Sentences with phrase «same mode of beings»

Indeed, says Nishitani, the Japanese word for «learn» (narau) carries with it «the sense of «taking after» something, of making an effort to stand essentially in the same mode of beings as the thing one wishes to learn about» (p. 128).

Not exact matches

It is also — and this is an important consideration — the most cost - effective mode of collection; at the same time, there is also some evidence of higher response accuracy to personally sensitive questions.
Below is the same monthly chart of $ SMH we pointed out on March 28, back when $ SMH was still in consolidation mode (trading below its 52 - week high):
One traditional way of saying this is that mind and world, according to their different modes, both participate in the same eternal forms; but that merely defers the epistemological enigma to a higher level of reality.
Scotus does not teach that God's being and created being are one and the same thing but God's being and created being are two different modes of being.
To avert such a disaster, the Judeo - Christian heritage must be allowed to shed its outworn forms, and by finding that mode of expression most proper to the context of the new world, demonstrate to men that it possesses the same creative vitality that it has manifested in earlier periods.
If we ask what he means by «it», he can not precisely tell us; but he is evidently groping after the idea that «we», that is our personalities, will be re-made by God for a different mode of existence from that of the flesh - and - blood body, and yet that in some way we shall retain our identity and be the same personalities as those which now live in the mode of physical beings.
Although he does not speak specifically of prototaxic, parataxic, and syntaxic modes of experience, the same sequential patterns are reflected in his description of the first cycle of intellectual progress, which runs «from the achievement of perception to the acquirement of language, and from the acquirement of language to classified thought and keener perception» (AE 31).
each of those religions have well respected scholars and leaders who argue that other modes of worship are acceptable modes (for other people) to reach the same God.
Maybe we shouldn't assume that in the future we will still be restricted with the same modes of communication that we use now.
At the very least, if we are to speak of God at all, we should be careful not to suppose that he is limited to the same modes of relation that contingently characterize us.
Whitehead makes the interesting suggestion at one point that if «animal faith» (in the sense of «intent») refers to perception in the mode of causal efficacy then Santayana's position is virtually the same as his (see PR 52, 81 and 142).
We can understand this failure as Percy's again having independently reached the same conclusion as MacIntyre: that the ethical can not be simply radically chosen, because the notion of the radical choice is itself only at home in the aesthetic mode.
Good manners are modes of behavior that are fitting and appropriate to a particular situation; bad manners are modes of behavior that are out of place in the same situation.
The democracy of desire can not provide a satisfactory basis for the criticism of undemocratic forms of social class, for it is infected by the same subpersonal assumptions which render these modes of human classification offensive.
How else can we believe in God or speak of the gods, unless we conceive of him or of them as working and having their being in this world among us men in the same mode as men speak and work?
It needs to be noted that two distinct claims have been made here: First, that God is a conscious and self - conscious being; and second, that there is an aspect of God that relates to us in our mode of existence as conscious personal beings, and that we can appropriately relate back to God only in this same way.
He would say this on the ground that the reason we would not make the same statement about any particular being, e.g., elephants or unicorns, is precisely because it is contradictory to assert of any particular being that it has the necessary mode of existence.
Likewise, experience of actual fact («unchanging given,» CT 375) and pure potentiality (CT 375) are assigned to the same self mode, the id (CT 378).
Yet this pure mode's very existence is denied often and, at the same time, its characteristics become «bad» from the culture's point of view.
The form of the argument is roughly: If the modes of the therapy's theory of self can correlate with Whitehead's modes of perception, and these same modes can correlate with the stages of gestalt formation, which in turn correlate with the phases of concrescence, then it is quite possible that Whitehead's mode of perception can correlate with the phases of concrescence.
The highest task for health education in a society devoted to excellence is to discover and introduce into the cultural stream modes of living that will fully employ bodily energies in ways that are at the same time consonant with the ideals of reason, qualitative judgment, and ethical concern.
It was in a sequence of servant poems, and in particular his portrayal of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53, that he set forth at the same time his high hopes for his people and the mode by which God would bring this to pass.
But the mode of approach is the same.
It is only just that the principle brought forth to establish new modes of marriage should meet the same standard.
You are right that Christians often fall into the same modes of thinking.
Again, even if what is thus apprehended is of the same kind, the distinction is great enough — has enough breadth — to require consciousness to function by modes that themselves appear as different in kind.
