Sentences with phrase «same kind of scenarios»

The same kind of scenarios get acted out in different ways.
With that said, IF the same kind of scenario holds true with Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, we still have two characters that have yet to be confirmed.

Not exact matches

It is true that the destruction always precedes some kind of renewal, but it is destruction all the same, and while we can come up with comforting scenarios in which we do the same kind of thing — controlled burns in forest management and farming, for instance — it would be best not to allegorize too readily.
The CEO & board can write the same kind of story with Donegal...] Rather than seizing on Scenario C, simply because it offers the highest NAV per share potential, we may need to consider a compromise.
Other forcings, including the growth and decay of massive Northern Hemisphere continental ice sheets, changes in atmospheric dust, and changes in the ocean circulation, are not likely to have the same kind of effect in a future warming scenario as they did at glacial times.
If you adopt this scenario, please don't think you are in for a same kind of holiday, but now with two different colors.
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