Sentences with phrase «same freedom»

If what you really want to do is just give cash but are looking for a nicer equivalent, an Amazon Gift Card is a subtle way to accomplish the same freedom and utility.
It's the same freedom I get from letting go of attachments to anything, but I used to value books so much that I gained a lot of freedom in this case.
By giving employees the same freedoms that senior managers and I give ourselves, our team can successfully take on projects other brands can't, such as Virgin Galactic and Virgin Oceanic — tourism companies set to expand travel to space and the ocean depths.
This attitude has shaped my approach to management since Virgin's early days, when I decided to grant our employees many of the same freedoms I enjoy.
For better or worse, Gawker is entitled to the same freedom as any other news outlet.
The same freedom that empowers a statistician to pick a true signal out of the noise also enables a dishonest scientist to manufacture nearly any result he or she wishes.
I suggest that the same freedom of speech be afforded to both the «religious» and the «religious free» that there can be healing and healthy dialogue in community if all parties are committed to that.
Haha — you must be from an area where they don't have the same freedoms that we do here — Freedom of Speech.
But at the same time, I refuse to be mastered by it and I want to help people find that same freedom.
But same freedom can't be used to spout garbage at you place of employment.
How are we a nation of freedom if no everyone has the same freedoms?
Your employees are not slaves who's lives you can dicatate based on your choices and views, and the people cheifly responsible for your carrying out 1.2 billion in sales should enjoy the same freedom as the people with the ownership that had decided adversely.
I have never completely caught the disease... I try to give biblical authors the same freedom and flexibility I want readers to give me.
HHS will not allow the same freedom of choice because it requires EVERYONE to pay for it.
I try to give others the freedom to meet where, when, and how they want, but at the same time, I hope they give me the same freedom.
Religious freedom was guaranteed to Protestants by a doctrine - separation of church and state - that was intended to deny that same freedom to Catholics.
If modern authors can change in their theology, terminology, goals, focus, vocabulary, verb tense usage, and so on, and be allowed to revise, edit, and redact their own works, why can we not allow the same freedom and flexibility to the authors of Scripture?
It would exercise some of the same freedom which Paul's and the other NT letters do when they refrain from any nostalgic attempts to play Galilee into their theology by transforming the teaching of Jesus» earthly ministry into a system of theology and ethics [Krister Stendahl: «Biblical Theology, Contemporary,» Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon, 1962), I, 428].
We are trying to get the same freedoms as straight people.
An atheist would want the same freedom of thought and conscience, wouldn't she?
And here again we note the same freedom of treatment, in contrast with the relative fixity of the report of the sayings.
Of course none of that technically applies outside of our country, because not everyone has the same freedoms.
Seeing that there are many Christians, Muslims, and Jews there is absolutely no harm if each faith is given the same freedom as others.
Quite frankly, I don't care how people spend their time, as long as they permit me the same freedom to do with my life and my time what I choose and enjoy, and as long as their leisure pursuits aren't infringing on anyone else's rights.
I hope the 60 % who do not drink feel the same freedom that I do.
Muslims have the same freedom of religion and have the right to build the Mosque at the proposed site, because they are following local laws and ordinances.
I find some higher Anglican churches here are like t hat, but I've grown up in «low» Anglican churches that became increasingly Evangelical in their theology as time went on and there wasn't the same freedom to think and question and explore.
I have the same freedom as you do.
I will allow you the same freedom.
Here's my main concern: Why do modern biblical scholars do not give the same freedom and flexibility to biblical authors that we allows ourselves?
But pointing out that it is utterly ridiculous to do so is fair game (under that same freedom of religion and speech).
But... He wants in His freedom actually not to be without man but with him and in the same freedom not against him but for him, and that apart from or even counter to what man deserves» (p. 50).
Makes me wish everyone could have the same freedom.
However I have the same freedom of speech as anyone and nobody has the right to take that away.
They have the same freedom as you.
So in other words, this individual who signed up to defend our country during wartime doesn't deserve the same freedoms as the rest of us?
Based on that same freedom I referred to at the beginning I will share this thought with all, I'd rather spend my whole life seving Jesus, die, to then find out the this heaven was a figment of my imagination, than no believing, endorsing writings such as this, doubting Jesus, die, to then discover that hell was all so true.
However that same freedom is one that is afforded to me.
And it is the same freedom that makes it impossible for us to put an end to history and its terror by turning it into a science capable of exactly forecasting the outcome of events.
The fact that Arabs would desire many of the same freedoms Americans enjoy, and they would choose to express these desires non-violently, goes against every stereotype many American Christians have been taught to believe.
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