Whitehead tries to avoid radical bifurcation by introducing a second mode of perception, CE, which discriminates the same sorts of entities (events, sensa, geometrical objects) in the same total field as PI (S 8, 30, 49, 53; PR 255 - 59).
For it must be in intuitions that two contrary modes of knowing are merged — that is, an immediate focus that «enters into» what is apprehended and at the same time enacts a process that includes some aspect of spatializing thought, distinguishing and somehow distancing.
In the latter case, a vague awareness of the causes which produced a perception in the mode of presentational immediacy is present with it, though not in the same way.
This is due, I believe, to the postmodern climate of thought, particularly evident in neopragmatic philosophy and deconstructionist literary criticism, and characterized by a new pragmatism, pluralism, meliorism, relativism, and historicism — all congenial to the empirical theology that grew out of earlier American versions of these same modes of thought.
At the same time, however, they wanted to affirm fully and without question, lest they be thought religious fundamentalists, the same objective, analytic modes of modern science and historical analysis in every other domain besides faith.
The adverbial mode of perception must be understood as a response, a response that has some identity or correspondence with the patterned processes playing upon the organism but that, at the same time, is not unambiguously reproductive of these energetic activities.5 Even though some originative activity may occur at this primitive level of physiological responsiveness, it is holistic in nature.
Berkouwer rightly sees that the challenge of the nouvelle théologie was taken up by John XXIII in his opening address to the Second Vatican Council in a much - discussed statement: «The deposit or the truths of faith, contained in our sacred teaching, are one thing, while the mode in which they are enunciated, keeping the same meaning and the same judgment, is another.»
It was probably not until the axial age, when the Israelites began to experience mystery more explicitly in the mode of future and promise, that humans began first to realize that we do not dwell in nature with the same instinctive ease that other species do.
Not merely is the volition not all of the whole's volition, it is not its at all in the same sense or mode as it is the volition of the part.»
Heat and light, being modes of motion, «phosphorescence» and «incandescence» are phenomena to which consciousness has been likened by the production - theory: «As one sees a metallic rod, placed in a glowing furnace, gradually heat itself, and — as the undulations of the caloric grow more and more frequent — pass successively from the shades of bright red to dark red (sic), to white, and develope, as its temperature rises, heat and light, — so the living sensitive cells, in presence of the incitations that solicit them, exalt themselves progressively as to their most interior sensibility, enter into a phase of erethism, and at a certain number of vibrations, set free (dégagent) pain as a physiological expression of this same sensibility superheated to a red - white.»
It's in the same mode but more sober than his The Brilliantine Coattails of Lust, which we published in the March issue.
The public reality of same - sex marriage disrupts our usual modes of getting along in a society where what we know to be wrong is widely practiced.
So when Michael Moore does his own type of work to bring truth to bear on a political situation, it is not the same thing as looking at reform in the church because of different aims and different modes of operating.
To make this point, Pope Francis appeals here in this address and elsewhere to John XXIII's words at Vatican II, Gaudet Mater Ecclesia: «For the deposit of faith, the truths contained in our sacred teaching, are one thing; the mode in which they are expressed, but with the same meaning and the same judgment [eodem sensu eademque sententia], is another thing.»
He puts it this way: «the form in the mode of universality in the mind -LSB-...] has nothing to do, ontologically speaking, with the form as causa essendi,» except for the fact that it is, must be for our knowledge to be true, the same identical form.
Another book from the same period by another one who defends more explicitly the interweaving of modes of order is John B. Cobb, Jr., A Christian Natural Theology.
Obviously decreasing the amount of liquid is the same thing as upping the sugar — I must really still be in summer mode and not be thinking clearly.
«Like you have parc ferme when the cars leave for qualifying, maybe engine modes should be the same from the moment you leave the garage to the end of the grand prix.
The core of the squad - building mode remains the same, with its unique ability to «train» players (improving their attributes over time) being a brilliant hook.
Perhaps it was a lack of sleep, or perhaps he was multi tasking (you can see him posing for pics and signing an autograph at the same time), or perhaps he was on activated auto - mode after years of playing for the Biancocelesti, but his dialogue was «Forza Lazio»!
The seat is reversible you can turn it with the help of two buttons on both of the sides of the seat; It has the same recline positions in parent - facing mode.
I mean they're identical and I dress them alike, so a lot of the times I'm in a mode of just trying to handle the situation and care for other children at the same time.
Many of Dot's features are the same as Navigator's, such as the 44 pound weight limit as a single and 77 pounds in doubles mode.
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