Sentences with phrase «same kind of treatment»

The same kind of treatment they would receive if they walked into a new car showroom or a used car lot.
And the film version of the video games series seems to be aiming for that same kind of treatment of the character in its casting process.
But this doesn't mean the Siberian husky you keep at home should receive the same kind of treatment.
I agree that ebooks should get the same kind of treatment that a regular book would get to entice a reader.
On top of that, all my girls were able to receive the same kind of treatment - they received a sample to try on to make sure the could order the right size.
«And I submit that the same kind of treatment that Deval Patrick is receiving right now in Massachusetts, and I'm receiving - the way in which the New York State Senate was written about, calling them a bunch of people with thick necks, they're talking about Malcolm Smith and John Sampson - that we're not in the post-racial period.»
Did Obama get that same kind of treatment?
But Ms. Martin did not know if the young man had received the same kind of treatment, and said she had seen no signs of bullying toward either of them when she had taught them.

Not exact matches

Earlier this month, the FDA approved two other treatments for multiple myeloma, including another kind of monoclonal antibody drug (the same class of drug that elotuzumab is in).
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
He knows that while anxiety and apathy may look like two different disorders, they both respond to the same treatment, which is a focused assignment of some kind.
Clearly, the treatment of media independence as a «disposable luxury» can affect the creation and marketing of entertainment, and the same process can happen in the treatment of news and all kinds of information.
Surgery is the most reliable method of treatment for incontinence — curing the condition in just over eight in ten cases; other types of treatment, meanwhile, do not deliver the same kind of success.
Exploiting the same pre-clinical model used for their studies, the researchers are testing the efficacy of this kind of drug candidates against cancer stem cells, and the possibility of identifying combination regimens with standard chemotherapies with minimized toxic effects, with the perspective of their possible application for the treatment of human breast cancer.
A 2013 paper in the same journal reported excellent vocal outcomes for the first 92 treated patients, but neither paper included the kind of follow - up data required to confirm the treatment's long - term effectiveness in curing the tumors.
«We have vaccines that can prevent the disease, and we use the same vaccine as a kind of treatment after a bite, but it only works if the virus hasn't progressed too far.
However, the efficacy of this kind of cocktail treatment suffers when the drugs require access to different parts of the cell, a bit like fighting a battle by depositing all your archers on the same spot as your infantrymen.
And then one person ask here — James asks, «Well, is hypothyroid and hyperthyroid hypo and hyper kind of the same for treatment
We use elderberry syrup in the fall / winter in the same kind of way, as a preventative, but also as treatment if we get sick.
BTL ULTRA Femme is the only technology of its kind providing non-invasive labia remodeling (vaginal contouring) and vaginal tightening with the same treatment.
Being kind and compassionate to other people is often instinctive for most of us, but when it comes to giving ourselves the same treatment, it somehow seems much harder.
Can I expect to continue with the same kind of quality treatment and policy contract after the merger of these companies.?
And data from communities and countries that sterilize community dogs show the same results: a decline in the number of dog bites, with «officials point [ing] to a variety of factors: the obvious effect of sterilization on dog behavior, including behaviors associated with mating, reduced numbers of dogs and reduced home range of individual dogs resulting in fewer chance encounters with humans, an increased respect and thus kinder treatment towards dogs due to the positive role model of rescuers, and the impact of community education by rescuers that often accompanies these efforts.
We saw the same kind of thing with their treatment of evidence in favor of the Higgs Boson.
CCT tax should be levied the same way as VAT, and the money raised from CCT should go directly to pay for medical treatments and compensation claims against the states that are perpetuating this kind of suffering.
They met with female prisoners at Grand Valley and found they also faced the same kind of «inhuman» treatment.
I am not sure what kind of impact that decision had and whether the Sentencing Commission's new revised guidelines regarding crack / cocaine will get the same dismissive treatment as its guidelines regarding LSD in Neal.
But at the same time, it looks increasingly as if some kind of radical treatment will be prescribed for legal education sooner or later.
The standard is practically the same, and it simply asks how a reasonable person in that situation would respond to that kind of treatment.
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