Sentences with phrase «same meal every day»

When I hear stories of people who eat the same meals day in and day out, I am stricken with horror.
We never got tired of preparing or eating basically the same meal day after day as a way to sample as many kinds of fish as possible.
«We usually see a lack of dietary variety — picky eaters tend to eat exactly the same foods at the same meal every day,» she says.
He began cooking all of his own food, though he quickly learned not to make the same meal every day to avoid the onset of palate fatigue.
Are you just tired of eating the same meals every day of the week and looking for a change of pace?
Eat the same meal day in and day out to hit my calories spot on?
After all, who wouldn't get bored eating the same meal day and in day out for years?
There is one school of thought that dogs may get bored eating the same meal day after day.
And yet many people feed their dogs the same meal every day for their whole lives?
Because dogs generally eat the same meal every day, it's easier to support and sustain a diet with the right food.

Not exact matches

Munchery clients click through pictures of meals with nutritional and ingredient data and pay online for same - day delivery.
On the same day that we received the knives, I went and picked up a bunch of groceries and turned the night into a meal prep to rival all others.
While these days meals are often tailored to the whims of little ones, in the past whole families prepared the same food and ate it together.
The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
We do also practice tradition, not as tenants of our faith though.Tradition at our house holds that the birthday person picks the meal, it also includes giving gifts at christmas.Not because it was created the same day as a pagan holiday, but because it is a family tradition.
Acts 20:7 says they meet / / after going out of the Sabbat (Motza - ei Shabbat) that would mean 6:00 pm our time Saturday nite called HAVDALAH fellowship meal, cause Rabbi Shaul (Paul) was to depart the next day (Sunday) morning get your Greek interlinear - same with 1 Corinthians 16:2
I wonder how she would feel about seeing the cross in her son's classroom if this were the only place her son's were being fed a decent meal or only meal of the day and if they were being clothed by the generosity of the same establishment and so on.
Samuel Pepys (pronounced Peeps) was a successful seventeenth - century British civil servant who chronicled nearly every day of his life for almost nine straight years, from 1660 to 1669, including his business interest in ships and the British navy, his run - ins with the nobility, his merry meals with friends and family, his nightly prayers, and his «towsing» (ruffling up, disheveling) of women other than his wife (the latter two activities often on the same day).
Sometimes I eat the same thing for every meal in a day (cereal, tacos, eggs).
One hundred grams is a lot, but you don't have to consume it all in the same meal, or even in the same day.
So whether you eat two big meals or five smaller meals per day, as long as the caloric content and macronutrient distribution remains the same, at the end of the day, you'll have burned an equivalent amount of energy digesting your meals.
I'm a little curious though — the first lot of meals in this post are presented as a day's worth of food, eaten in the same day, but on your instagram these meals were posted on different days, many days apart.
I really hope my children will look back some day and appreciate the time and love I take in preparing homemade, healthy meals for them and that some day they will prepare some of the same food for their children.
I like seaweed to eat sometimes but after the meal is finished, if it's not used up the same day, you can't keep it for next day even in the fridge because it loses its taste.
The problem I run into every year is that sometime around dinner of day two, I'm tired of having a repeat of the same meal.
But I hardly ever blog about it because I'm someone who's content with having the same meal for lunch every day of the week, every week of the month.
YAY that we will be celebrating Thanksgiving on the same day — I can't wait to see your Thanksgiving meals!
But as much as I enjoy my morning meal, I'm not someone who can eat the same thing day in, day out and, probably unlike most of the population's breakfast eaters (in the UK at least) I rarely eat cereal or toast.
Eating the same old breakfast can get boring day in and day out, but it's important to have a good - for - you morning meal.
«The days of hotels having a stranglehold on catering are done; whether it's offering a full meal or a continental breakfast or a sandwich for lunch, everyone is competing for the same dollar,» he adds.
With the ability to stock the kitchen with groceries of our own choosing and the option to specify meal and menu preferences with the resident private chef the day prior — or even the same day — the flexibility and responsiveness was extremely advantageous... especially on those days where the itinerary was uncertain.
I typically hate eating the same meal two day in a row but t his granola I could happily eat every day.
I know I shouldn't wish away these years, but I'll be honest... I often have trouble convincing myself that this is, in fact true, and long for the days that I can hold a conversation with everyone at the table, all eating the same meal, at the same time — tears, messes, and wet wipes BE GONE.
Sally - oh my goodness, yes, I must sound like a granola fanatic, but what I say is true: I have definitely eaten it for every meal of the day (not all in the same day, but never say never).
I mostly struggle with eating the same things day in and day out and always looking for new meal and snack ideas.
1) Getting all the amino acids in at once at the same meal, or even in the same day, as some may suggest, is not necessary due to the amino acid pool, which is a circulating level of amino acids in the blood, that the body can draw from if needed.
Furthermore, I structured the meal plans in a way that you'd need to cook the main meals once a day (in the evening) and you'd have the same meal for lunch the next day (the first day being an exception).
Whether you're preparing it in advance for the week or making it to serve on the same day, this is an incredibly satisfying meal.
I could eat them every day, but as much as I like a dish I can't eat the exact same meal too many days in a row, or I'll start disliking it.
Unfortunately this meal was SO good that I decided to eat it a few times in a row on the same day... aaaand... needless to say, my gut was a little stressed out from all the kale [fiber].
Because ingredients fluctuate with the day's bounty, a new and creative menu is developed daily — the produce received is never exactly the same and, thus, neither are the meals prepared.
Make it the night before and add it to your kids lunches the following day, and no one will complain about having to eat the same (delicious) meal twice.
I was making this for a few days of food as a one pan meal and wanted a bit of other veggies, so I subbed in a medium onion and a couple of carrots as well as the potatoes while keeping the total veggie weight about the same.
As much as I try to stick to the same meals on particular days, like Taco Tuesday, I rarely ever do because I like variety.
I had to laugh a little at myself when going through my pictures, as the two days» meals were pretty much the same..
I'm creature of habit in that fact that I don't mind eating the same things a few days in a row, and I value meals that get me as many nutrients and veggies in as possible.
So when it comes to improving school meals, health advocates logically want to remove the items that win out over healthier fare: nixing sugary chocolate milk, for example, so kids have to take white milk, or making sure pizza isn't offered on the same day as a healthier entree.
LEM, this is the way I would do it: 3:30 — bottle with solids OR just bottle 5:30 — finger foods while family eats dinner 6:30 — bottle with solids OR just bottle (depending on what you did at 3:30) Once he is able to have only 3 liquid feedings in a day, you can more easily have meals the same as the family's.
I was definitely stressing about it when I heard how much other babies the same age were eating, and when my pediatrician suggested that she should be having 3 meals a day — at the time I was lucky to have her enjoy a spoonful or two at each «meal» before she would push things away.
Meals should be eaten around the same time very day so that a child knows what to expect.
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