Sentences with phrase «same hoops»

The phrase "same hoops" means going through the same process or facing the same challenges as someone else. Full definition
Small employers often hire family members, neighbors, and friends, and requiring these employers to then jump through the same hoops as a multinational corporation whose CEO resides 1,000 miles away from the majority of her workers is counterintuitive and wildly inefficient.
«That means you have to jump through many of the same hoops you did when you first got your mortgage.
I often have to «jump through the same hoop» as others to achieve something (i.e. travel), but my aspirations for doing so and actions once there will vary immensely.
Rough week this past Sunday but the points Team Putlak have gotten this year are on the same Hoops court they will find themselves on Next Week.
«Jump through the same hoops we have to jump through,» said Peter Blasucci, president of Delux Transportation Services in Port Washington and a member of the Nassau TLC advisory board.
Even though there is no evidence that cannabidiol is prone to abuse, researchers interested in studying it have to jump through the same hoops as if their study involved whole - leaf marijuana.
Thigh - high black boots and the same hoop earrings and sunglasses from earlier in the day completed the edgy look.
It is simply not very convenient for seniors to jump through the same hoops younger people do these days.
It has to jump through the same hoops and over the hurdles and defend themselves against these accusations.
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