Sentences with phrase «same guidelines»

The most important part of this training involves the Incident Command System (ICS), which was established by FEMA to assure that all emergency services, disaster response teams, and similar organizations operate under the exact same guidelines.
Coached proper sales techniques, service expectations, and compliance guidelines, while modeling the same
TIPPING - Follow the exact same guidelines you use at home, tipping being a way of rewarding good service.
At work, try giving yourself the same guidelines and be sure to let me know if this simple trick works.
The author of this blog does his best to keep the content accurate and unoffensive but can't guarantee that any authors of comments will follow the same guidelines.
But these days, every British doctor, whether newly qualified or approaching retirement, is required to follow the same guidelines for many aspects of maternity care, including treatment of bleeding.
Again, distribution online should follow the same guidelines as those you would adhere to for white hat link building — think quantity, quality, relevance.
Not sure that most churches would survive if they had to operate under the same guidelines as normal businesses.
All I ask is that under the same guidelines that atheists ask Christians to prove God exists... that they prove that the concept of God was created by a specific human.
We all have the same guidelines.
We followed the same guidelines as last -LSB-...]
It's easier said than done, but meat smoking follows the same guidelines.
The use of the Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling logos are bound by the same guidelines.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued juice - consumption guidelines for children to help cut the risks of obesity and tooth decay; and Consumer Reports is advising parents to follow those same guidelines to reduce arsenic exposure.
We could also under those same guidelines that determine who is eligible, find a way to provide school lunches, and breakfasts to children who need it.
And I follow those same guidelines religiously.
«I usually advise parents to follow the same guidelines they did when their child first started using the toilet.»
The Blossom menstrual cup follows the same guidelines of the top contenders for best menstrual cup: It is made of soft, medical silicone, offers 12 hours or protection, guarantees leakage protection, and it is soft to insert.
Talk with personnel to ensure that they use these same guidelines when laundering the diapers.
Baby formulas follow the same guidelines, but they can be very different when it comes to taste.
Regardless of whether an infant sleeps on the same surface as his or her parents, on a same - surface co-sleeper, in a bassinet or in a separate crib, in the same room as their parents or in a separate room, all infants should follow these same guidelines: infants should always sleep on their backs, on firm surfaces, on clean surfaces, in the absence of (secondhand) smoke, under light (comfortable) blanketing, and their heads should never be covered.
You'll probably hear these same guidelines when you visit your ob - gyn, your midwife, or your baby's doctor.
Keep in mind, these same guidelines apply to bottles and other infant feeding items.
Only 1 out of 5 moms (18 %) said they always follow the same guidelines they impose on their children when it comes to eating.
«I believe that New York City, although larger, although having a unique set of circumstances, if we're one state, then we're one state, and we should be under the same guidelines to save our taxpayers dollars,» said Senator Kathleen A. Marchione, a Republican from Saratoga County.
U.S. Congressional districts and U.S. Senate districts also have to follow the same guidelines.
They follow the same guidelines as foods.
But it turned out they were following the same guidelines that everybody else follows.
The same guidelines hold true for makeup: look for natural products that won't muck up your skin, and make sure to always, always, always wash your face before going to bed.
Just follow the same guidelines for sustainability and try to find BPA - free cans.
Once they achieve their ideal look, they can follow the same guidelines and maintain it.
Frozen meat and seafood is also a must, following the same guidelines as those mentioned in the section above.
Implants are like having the densest tissue in the middle of your breast, so it's important to follow the same guidelines as someone with dense breast tissue throughout the breast.
Follow these same guidelines for all body parts and increase the weights and reps slowly and within a month you will be right back to hard training again and working towards your goals.
For instance, if you have a 150 pound endurance athlete who burns 4,000 calories per day, they'd only be eating 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day if they followed the same guidelines as many bodybuilders.
These other squat variations will help you get a bigger butt following these same guidelines & workout tips
If you're not losing weight then reduce your calories to 1650 and follow those same guidelines.
Any of these products can be consumed following the same guidelines: small volume, prepared properly and not daily.
The same guidelines apply to other nut butters, peanut butter included, in that we should choose organic, raw nut / peanut butters, packaged in glass.
Repeat on the same side as many times as possible with control for one minute, and then repeat the lunging on the other side following the same guidelines.
Follow the same guidelines as for tights.
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