Sentences with phrase «same legal standard»

The introduction of the measure, promised during the Mayor's 2009 reelection campaign, uses the same legal standard as driving while intoxicated to prohibit carrying a gun while drunk.
Student loan debt relief companies aren't held to those same legal standards.
The bankruptcy court ruled that the parent loans were not dischargeable, applying the same legal standard used for student loans.
Although not held to the same legal standards as veterinarians and other medical professionals in Minnesota, the role of a Veterinary Technician in a veterinary hospital is just as crucial as that of a nurse in a regular hospital, and demand is increasing rapidly.
I also believe that protection dogs, including pets, should be held to the same legal standards as are police dogs.
Often, in premises liability claims, the same legal standards apply as in other negligence claims.
Federal courts still may enjoin subsequent class certification proceedings in state courts under Smith, but only if the same legal standard for certification has clearly been established and the plaintiff was also a plaintiff in federal court.
Like personal injury lawsuits, wrongful death lawsuits are based on the principle of negligence and hold a defendant to the same legal standard.
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