Sentences with phrase «same is true in the case»

The same is true in any case When a difference does arise Call it an argument — call it a war Most words do tell of lies.
The same is true in the case of the multimedia solutions on offer with their exemplary operation, hardly any improvements are currently possible.
The same is true in the case of hemp.
The same is true in the case of a matured endowment.

Not exact matches

The same is true for a cap - and - trade program, although in that case you might be earning revenue from the sale of unused permits or avoiding the need to purchase them.
In the case of other distributed systems, the same is true
It is true that Luke and John show some ingenuity in weaving the incidents they relate into a single story, but the result looks artificial, and in any case it is not the same story.
Your entire initial reply was contingent upon the notion that your own personal understanding of reality, in this case the reality of existence, is complex and therefore true, much in the same way that the laws of physics are complex and true.
In the generation before Scotus, Thomas Aquinas argued that, although we have to use the same language to talk about both creation and its Creator, the things we say can only be true analogously in the two caseIn the generation before Scotus, Thomas Aquinas argued that, although we have to use the same language to talk about both creation and its Creator, the things we say can only be true analogously in the two casein the two cases.
In the same essay, Davison puts forward the case for continuing to use theological language, even when it might be strange, because «it is the task of apologetics to make things clear and on other occasions it is the task of apologetics to cut through the vapid familiarity of our time and present something unfamiliar, glorious and true».
True, but in the case of Jesus at least it isn't pronounced the same, and it's from a different language.
Then again, if we say that commandments for women to wear head coverings or be silent in church are culture - bound and don't apply anymore, isn't it possible the same could be true in this case?
On to Lemar, our much desired target, wanted to perhaps replace Santi Cazorla, and we see much the same process being enacted, if the rumours are true in this case.
The same is the case with Toni Kroos, a true box - to - box player who registered a whopping 12 assists in La Liga this year, second behind Barcelona's Luis Suarez.
The same is true in many cases with diapers / nappies.
True, it's the same age difference between Donald and Melania Trump, but in this case it's Trogneux who's older.
For travelers, the same is true, as long as the accessories pack easily in the play yard case.
The same is true in Skelos» case, where prosecutors allege that wiretaps show he used his influence for the gain of a family member.
While the outcome was expected following new sexting revelations, the same was not true in the case of Mr. Spitzer.
, people who have traveled to countries with widespread Ebola transmission but who did not come into direct contact with patients, are in the «low (but not zero) risk» category; the same is true for those who treated Ebola patients using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in countries that have seen just a few cases, such as the United States, Germany, or Spain.
While verified tests exist to detect HPV in people before they develop cervical cancer, the same is not true for HPV - related head and neck cancers, which are expected to outnumber cervical cancer cases by 2020.
While it's generally true that you have to accept some fat gain to maximize muscle growth (unless you're new to weightlifting, in which case you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time), you shouldn't be gaining fat much quicker than muscle.
The same is not quite true of True Grit, another handsome, well - wrought adaptation — in this case, of the 1968 Western by Charles Portis — but one in which novelist and filmmakers seem less in strue of True Grit, another handsome, well - wrought adaptation — in this case, of the 1968 Western by Charles Portis — but one in which novelist and filmmakers seem less in sTrue Grit, another handsome, well - wrought adaptation — in this case, of the 1968 Western by Charles Portis — but one in which novelist and filmmakers seem less in sync.
But that's fine, a decent single - player would've been nice but any excuse for cramming round the same TV (or more monitor in this case) for some true social gaming is all right by us.
This is particularly true in the case of Freeplay as the generated tracks add something new, rather than forcing players to constantly race the same tracks.
Then after three years obviously we'll test those four scenarios again and look to see whether they're still relevant, whether we can see indications of those stories coming true, in which case then we continue on in the same direction and look at step two - building on the foundations to shift and move the school, and what we do in the classroom and what teachers actually do to prepare ourselves for that future.
The same is often true of promoters of school choice, among both private and, as in this case, public schools.
Although, whether in fact the systems have actually been reformed is also of debate in that states are still using many of the same observational systems they were using prior (i.e., not the «binary checklists» exaggerated in the original as well as this report, albeit true in the case of the district of focus in this study).
While for some time now we have known from similar research studies, conducted throughout the pre-VAM era, that students» test scores are correlated with (or cause) rises in housing prices, these researchers evidenced that, thus far, the same does not (yet) seem to be true in the case of VAMs.
Cars fitted with automatic gearboxes can sometimes use more fuel than the same model fitted with a manual, although the reverse is also true in a few cases.
The same is true for an installation with a vehicle safety belt: If it's done correctly — including attaching the tether in the case of a forward - facing restraint — the child will be just as safe as with an installation using lower anchors.
The same is true for an installation with a safety belt: If it's done correctly — including attaching the tether in the case of a forward - facing restraint — the child will be just as safe as with an installation using lower anchors.
The unsuspecting author has no idea that this is not the case, that while his book is «published» by the true definition of publishing (to make a book available for public consumption), it's not in the same category.
MI: True — but at the same time, the Big Six publishers are also owned by what in many cases are large international media conglomerates, and I don't believe that their interests ultimately have anything to do with creating a more competitive bookselling marketplace, or a world that is ultimately better for book buyers and readers — or authors, for that matter.
The same may be true with liens, although in some cases having a solid history of on - time payments as part of a repayment plan can satisfy lenders.
Regarding your balance, when you borrow in order to invest that does not affect your balance (your assets are increased by the same amount as your debts), the same is true when you reinvest your dividends (cash from your assets turns into investments), that only changes the composition of your assets and debts, only when you invest from your active income (in your case paychecks) it changes your balance.
In most cases, both are true at the same time.
The same is not true with hotels, where devaluations are generally across the board (with the exception of annual category changes, which in some cases is beneficial).
This is particularly true in the case of Freeplay as the generated tracks add something new, rather than forcing players to constantly race the same tracks.
After repeated visits, however, they come to provide a useful organizing structure; while it's true that the ceramic works are grouped in the final gallery, that the poetry lines the walls of that same space, and that the jewelry is together in one case, they are all contained within a single show, marked by their collective belonging.
Now, you turn around and say essentially, «Well, yes, it may be demonstrably true that a (synthetic) series that we know has an underlying linear trend plus random noise behaves in the same way as the actual data, but I want to believe that in this case it is really due to something different.»
In any case that is still irrelevent since the true average global mean temperature over whatever baseline 30 year or whatever time frame they choose, is also a completely unknown number for the very same sampling failure reasons.
The same is undoubtedly true in the case of the climate, but knowing what feedbacks exist is vital.
There is no hard evidence that this isn't the case (as it might be over the glacial period for instance), but the same must be true in the model as well.
I have worked them out for TCR using ERF forcings; this is the only case for which their methodology doesn't need changing; the true ERF F2xCO2 value is unknown but varying it would change all contributions in the same direction.
It's perfectly possible even to have the exact same probability whichever hypothesis is true, in which case the ratio is one, the log - likelihood is zero, and the observation tells you absolutely nothing about your hypotheses.
It is interesting to observe at the same time that both the BMA and the Department of Health, who have sponsored the Bill, seem to be labouring under the same misapprehension about the «flexible» application of the civil standard of proof in healthcare regulatory cases, namely that more serious matters will require a higher degree of probability of being true.
Markel suggested that in this case, a true grade would at least show students that their work was better than the grade reflected (of course, a personal e-mail from the professor could do the same).
The question now is whether that same trend holds true in criminal cases (including Ontario Review Board appeals).
The same is true in other cases: for example, medical malpractice claims often involve hiring expert medical witnesses to testify in court.
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