Sentences with phrase «same mode»

There are still eight rounds for each event, and it really is the exact same mode as basic single player; it just allows you to go directly to the next event instead of returning to the menu screen at the end of each game.
Players will see same same modes from previous Gears of War titles for example, King of the Hill, Team Deathmatch and Execution.
«We'll see if they have listened and if they maintained their campaign promises, and if not we'll go into the same mode we did with TPP and defeat it.»
The Professional Certification Programs are based on courses of the MSc in Digital Currency and are delivered by the same world - class instructors and in the same mode of delivery (i.e. six weeks per course, fully online).
Indeed, says Nishitani, the Japanese word for «learn» (narau) carries with it «the sense of «taking after» something, of making an effort to stand essentially in the same mode of beings as the thing one wishes to learn about» (p. 128).
How else can we believe in God or speak of the gods, unless we conceive of him or of them as working and having their being in this world among us men in the same mode as men speak and work?
The form of the argument is roughly: If the modes of the therapy's theory of self can correlate with Whitehead's modes of perception, and these same modes can correlate with the stages of gestalt formation, which in turn correlate with the phases of concrescence, then it is quite possible that Whitehead's mode of perception can correlate with the phases of concrescence.
You are right that Christians often fall into the same modes of thinking.
The truth is both science and religion operate on two different levels of cognitive comprehension, and people often conflate one or the other and impose those same modes of thinking on to the other, when they are creating an epistemic impossibility.
This is due, I believe, to the postmodern climate of thought, particularly evident in neopragmatic philosophy and deconstructionist literary criticism, and characterized by a new pragmatism, pluralism, meliorism, relativism, and historicism — all congenial to the empirical theology that grew out of earlier American versions of these same modes of thought.
It's in the same mode but more sober than his The Brilliantine Coattails of Lust, which we published in the March issue.
That is to say, the series of actual occasions that defined the person of Jesus were marked by prehensions of the deity according to the same mode that marked his prehensions of his own human past.
«On that lap I was in the same mode as lap before - it was about getting the tyres in the right temperature and getting the sectors right.
I used the same mode from Q2 to the end of Q3.
We are in 6 position because Wnger failed to assess our defensive needs in the summer and you want us to continue this same mode in the winter window.
The press enjoys just the same mode of operation as it did for more than a decade.
When you've been in graduate school for 5 years (as in my case) or more (as in many other cases) you can fall into a rut, staying in the same mode day in and day out, wondering if things will ever change (translation, if you will ever graduate).
Not only does your skin cells go into overdrive repairing and resetting damages in your skin matrix but, the cells throughout your body go into the same mode to give you an overnight rejuvenation no anti-aging cream can ever come close to perform for you.
Sounds like you and I are in the same mode: figure out who we are and then get rid of everything that doesn't suit that person.
Thank you for sharing, we are in the same mode right now!
Connect to your television and play, Single or Multiplayer, Offline or Online *, or take the same modes on - the - go.
On Live you get a lot of the same modes from before along side some new ones like Capture the Flag and Paint the Tracks, both of which were a great deal of fun to play.
NBA Inside Drive 2004 expands upon the game modes of 2003 with all the same modes plus a few more.
All of these modes are really just the same modes with different titles and different types of idea behind them.
However, there's little reason to go for the digital release, especially when the 3DS eShop version of Cave Story (minus the plus) offers most of the same modes and additions, only missing the updated presentation and some challenges.
We'll delve deeper into the PlayStation Vita version offers in a separate review, but in short, the two versions are virtually indistinguishable, offering the same modes, characters, and smooth fighting mayhem.
She looks to be in the same mode here, just with slightly less lava and restraint.
In theory, a flex environment must be able to accommodate all students choosing to engage in the same mode of learning at the same time.
The same modes of teaching can work online and in the end we are there to support all students.
Until recently, the single - clutch automated manual was preferred to the dual - clutch design for high - performance cars because it shifted quicker and coped with greater torque loads, plus it offered the same manual gear selection with shift paddles and the same mode for automatic shifting.
Like other AMGs, the E43 has Benz's Ride Control as standard, meaning four - corner automatic adjustable dampers with the same modes at the transmission.
With Standard IPS mode enabled, we recorded a brightness reading of 433 lux, much higher than the Transformer Prime's 359 lux reading while in the same mode.
At times, I have found myself slipping into the same mode as my website designer: that is, doing what a client instructs me to do simply to keep the peace, even if I know the results won't be as good as they would have been if I'd followed my gut.
In short, you are in wealth accumulation mode, and so likely is your financial adviser, since he or she is also probably personally in the same mode.
The evidence was in support of a simple autosomal recessive in that breed and it is not improbable that the same mode of inheritance occurs in other breeds.
HCSA conducts its races in the same mode as ancient Hawaiians: sailors do not make crew changes, and they travel every channel connecting the Hawaiian Islands.
It's super fun, but playing the same mode over and over on the same 4 maps gets old pretty quickly.
The game has some of the same modes.
You can play all the same modes and events in multiplayer.
The multi and co-op in GRAW never got me as hot and bothered as the same modes in Rainbow Six: Vegas.
Not only has the item - centric Balloon Battle returned with Bob - omb Blast (nearly the same modes, with balloons acting as health, but with the latter restricted to bombs stacking as high as ten at a time), but we have a few new options when compared to MK8.
Sure enough, I eventually grew tired of the experience as playing the same modes and maps over and over kind of wore me down.
There's a two - against - two mode akin to Pandora Tomorrow's original, in which two spies have to hack a series of computer terminals while two merc players hunt them down in first - person, as well as a four on four version of the same mode.
A better pattern here is to rotate through the game modes so that everyone is playing the same mode at each point.
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