Sentences with phrase «same house hold»

I really like that my packages arrive safely inside but I dislike that myu family members of the same house hold can not use it jointly.
You will be charged a fee to combine miles from different accounts, Some frequent flyer programs like British Airways Executive Club, Etihad Guest will let you pool miles across your family members in the same house hold.

Not exact matches

The same day as the Equifax announcement, House Republicans held a hearing on a bill to massively curtail damages from private litigation under the FCRA.
a chair, book or house) why wouldn't the same logic hold for the entire set of tangible items i.e matter, the Universe etc.?
The prosperous postwar economy fostered the exodus of an upwardly mobile working class from the city in search of the more genuinely American housing to be found in the suburbs, and at the same time, the entry - level skilled and semiskilled manufacturing jobs once held by project residents disappeared from the urban core.
We do also practice tradition, not as tenants of our faith though.Tradition at our house holds that the birthday person picks the meal, it also includes giving gifts at christmas.Not because it was created the same day as a pagan holiday, but because it is a family tradition.
I don't have plans of walking away from faith, but I will say that it is an interesting journey to walk through a change of faith but still holding to something within a traditional framework (generally) and yet all the rooms have been rearranged and renovated inside, yet everyone thinks it's still the same house.
Now the Full Throttle Saloon is a house hold name (as seen on TruTV) and he plans to do the same with his Full Throttle S'loonshine (an authentic Tennessee Moonshine).
Day held on all afternoon, got in the house with a respectable 73 and maintains the same four - shot cushion he had at the midpoint.
I have used one wrap to do every thing — run errands, to work around the house, to be hands - free at parades, to show off in professional pictures... All while holding my baby in front carries, hip carries, carrying my baby on my back — carrying two babies at the same time!!
Researchers have known for a long time that infants have this same burst of connection creation, which helps them learn skills such as rolling, holding a fork or building a house of blocks.
(Ah, it takes me back to a different house, a different toddler, same DNA, same single - minded determination to gnaw on anything that will hold still...)
At the same time, Blanche Lincoln survived (for now) and the Dems held on to John Murtha's old House seat in a Republican - leaning area, where again observers will try to draw grand conclusions from the fact that Mark Critz found it necessary to run against Obama's healthcare plan.
But the same goes for two other Democrats — Sen. Chuck Schumer (who used to hold this House seat) and Gov. Andrew Cuomo — likely to help Weprin.
One point David Plouffe repeatedly made in his recent book was that the candidate's time was the most valuable resource his campaign had, and the same no doubt holds true now that Obama is in the White House rather than on the trail.
Trump will hold a massive rally in Pennsylvania on the same night as the annual White House Correspondents» Association dinner next Saturday night.
He said an «open house» would soon be held in his office to provide attorneys and others guidance on the plan «so we could both be on the same page as we're assisting individuals to seal their prior convictions.»
I am no longer even a «conservative blogger with an agenda» but a lowly «small time hack» but at the same time I am lifted up as part of some grand nefarious GOP cabal that includes Lee Atwater, who died in 1991, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who last held office in 1999.
The first elections to the House of Lords, with members being elected for 15 - year terms, are expected to take place at the same time as each of the next three general elections, with the first being held in 2015.
The term general election in the United Kingdom often refers to the elections held on the same day in all constituencies of their Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons.
Miller's address to the House outlined the government's pledge to deliver a «quadruple lock» which effectively aims to safeguard the rights of religious institutions from both practising same - sex marriage and being held accountable in a court of law, should they not wish to do so.
Speaking on the same day Tory Immigration Minister James Brokenshire delivers his inaugural speech in his new role, the Liberal Democrat will tell an audience at the Mansion House the UK economy will be held back if the country is seen as «closed for business».
Earlier this year, the House of Lords Constitutional Affairs Committee concluded that there should be «a presumption against holding referendums on the same day as elections» because of the risk that voters would be confused and results distorted.»
At exactly the same time, the Space Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee will hold a hearing on in - space propulsion.
But the same holds true for those published by major houses.
The same holds true with writing, especially when you're not pushed under the spotlight by the gargantuan marketing machine of a Big Five publishing house — and that only if you're a best - seller already.
Amazon has stated that it offered HarperCollins the same contractual terms that it offered to the other Big Five houses, but the publisher has currently said it is holding out for agency pricing, a model which will mandate that retailers can not discount books.
