Sentences with phrase «same kind things»

Fight on Caroline, these are same kind things that were said about Barack.
Quantum physicists are now predicting that the same kind thing can happen when the two entangled particles don't even exist at the same time.

Not exact matches

«When I think of where I would go for protection from prompt effects, and from the blast wave in particular, I think of the same kinds of things that we do for tornadoes,» Buddemeier said.
Jessica — I just did the same thing (quit my day job to focus on my blog and photography business) and I can only hope to follow the kind of success you're having.
These are things that are important to us as a culture and as a society and I only want to align myself with brands that have the same kind of cultural beliefs that I do.»
If Facebook allows publishers to just add all of the same kinds of things that made their own sites less appealing in the first place, then Instant Articles will quickly become useless.
It's kind of like how Amazon serves up recommendations, we do the same thing.
«That kind of leads him in the path of consumer activists, because they're kind of trying to do the same thing, for different reasons.»
«One of the really strong things about our approach is that we're all saying the same kinds of things from very, very different perspectives,» he told a roundtable of industry leaders.
'' (Research shows) people who do the same thing every time before they perform — whether it's kicking a soccer goal, or shooting a dart, or some kind of a mental performance activity — people who have a set of rituals they do before performing, generally do better,» he says.
«He was rolling on the floor laughing at his own jokes, and I thought, That is my kind of guy — I do the same thing,» Buffett says.
«He — he kind of just kept repeating the same thing.
We certainly get a mental boost from seeing them, but that can be a bad thing: Research has shown these motivational pick - me - ups can trigger the same kind of psychological reward as doing the work itself, treating us with endorphins we don't deserve and actually reducing our capacity to do real work.
In a passionate address Thursday, Mrs. Obama said that after years of working to end «this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect... we're hearing these exact same things on the campaign trail.
Bethesda Softworks, the company behind the reboot, is focusing on the PC side of things with this one, so don't expect the same kind of polish and single - player campaign that «DOOM» enjoyed.
That's not a surprising finding exactly (any parent or kindergarten teacher could tell you the same thing), but in a world where we could all use a little more civility at work, it's worth reminding ourselves that tired employees are generally not the kindest or most patient employees.
Responding to a question from CNN about who was behind the hack, Clapper said, «You have to kind of salute the Chinese for what they did,» adding the U.S. would have done the same thing if it could.
I know which camp you fit into but I mean have you considered just trying to pick one specific thing and really going after it or this kind of words is based on maybe you've even getting bored of doing the same thing all the time?
Cohen said he told the Federal Election Commission the same thing after the nonprofit government accountability group Common Cause filed a complaint alleging that the payment was an illegal «in kind» political contribution.
When everybody believes the same thing, about something that is essentially not comprehensible, every kind of moral and scientific progress is inhibited.
I believe that what is done to women in the FLDS, with all of its psychological subtleties, is the same kind of thing done to women who can't leave their homes without a male relative in Saudi Arabia.
Yakman2 If your daughter got up infront of a committee of any kind and said with a straight face that she pays $ 1000.00 + for contraceptives, she would deserve the same thing and instead of violence toward Rush, or anyone else for that matter, you should be embarrassed that the product of your raising turned out with such a lack of intelegence.
Those who angrily oppose the kinds of things you have said are the same who devoutly reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but will fight you if you suggest that they will not get into heaven without Him.
Kind of interesting HeavenSent rambles the same things over.
What kind of person continually comes back to the same thing that he disdains over and over and over again?
The Bible says the same kinds of things about people who don't worship the one true god... it even tells you you to kill people who try to convert you... the difference is that we have grown as a society and we no longer murder people for what they believe... islam hasn't caught up with the rest of us... it's a problem and threat to the civilized word.
She often betrays the same kinds of floating anxiety that her predecessors did; that is, in overeating, overdressing or underdressing, overdominating and oververbalizing — she does a lot of things «too much.»
The same kind of thing is true for a limited atonement, unconditional grace, total depravity, inability to forfeit salvation, etc. — in other words, in every place where classical Calvinism departs from God's Word.
The important thing is to make him see that he has to draw the consequences of his faith; and perhaps he will verify the fact that it is impossible to be a Christian and at the same time to conduct a successful politics, which necessarily requires the use of some kind of violence.
There are people that say the same kinds of things you say about «religious people» like you that say the same kinds of things about «atheist people.»
For his friends this is the kind of loss that tilts the world on its axis; for so many things marking the world around just can not be the same.
To exalt them, including the most purely «religious» intuitions, to some kind of absolute status, or, which is to do the same thing, to assume that they are the means of access to the ultimate, is to be involved in ideology.
Perhaps this is the same kind of mental lapse that allows you to believe foolish things.
It is true that the destruction always precedes some kind of renewal, but it is destruction all the same, and while we can come up with comforting scenarios in which we do the same kind of thing — controlled burns in forest management and farming, for instance — it would be best not to allegorize too readily.
Throughout different encounters I remember realizing that the ones who had spoken to me in a blunt fashion left me feeling defeated, while the ones who said the same thing in a kind and thoughtful way left me feeling energized to improve myself.
Daniel Burke: Would you please be so kind as to stop this person from posting the same thing on every article that pertains to LGBT or the Catholic Church?
This is the same kind of thing that is happening now,» Lentol said.
They turn out to be the same kind of thing.
Hereâ $ ™ s some of the things that grabbed me: important theological / spiritual themes are developed through the story such as good and evil, leadership, courage, love, forgiveness, and unity; good character development; convincing geographical descriptions; it does feel like the same kind of worlds Tolkien, Charles Williams and C. S. Lewis wrote about.
That's kind of the same thing, isn't it?
It is not the same thing — though it is never an entirely different thing either — to love my own kind and to love the otherkind.
Thousands of people were interviewed about their brushes with death in every kind of situation — being in a car accident, giving birth, attempting suicide, et cetera — and many described the same odd thing: love.
(And this kind of disagreement is not the same thing as ugly places where the disagreement sucks the life out of us or abuses us or are unsafe for our souls or our bodies.)
You have done nothing but insult me, so it seems kind of hypocritical that you keep posting the same things over and over, while making personal insults.
Cars can be converted in the same way!!!!! We could be an independent nation, but the powers - at - be don't want them kinds of things!
Such a case amounts to the same thing as the question whether a Catholic of the kind we need to postulate in this instance, namely a man with a scientific, philosophical and theological formation, could, without guilt, come to the subjectively honest conviction that he can no longer honestly and in conscience believe and affirm the Church's authority.
I ultimately still find enough of God in things like music and beauty and relationships to compel me to maintain belief, but it is not the same kind of belief that I had before Jason's deconversion.
Both questions lead in the same direction, toward the possibility of a provisional and qualified answer: if the character of happening only once is held to belong to the truth and measure of all things in their very reality, then there is indeed an essence which more than any other satisfies this truth - criterion, and this is the pure essence of time: time taken in itself, or pure movement — movement irrespective of any possible differentiation into the different kinds of movement.
Social media and the internet are exposing people to new kinds of stories and experiences, but the same thing could be said for almost any topic.
Same kind of thing.
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