Sentences with phrase «same gameplay»

Both feature the exact same gameplay as their 3DS predecessors and I didn't notice much improvement visually.
There was a period of time where this over flowing market of the same title became quite stagnant, offering players little more than the exact same gameplay with a new coat of paint.
For all those wanting a demo, play the flash game, it's the exact same gameplay.
Same gameplay formula with a new setting and many entertaining game modes.
How about a character with some actually depth this time same gameplay but someone who I can actually root for.
Unreal Tournament will be a fast paced first person shooter game which will have same gameplay as the classic Unreal games.
On paper the two games are nearly identical: they're both MOBAs, they both use very similar visual styles and map designs, they both have similar player abilities and most notably they both have the exact same gameplay mechanics.
Sonic Mania successfully reignites the 90s nostalgia with the 8 - bit graphics and same gameplay elements.
+ Reminiscent of the PS2 + Fun mix of Tower Defense and Third Person Shooter + Coop is a blast - Lacking Story - Repetitive Gameplay - Classes feel the same
i really wish KILLZONE on the PS4 wouldve grab the idea from TITAN FALL but no they decided to go with the same ol same gameplay..
Not to mention single player games that take only 4 hours to complete and are usually not that challenging and are a repeat of the same old same gameplay that a 100 games before it had.
I like this game, i really do but honestly it is the exact same gameplay as the other 3 installments to the point when i just get tired and need to soak my fingers and wrists in hot salt water.
I like this game, i really do but honestly it is the exact same gameplay as the other 3 installments to the point when i just get tired and
The gameplay is still intact and as long as that same gameplay is there any true resident evil fan will never get tired of the playing it... a true fan like myself anyway.
This is the same gameplay over and over and over.
It's sad, but despite some new play mechanics, including a stealth mode mission (a la «Metal Gear Solid»), the same old flaws are here and the same gameplay that I'm tired of still lives, even if Lara is dead.
I think the gameplay is still not getting stall cause every game had almost exactly the same gameplay but the game is still 100 % enjoyable and entertaining.
It is even more difficult to put that same gameplay in a wide open arena where gravity is absent.
Same gameplay, (pretty much the) same look, same irony.
While the game is very much the same gameplay of past Worms games they have introduced new features which the most notable being the new physics aspect involving flowing fire and rushing water.
That same gameplay will be the main focus for The Escapists 2, but this time you'll be able to do it with up to three other players.
I played GTA 5, and there's exactly nothing different in it, just new city and three new people, exact same gameplay.
Featuring the same gameplay mechanics we already got used to from the first title of the franchise, this sequel will include a better matchmaking system that will allow players to search for clans to adhere to.
This is brilliant, challenging and rewarding as you pull impossible stunts out of thin air; but it's hard to get excited about another game in the series with fundamentally the same gameplay so soon.
I think that a long standing series can get stale when the same gameplay design is used over and over again.
And, fortunately for series fans, the 3DS re-release of Pokemon Silver represents basically the same gameplay that other mainline Pokemon games have offered since its original release back in 1999.
This isn't just a simple mechanic shift with the same gameplay backdrop, rather it's a complete overhaul with how every facet of the game works.
These multiplayer games are built on the same gameplay that makes the campaign so satisfying, but the real joy of the Arcade mode is the map creation.
The latest entry in the series, Tree of Tranquility, features more of the same gameplay that made all the past iterations so enjoyable.
but all lego games after that were pretty much the same gameplay mechanics, and not as fun IMO... the exception is of course LEGO city undercover, which is not a typical lego game and has alot of potential... that game, I AM looking forward to and see how it does
That's where the arcade pickup and play style becomes useful, it might just be me, I get over the same gameplay when it doesn't change.
It rocks in at a decent price level and for the cost you get a good chunk of game, even if it is the same gameplay over and over again.
If you're a fan of the series, I would say yes and even though it's the same gameplay with a few tweaks here and there, the graphics look insane on the PlayStation 4 which really showcases the power of this next - gen console.
Keeping the same gameplay as the original title, the upcoming Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number will feature a new hard mode.
Could have been MUCH better with the same gameplay.
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 is thoroughly a Musou game because it features the same gameplay elements that are commonly seen in this genre.
But Disney Infinity did not share the same gameplay structure.
This is essentially the same gameplay as previous titles, with some minor sprucing and new story elements.
... it's the same gameplay over new maps... not that that is a bad thing when Horde is still the best wave - based gameplay available.
Overall, The Lost Legacy doesn't bring anything new to the Uncharted series but if you're curious about what these less - discussed characters from the franchise get up to when Nathan isn't around and you're happy with more of the same gameplay and scenery then you'll definitely want to check out Chloe and Nadine's adventure.
Another new feature of Yo - kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki (but also coming to Yo - kai Watch 3: Sushi / Tempura via a Software update): the Busters T (reasure) mode, with more or less the same gameplay as Yo - kai Watch Busters.
This sequel is one in the truest sense, delivering the exact same gameplay and only adding something new in the form of more galaxies, a few powerups, and everyone's favorite human - sized dinosaur with a meter - long tongue, Yoshi.
Contra: Hard Corps follows the same gameplay as its predecessors.
There's really not all that much to say here, with relatively satisfying puzzles, new weapons and the same gameplay loop of the previous entries.
CoD has different story, new modes but exactly the same gameplay as the one before.
For those of you who are familiar with the Mario Tennis series, you will be right at home with Mario Power Tennis as it really takes the same gameplay mechanics as the original.
It has the same gameplay and good soundtrack as the others!
MP8 probably was underrated because it was one of the early Wii games released and it was more of the same gameplay.
Koei Tecmo is famous for their Dynasty Warrior series which has spawned multiple spin - offs and even diverged into creating clones of the same gameplay experience based on favorite brands like One Piece and Fist of the North Star.
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