Sentences with phrase «same instructor»

Professionally trained and experienced instructors same instructor and same car for all driving lessons!
If that same instructor guides you on how to hold the brush, how to put the paint on the brush, how to sweep the stroke over the canvas — exercising patience for your skill level, without punishment — what are you learning?
Students take the same classes from the same instructors and take the same exams.
Everyone is there sweating it out, pushing themselves, and riding to the same music with the same instructor.
Ideally, the class will be scheduled at the same time and same day of the week, with the students» mats in the same layout, in the same room, with the same instructor (s).
To test whether online students were finishing their courses with as much knowledge as in - person students, Georgia Tech blindly graded final exams for online and in - person students taking the same course from the same instructor, and found the online students slightly outperformed the in - person students.
Psychologists and educators agree that learning is enhanced by long - term connections between teachers and pupils, yet students rarely have the same instructor for more than one school year.
An independent study by SRI International, a nonprofit science and public policy research institute based in Menlo Park, California, evaluated two separate groups of students who were taught the same subject by the same instructor — one group of students taught face to face, and the other via the VHS method.
The same syllabus delivered in the same classroom by, in many cases, the same instructors, year over year.
That's why learners are also able to access the same instructor in a virtual classroom.
You can begin with either the A or B version of a class and move on to the alternate version if you wish to continue working with the same instructor or want to take more time to explore the subject.
This allows them to obtain the same instructor input that they would benefit from if they were physically present.
You'll most likely be a part of a small group and you'll have the same instructor throughout your training.
Our programs, available from first - timers to regular surfers, focus on having our guests with the same instructor all week in order to have continuous surf feedback and coaching.
They will be skiing or riding with kids around the same age and ability level, and will be with the same instructor every week.
George's Surf School provides bespoke private surf instruction based at Polzeath beach in Cornwall — one where you are guaranteed the same instructor for the duration of your time with us.
The same instructor has also led travel sketching workshops to show us how to use a minimum amount of supplies and return home with unique memories.
My daughter has been out on 2 of the 3 lesson (3rd lesson to take place later this month) and she has had the same instructor each time and she's been great.
We made sure to collaborate with the same instructors that teach our physical classes to create our online course.
Our online course is the most humorous Texas defensive driving course which was actually built by some of the same instructors that teach our classroom courses.
We schedule all lessons with the same instructor and fit them around your schedule.
We will try our best to keep the student with the same instructor.
We give you the opportunity to have the same instructor and the same vehicle throughout your driving training.
We try to keep students with the same instructor for each lesson for continuity but a different instructor may selected or need to be assigned due to timing or resource constraints.
Our students are not taught by a random range of team, but rather, by the same instructor from the beginning to finish.
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