those people display the same forms of pride and shame?
It should be noted that you don't have to keep the same form of business ownership for the life of a business.
Well, it's an «exchange offer,» since it's for cash and Valeant stock, but that's basically a species of tender offer (and gets filed on the same form as tender offers, etc.).
Also, there is no guarantee that the same form would be used in a later financing.
History does repeat itself, never exactly in the same fashion, but in the same form.
Over 175 years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville, observing the fast - changing democratic trends of America, had some sage words to offer to churches that wished to survive: «As long as a religion is sustained by those feelings, propensities, and passions which are found to occur under the same forms at all periods of history, it may defy the efforts of time.»
Is god changing his codes to keep up with us > If as you claim, we are in the same form as a creator..
And if as a university they stay within their limited mission of the formation of disciples through the formation of the Christian mind, then it is not clear to me why their worship as a university has to take the same form as the local church.
If you are honest you have to wrestle with these issues or be subjected to the same form of proof texting and selective reading of the Bible discussed in the article above.
He probably uses the same form of English you do, he just reads better.
She picks up on the diminutive form of the word «dogs» and uses the same form for the word «crumbs»: «even the little doggettes get the little crumbettes from the master's tables.»
When the police carry a resistant culprit to jail or when one army drives back an opposing army in battle, social power takes the same form as the powers of nature.
The laws of physics take the same form in every order.
It will not use the same forms of organization, teach the same way, relate to society in the same way, or worry about the same issues.
What this means is that the initial feeling derives its character, or subjective form, from the object felt, and insofar as it assumes the same form it reproduces the object: «In the conformal feelings the how of feeling reproduces what is felt» (PR 249).
True, in a sense, B has the same form as A had, if one means by form the universal.
I t will not use the same forms of organization, teach the same way, relate to society in the same way, or worry about the same issues.
It does appear that what is involved is just this, the transmission of form, reproduction being the assumption of the same form, and consequently it would seem that Whitehead can not claim in any strict sense that one thing is in another but only that one thing is like another.
To begin with, I think we must admit that when Whitehead speaks of the subject being constituted of its objects and the cause passing into the effect, he means, at least in part, that the objects / causes are reproduced by way of likeness insofar as the subject / effect assumes the same forms.
And Whitehead himself would surely agree that B can have the same form as A only if we mean the same universal form.
If faith in the grace manifest in Jesus Christ had the same form and the same effect as faith in the compassion manifest in Gautama or the mythical vow of Dharmakara, would this be shinjin, and would it be Buddhist?
I t will not use the same forms of organization, teach the same...
Matthew and Luke preserve the same form and simplicity in their accounts that is found in Mark.
Instead, they seek to discredit the scientific theory of evolution by amassing evidence that is allegedly consistent with the relatively recent, abrupt appearance of the universe, the earth, living things, and man in substantially the same form as they now have.
In the second case, of giving something which I do receive back but not in the same form, there is an element of unilaterality, but this is connected to the fact that for a gift to remain a gift, it must change throughout its passage.
That doesn't mean that it's all going to have the same form, just as we don't ride donkeys through North Philadelphia.
The Bible is rich in forms of expression: poetry, saga, historical narratives, proverb, hymn, diary, biography, parable, personal correspondence, drama, myth, dialogue, and gospel, whereas most sermons, which seek to communicate the messages of that treasury of materials, are all in essentially the same form.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z