Sentences with phrase «same journal»

The phrase "same journal" refers to an article or piece of writing published in a specific publication, which is then referenced or mentioned in another article that is published in the same publication. Full definition
Some people who publish the same number of papers — even in the very same journals — get more citations than chance alone can explain.
Likewise, in 2010 researchers in same journal found equal aerobic and health improvements from 8 - 12 sets of 60sec sprints, compared to an endurance training group exercising almost 98 % more.
Twenty - plus researchers published a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences arguing that Jacobson's original paper (published in the same journal — ouch) «used invalid modeling tools, contained modeling errors, and made implausible and inadequately supported assumptions.»
Another recent study published in the same journal found that people who prioritize time over money report being happier.
In comparison, a meta - analysis of randomized controlled trials of artificial or low - calorie sweeteners published last year in the same journal found that their use led to lower body weight and less overall fat.
An internal audit conducted by the same journal that published Regnerus» paper bluntly called it «bullshit» because it did not look at children raised in intact households of married same - sex couples.
«Interestingly, a further academic study published in the same journal «Health Economics» earlier this year also cast serious doubt of the effectiveness of using tax increases on sugar - sweetened beverages to curb obesity.3 The study concluded that often people shift consumption to other food / beverages and actually increase their daily caloric consumption.
Another study in the same journal also found a correlation between breastfed babies and a lowered risk of developing Chron disease and ulcerative colitis.
Valerie Flaherman at the University of California, San Francisco, warns in an editorial in the same journal that hospitals should reconsider these policies as they «risk causing unnecessary harm».
The same journal also contained advertisements from Danone claiming Aptamil is the best formula and from Hipp claiming its formula is the best — click here.
Last year, Ma wrote in the same journal about the first molecular butterfly that he had created in his lab.
The species is a few tenths of a millimeter smaller than the previous minisnail record holder, a Chinese species called Angustopila dominikae that debuted a month ago in the same journal.
Even if it doesn't come back to the same journal (as it probably won't if you or another reviewer recommend rejection), you might be asked to review it for another journal, and you will want to see that they made an attempt to improve the quality of the work.
A recent study published in the same journal, co-authored by Professor Tim Newton, showed that more women than men reported dental phobia in the 2009 Adult Dental Health Survey.
In the same journal last month, Thomas Angelini's lab at UF described a similar printing method using a support gel made of synthetic materials, which they washed off with water.
Another study by Weiss, French and colleagues in the same journal on April 25 focused on iPSCs in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML).
A report in June in the same journal described tests of the vaccine in mice against influenza B viruses; the animals were protected from normally lethal doses of flu.
Another study by a different group in the same journal in October 2009 looked at ART effects on epigenetics (non-DNA changes in genes) in humans.
They compared these citation numbers to those of 759 control authors who had published in the same journal and issue as a retracted author and found that, on average, authors who had a retraction went on to garner approximately 10 % fewer citations than the control authors did.
Referencing a research article in the same journal issue that found hospital websites failed to disclose risk information for transaortic valve replacement (TAVR), a recently approved procedure to treat patients whose aortic valve does not open fully, London and Schenker pinpoint four risk concerns for patients seeking medical information online:
Instead of the ghostwritten article, Fugh - Berman published a different article, «The Corporate Coauthor,» which appeared in the same journal — the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM)-- in June 2005, alongside comments from the journal's co-editors and a statement from the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
The new findings are available Feb. 10 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, the same journal that published the 2015 report.
In a related study, published online on March 27 in the same journal, Green's group also showed that a different particle formulation could effectively carry and deliver so - called siRNAs to brain cancer cells.
A separate study published in the same journal shows that male mutants experience a similar fate, their spermatocytes permanently locked in an immature state.
A parallel paper in the same journal by researchers from the University of Liverpool shows that this same gene also caused the peppered moth to turn black during the mid-19th century, when it evolved to find new ways to camouflage itself; a side - effect of industrial pollution at the time.
Fishel and Kolodner's findings appear in this week's issue of the journal Cell; a paper by Vogelstein and his colleagues will appear in the same journal in two weeks» time.
In May, the group described the strain's spread to Thailand and Laos in an extensive analysis in the same journal; now, in a one - page letter, they report that it has reached Bình Phước province in southern Vietnam.
In a second article appearing in the same journal, a team of geneticists studying the tobacco budworm moth discovered a recessive gene (BtR - 4) that provides resistance to Bt toxin.
A 2013 paper in the same journal reported excellent vocal outcomes for the first 92 treated patients, but neither paper included the kind of follow - up data required to confirm the treatment's long - term effectiveness in curing the tumors.
Industry researchers graduate from the same doctoral programs that generate academic researchers, belong to the same scientific societies, attend the same conferences, publish in the same journals, and register with the same patent office.
An accompanying commentary in the same journal agrees that it may be wise for doctors to ask about intimate partner violence under certain circumstances — for example, if the patient has mental health issues.
A recent study in the same journal found an increase in diabetes risk among nurses who performed shift work.
If you're resubmitting to the same journal, it's all the more important to make sure you have convincingly dealt with all of the criticisms.
Whether you're resubmitting to the same journal or a different one, a thoughtful and well - written cover letter is second only to the revision itself in shepherding a rejected manuscript into the fold.
I would have taken my evidence, got on a plane, and discussed the results with researchers at Fermilab, asking them to repeat the experiment before perhaps publishing two papers simultaneously in the same journal edition.
The NRA quoted from an unlikely source to attack the paper: Wintemute, who had published a sharp rebuttal to the paper in the same journal.
And in September, Brandon Johnson, also at Brown, and colleagues published in the same journal that an ancient impact crater called Sputnik Planum (part of the world's famous «heart») also shows signs of sitting over a watery jackpot.
The two new papers, one published this week in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, the other accepted for publication in the same journal, provide nonbiological explanations for the magnetite particles and the PAHs.
And in the same journal, a team from the University of Colorado at Boulder in the United States report that they have a technique to concentrate sunlight and use it to split water into its components of hydrogen and oxygen: These two in combination provide the energy for hydrogen fuel cells that have already begun to power public transport in many cities.
But we were able to pull out a very clear signal, and it is water,» said Deming, whose team reported results for HD209458b and XO - 1b in a Sept. 10 paper in the same journal.
(They wrote a similar paper in the same journal in 2007 as a commentary on a concurrent study that was among the first to experimentally verify the existence of ESD.)
The study by Ghez and her team appears in the current issue of The Astrophysical Journal; Gillessen and his colleagues are set to publish their findings in an upcoming issue of the same journal.
As the stuff of microchips, «silicon has become the technologically most important material of the past 50 years,» notes superconductivity researcher Robert J. Cava of Princeton University in a commentary in the same journal issue.
Lately, attention has focused on one class of these, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), which tend to accumulate in living organisms and have been implicated in reduced fertility (for instance, in research published last year in Environmental Health Perspectives); decreased IQ (in research also published last year in the same journal); and for at least one PBDE that has since been phased out, cancer in rats.
The researchers delved into the archives of the same journal to explore how amputation - related pain was understood and treated by surgeons on the Western Front.
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