Sentences with phrase «same investigators»

These same investigators found that a person's blood pressure went down when they talked to an animal whereas it rose when they talked with people!
The same investigators have reported that in commercial - scale muffin preparations, navy bean and yellow pea flours significantly improved nutritional properties and yielded muffins that were acceptable in sensory and quality characteristics.
The same investigators have accused Ponte's deputy in charge of internal probes of spying on the watchdog agency's investigators and continuing the practice when ordered to stop.
The same investigator observed a 4 - year - old Maniq girl sitting by herself cutting pieces of vegetation with a machete.
One year later, the same investigators, in collaboration with Rita Balice - Gordon, PhD, professor of Neuroscience, characterized the main syndrome and provided preliminary evidence that the antibodies have a pathogenic effect on the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor in the Lancet Neurology in December 2008.
The new findings were based on detailed, in - person ASD evaluations performed during an earlier Autism Speaks study by the same investigators.
A long term follow up study by the same investigators included 38 children with MAE of whom 11 (29 %) were seizure free on the ketogenic diet (7).
In another study from the same investigator from 50 dogs 7 have acquired ASD4.
This was the same investigator Uber hired to determine if former Google's self - driving car engineer Anthony Levandowski had taken any intellectual property with him when he left the company.
The new research builds on previous findings by the same investigators that showed a link between maternal nurturing and a larger hippocampus observed in brain scans conducted at the time the children reached school age.
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