Sentences with phrase «same little argument»

But if you're not home, this same little argument can escalate, drag on and cause injury.

Not exact matches

As to same - sex marriage stabilizing homosexual practices, this is of course the argument of Andrew Sullivan and some other gay activists, although there is little or no evidence to support it.
Of course they may end up disagreeing with Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine, and Barth about the moral significance of our being created male and female, but shouldn't they be a little less sanguine about it and a little more deferential, to the point of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»?
Wilson's first argument was against the cavalierness of same - sex marriage advocates, who propose a massive social change with little idea how it will shake out:
If the argument here is correct, the two developments result from some of the same causes: The American kind of church - state separation meant no church monopolized religious symbols; courts were called upon to articulate ultimate purpose and justice; and judges felt little ambivalence in doing so.
Consequently, this argument contributes very little either toward defending the cognitive significance of Stapp's proof or toward clarifying the status of the unknowable spin values with which the proof deals; the same can be said of his argument defending the general significance of talk about possibilities.
There's little argument not to start the same team as in the Villa game now, despite maybe a cheeky Rosicky start as he is their angstgegner!
The argument that the death and complication rates for homebirth when there is little to no legal route (Yes, CNMs are able to perform homebirth in NC but they are required to be overseen by an Obstetrician and therefore most work in birthing centers and hospitals) are proof of why it should not be considered for legalization and regulation is the same one seen when abortion is prohibited.
Gender arguments veer between pro-feminist heroic rhetoric and misogynist - in - disguise movie - talk as, excluding Furiosa, the «breeders» are still the sexy little ladies you'd see in most Hollywood trite («The camera caresses acts of violence in the same way it caresses the brides» bodies.»
I have little confidence that these investors will beat the market consistently, but you could make the same argument about many of the overpriced ETFs and index funds available in Canada.
But then you could also counter this argument by saying this is deliberate, acting as a commentary on life itself and how everything we do in this government controlled world is entirely within the confines of what is deemed acceptable and normal, and that ultimately the Stanley Parable is mirroring the fact that we have little choice and are largely not in control of our own lives, hence Stanley, the most decidedly average person there is who goes through the same motions every day, for no other reason than because he is told to.
Reading and listening to global warming sceptics can get a little tedious because they keep trotting out the same discredited arguments.
Another might be my earlier «climate class» suggestion, where true skeptics are confronted with the same type of arguments that are regularly produced here at RealClimate and which fall into the general category of «plenty, but way too late», rather than the commonplace «too little and too late».
A different perspective on the same problem: (try expanding your views a little) THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT: The is no argument that extra GHG absorbtion causes warming within the radiative transport mechanism.
, quotes out of context, repeating the same tired debunked arguments year after year... The only difference is that the ideology behind it is a little more popular — the strawman liberal is apparently a more plausible villain to most people than the strawman atheist.
Despite the common argument that an entry level resume allows very little space for any manouver due to the lack of experience, almost all of them look the same.
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