Sentences with phrase «same leadership»

I have also witnessed how the exact same leadership decision can evoke very different responses, to a male or female leader.
#Intel asks all our countries leadership to do the same
Magee intends to continue to run Lagunitas and said the same leadership, staff, and brewers will remain at the company.
The same leadership skills that you develop not blaming others will propel your business or any other projects to success.
When we see this, it's easy to think that by mimicking the same leadership style, we too can be great leaders.
Minister Freeland has promised a progressive trade deal and we are encouraged by the integrity with which she and Canadian negotiators are advancing workers» rights in the negotiations, and we want to see the same leadership with enforceable trade measures that are compatible with the Paris Agreement.»
By LAURA LOREK Publisher of Silicon Hills News The same leadership traits in men like decisiveness and ambition are often criticized in women, said Facebook's Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.
«I think it's extremely important that we have the same leadership for this period in our country's history, to make sure we get through Brexit properly and then go beyond that so that we can get the benefits of Brexit, which will be freer trade, lower prices in the shops, control of our own borders and of our own regulations, and we need stability to get that.
It is only because that is what the Catholics tell you, the same leadership you have a problem with.
Perhaps among McKnight's students, it is assumed that women should have the same leadership opportunities as men, but in my community, the concept of a female pastor is about as foreign as a gay one.
They are written explain the world by ability with no clue as to how science works and to scare other people into obeying the religious leadership, including supporting that same leadership.
Integrating the various disciplines means putting them under the same leadership to start.
The Mets might not have the same leadership in place or the same optimism entering next year, but their luck couldn't possibly be worse when the 2018 season starts.
The same leadership from Latin America is needed in the next two months over climate change.
«He will bring that same leadership to Washington, fighting for good jobs, investment in our transportation infrastructure, and strong public services,» Cilento said.
We hope that as next year's budget discussions begin, the Governor and Legislature will show the same leadership for millions of upstate New York drivers who are paying to support the MTA's capital program through their gas taxes.
«If we continue to have the same leadership in Washington, we're going to have the same results,» she warned.
«The governor started out with a record of passing some very difficult legislation, when you have that string of victories people expect for you to show the same leadership with the top priority in the city,» Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said.
And now the same leadership that failed women by covering up his sexual harassment has failed women once again.
«A senator asked for political advice and the governor said it's simple: They have to win seats and should stop with the nasty internal bickering and they should change their political leadership because no one is going to support a team that keeps losing and keeps the same leadership,» a source said.
Under the proposal, the Thruway Authority would merge with the much smaller Bridge Authority, and both would work under the same leadership team as the Department of Transportation.
Denver never depended on a state takeover, mayoral control, or natural disaster and has sustained the same leadership and strategy.
Regardless of role, we all face many of the same leadership challenges every day.
Spillane expands upon this formulation, defining three types of co-performance: collaborated distribution (multiple leaders jointly enact the same leadership practice in the same context); collective distribution (multiple leaders perform separate but interdependent tasks in different contexts and in support of the same goal); and coordinated distribution (interdependent actions of multiple leaders are performed in a particular sequence).
«The same leadership — and good leadership — sets a certain expectation for the school,» Berry said.
Established in 1998 as a research center housed at the New England Conservatory, the CMAIE has, since 2011, operated, with the same leadership from Dr. Lawrence Scripp, as an independent 501 (c)(3)(non profit) organization established in New York State with operational headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.
Desert Trails stagnation and drops over the past decade, compared with the higher - scoring LaVerne Elementary Preparatory Academy, operated by the same leadership that now runs Desert Trails Preparatory Academy.
While Aptara will continue to be a «stand alone business» and still operate under its current name and with its same leadership in place, some new faces will join the operation from iEnergizer.
For instance you should never have your dog sleep in your bed as it may make them think they have the same leadership as you do.
Despite research showing that professional women have the same leadership aspirations as men and plenty of evidence that companies with female CEOs outperform those led by men, only five percent of S&P 500 companies» CEO slots are, in fact, filled by women.
Board members often hire outside executives to change a company's structural failings, but those same leadership teams sometimes resist when a new CEO attempts to enact said changes.
The three sites are part of the same organization, Region of Southern Denmark, and are under the same leadership.
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