Sentences with phrase «same mixture»

Pacewicz, also deceased, testified that his analysis of the evidence revealed chemical hydrocarbon profiles that were consistent with same mixture of home heating fuel and gasoline or Coleman fuel that Aston said had been used to set the fire.
The crumble topping is made from the exact same mixture as the shortbread base, so as long as you can rub butter into flour, you're about 95 % of the way there.
Achieving this sort of training requires the same mixture of academic knowledge and apprenticeship employed by other professions.
By contrast, Portfolio 2 — which we'll call the «equal - weighted portfolio» — invests all three accounts with the same mixture of large - cap stocks, REITs, and emerging markets funds (70 % large caps, 15 % REITs, 15 % emerging markets).
Twain was a bad man, yes, in some ways, but he was the same mixture of good and bad as the rest of us, and every other artist and writer who ever lived, including the saintly ones.
To examine Ivan's poem about the Grand Inquisitor is to find the same mixture of perversion and insight, rebellion and belief.
This simple recipe uses the same mixture for the crust and streusel topping.
The crust and topping is made from the same mixture.
Sometimes we mix up the meat and use ground lamb, pork, and beef in the same mixture.
Maybe even use the same mixture in soft Hoagie buns and wrap in foil when baking too.
I also have a second quart of the same mixture for a late afternoon snack.
The crust and topping are made from the same mixture, making this a quick and easy recipe.
If you want to make your own, you can use the same mixture as for the chocolate cups / shells and pour it onto an oiled baking sheet (or lined with some baking / greaseproof paper)-- after it sets (in the fridge or freezer), just break / chop up the chocolate sheet and use as decoration!
You can bake a cake instead using the same mixture, it's up to you.
I actually have a vegan meatloaf burger recipe that uses the same mixture.
The nice thing about having to simmer the piloncillo in the milk is you can also simmer whole spices like cloves and cinnamon sticks in the same mixture giving the filling a suggestion of spice but letting the pumpkin really shine through.
You can even use the same mixture to make ice cream popsicles!
Fertilize the cell - packs once a week with the same mixture described above.
These easy Nutella Bars bars require no mixer, and the crust and topping is made from the same mixture.
These easy layered bars require no mixer, and the crust and topping is made from the same mixture.
The crust and the topping of these bars are made from the same mixture, which tastes like a buttery, brown sugar oatmeal cookie (swoon).
I've let the same mixture run in my regular blender for five minutes and it still came out chunky), and then poured it over ice in my regular blender to make a milkshake - ish drink.
A few nights later, I settled down with the same mixture of hesitancy and curiosity to watch the BNP's Nick Griffin on Question Time.
The same mixture also killed human intestinal polyps in the lab (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature08871).
Although the volunteers didn't know it, they were always inhaling the same mixture.
fold them into old wipes containers and pour the same mixture (above) onto them or spray on each wipe with a spray bottle before using.
A perfect example of the importance of having protein around your training was a recent 10 week trial where the researchers had subjects consume a protein / carbohydrate mixture before and after training, and another group consume that same mixture at the two points in the day furthest from the training.
This same mixture can be used to fill a homemade eye pillow to aid in sleep as well.
If you woke up with a sore throat, drinking the same mixture with an added tablespoon of honey can help relieve the pain and aid your immune system.
A split - face experiment was performed, where each patient applied a placebo treatment to one side of their face and the same mixture with added sea buckhorn oil to the other.
All VSL3 products contain the same mixture and number of bacteria per serving.
A perfect example of the importance of having protein around your training and recovery was a recent 10 week trial where the researchers had subjects consume a protein / carbohydrate mixture before and after training, and another group consume that same mixture at the two points in the day furthest from the training.
You can use the same mixture to get rid of darker under arms as well.
The control group drank the same mixture without the addition of the sprouts.
When asked if people living in other large cities like New York or Los Angeles could benefit from drinking the same mixture, Kensler says he thinks their approach could be extended across all people.»
This same mixture, with a cup of hot water, makes an amazing jewelry cleaner!
While no longer a villain akin to the Nazi overlord he played in «Basterds,» Waltz brings the same mixture of smarminess and verbose delivery that defined that Oscar - winning achievement, giving the impression that his curiously literate persona exists out of time.
Its title is an understandably purposeful evocation of that film, and the movie's rich, redolent location filming, by Aldo Tonti, hints at the same mixture of street - level grittiness and breathless magic he would a decade later bring to Federico Fellini's Nights of Cabiria.
Feeling better (and not dead), Woodroof returns to the United States and sets up shop — a «buyers club» selling the same mixture that has helped him — in Dallas, to help his fellows AIDS sufferers.
It offers the same mixture of news, commentary, profiles, photo galleries, live streaming and video highlights as the mobile app, plus you get a wider layout -LSB-...]
Few creatures evoke the same mixture of fondness and fascination as the turtle.
Microsoft didn't show off any gameplay, but expect the same mixture of platforming and unlockable skills that made Blind Forest such a must - have digital title last year.
Gameplay meanwhile is the same mixture of puzzle solving and action that made the original game such a joy to play.
[Response: Upon reflection I conclude that you're right, it will produce the same mixture of frequencies as the signal to which it's tuned.
Shift the period by even a few years and the chart has the same mixture of blue and brown, but distributed differently.
This same mixture can be used for stuffing a rolled veal or pork roast, and can also be used to stuff an omelette or crepe for a nice light lunch or brunch.
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