The same holds true now with Kindle books, and the annoying part is that if you bother to learn a little XML, you can make your Kindle book look as nice as anything published by a major print house.
Why would a legitamet Literary Agent support the same (knowing full well they would never do this under any other circumstances, no money to the agent) Certainly Writers / Illustrator Conferences hold Contests (usually with an entry fee of some sort) but while a top prize may be monetary and / or a meeting with an Editor from a reputable publishing house, there is never a gaurantee of publication.
It's helpful if you are dealing with the same bank on both ends though — they hold the mtg on the old house and will hold it on the new.
For circumstances in which: (1) The interest rate will be the same or higher, (2) even a reduced interest rate will not result in a lower payment, or (3) the interest rate can not be reduced (such as on a loan held by a state housing - finance authority), VA should require reduction in the principal balance so that the payment will be reduced.
Avatar Holdings (AVTR): 3rd quarter results were dismal along with the rest of the housing market; revenue was down and there continued to be a significant net loss, albeit at a lower run rate than the same quarter in the prior year.
She is also currently ranked in the top Twenty five for the North Atlantic region also for the same division and has accomplished Best House hold pet in show numerous times at just 5 months old.
Restaurant El Paititi: A very elegant restaurant, it is situated on the same spot that once held the House of the Chosen women.
At the same time the event is taking place parallel to the The Digital Corner (DC) also held in the theatre house in Tallinn, Estonia during the annual full fledged summit of audiovisual professionals Industry@Tallinn and the European Film Forum Tallinn conference.
The game holds up very well, but you can get the same game for $ 30 less on the Wii right now without even leaving your house if you don't care about the improved visuals.
The same investigation of hybridization can be found in the combinations of house hold objects such as the sculpture Husqvarna / Art Déco N ° 1 (2012): in this work, the two objects, that are incredibly different one from another and belong to different decades fluctuate one on top of the other without ever touching each other evoking what Lavier calls the «failure of the ready made».
Originally located in the street outside 89 Greene Street (a second version was later installed outside 112 Greene Street), the dumpster held architectural fragments and construction - site detritus and was featured in Matta - Clark's film of the same year, also titled Open House.
Between now and the next administration, there would have to be a 2/3 majority in both the House and Senate to override the inevitable veto, and the same holds true if a Democrat wins in 2016.
He held his first congressional hearing on the issue in 1976 after winning a seat in the House of Representatives that same year.
«Several of the same members of the House of Representatives that want to split the Ninth Circuit because it's too «activist,» are now encouraging, in an official resolution, the full Ninth Circuit to reverse the panel's holding.
I went on to explain that we are going to hold outside counsel accountable to the same key performance indicators as the in - house team, and that we will begin to evaluate outside counsel based on their performance to make sure that we are investing with the right firms.
In Fiona Trust Corp, the House of Lords also held that arbitration clauses in international commercial contracts ought to be liberally construed, and that parties to arbitration agreements generally intend all disputes arising out of their relationship to be determined by the same tribunal, unless language to the contrary is present.
Fittingly, to start the year, January 2008 saw the decision in A v Hoare (2008) UK HL 6, [2008] All ER (D) 251 (Jan) and its joined cases where the House of Lords overturned its earlier decision in Stubbings v Webb (1993) AC 498 HL, [1993] 1 All ER 322 and held that, where the injury had been caused by an assault, the rules for limitation should be the same as for injury caused by negligence or breach of statutory duty.
With the same facts, but a $ 250,000 mortgage, an insurance payout of $ 200,000 would go to the bank holding the mortgage, no payment would be made for damage to the house to the home owner directly, and the homeowner could continue to retain the title to the parcel of real estate that the house was built upon subject to a remaining $ 50,000 mortgage balance.
It is the same with loans wherein one may hold on a credit card or a house that has varied interest rates.
The same holds true for housing.
The same day, the Republican - controlled state House of Representatives voted against holding a debate over a bill to ban assault - style rifles, making it unlikely the Legislature will consider such a measure before its session ends March 9.
Even better, Samsung integrated its heart rate sensing technology into the same housing that holds the camera's LED flash, keeping the device slim at the same time.
... I work for the same broker as my godmother, so I have been able to hold open houses in some of her listings that could potentially connect me with high - end buyers.
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