Sentences with phrase «same moment»

Can someone please tell how I can turn my body off at the exact same moment my child does?
I remembered those first days with them, in the very same moment realizing just how long ago that was and how very little they still are.
However, ensuring the cats reach the two goals at the exact same moment can be quite challenging.
Those who live it know that open adoption can be simple and complicated in the very same moment.
This will prove to be a great career choice as all of his watercolors were being sold almost at same moment they were put on view in a gallery and this newfound success allowed Hopper to finally quit his dreadful illustration work.
I'll repeat with what I concluded in Part 1, but more succinctly: for an authoritative storyteller to mesmerize an audience, the story must never contain an element where the audience blurts out, «wait a minute, what you just said can't be right,» otherwise whatever point there was to the story disappears at the exact same moment when the storyteller's credibility implodes.
For two vehicles to travel two different highways and arrive at the same dangerous intersection at the exact same moment on a random Friday. . . .
Hit: Fixed a bug that prevents the Z - Assist character to disappear when the main character is damaged at the very same moment by Hit's «I Keep Improving» attack.
Yes, here was Vee's gift, the gift of the select, to be in the swirl and at the very same moment above it, gazing down, assessing it, drinking in all of its absurdity and wonder.
The detailed process will also give forensic scientists valuable insight into how seawater affects deceased bodies, as they examine people of all ages and nationalities who died at the exact same moment under the same conditions.
At the exact same moment after seven minutes of silence we both looked at each other and exclaimed «we're married!»
How funny to have two films out at the exact same moment in which siblings — mainly brothers — resort to committing felonies as a career choice.
«When you're standing in that space, and you realize that every pope has passed through that space in privacy — and there you are, alone, being afforded that same moment of reverence... it's pretty heady stuff.»
So when combined with a separate gesture - controlled system, like the Leap Motion system which launched this month, Disney says these bursts of air can be timed — get this — so they reach a user's hands at the same moment as an on - screen object would if it were real, according to a report in Gizmag.
Back when I was lamenting the impossibility of being in two locations at the same moment I was working with service professionals, primarily doctors.
Trump is levying taxes on imported steel and aluminum at the same moment he needs to refill the depleted ranks of the White House senior staff.
The two agencies rarely air disputes over cases, but Thursday, they contradicted each other publicly at virtually the same moment.
His father turned his back on him, I believe from the moment Judas kissed him, the same moment I believe he became our sin for us.
I have a different calling in life, but have been priveleged to witness many of the same moments in one's life where what you speak of becomes clear.
The last item was something of an add - on (we are always straining to be generous) and is not of the same moment as the first three» although it does seem appropriate for the Church to caution against the nativism that frequently motors anti-immigration sentiment.
In that same moment outside with my smoke, I felt, or saw, the words «March 21st», and «equinox».
Let's fill their little minds with the thousands of ways we've convinced ourselves that we were meant to be: let's tell them about 28 May 1989 and the weird way it connects us because that was the day you decided to become a Christian sitting on the edge your parents» bed in Omaha and at the exact same moment in a church in Winnipeg, I was descending into a water tank for my baptism into the faith.
And in that same moment he perceived a strange metamorphosis: the earth was simultaneously vanishing away yet growing in size.
Things always exist simultaneously, and as far as we are concerned, relative to each other, our relative rates of change can differ etc., but by any measurement we still exist in the same moment / space.
Secondly, he presents the symbolic statuary figures as exemplifying the dual and simultaneous presence of permanence and fluency in a same moment of reality.
They all looked at each other and in the same moment said,, «The pulpit!»
In effect, Jesus on the cross experiences the agony of being temporarily forsaken by the Father, while the Father in the same moment experiences the anguish of being separated from his Son, hence of losing his own identity as Father.
What would it look like if we showed our potential suitors the same patience and grace that God shows us in these same moments?
At that same moment, alas, matters become more tentative.
To talk of a «personal gospel», as some have done, ought at the same moment to be to talk of a «social gospel.»
I thought of my mother and my father in their brand - new believer zeal, how all of those years earlier I had witnessed this same moment in their lives.
At the very same moment, when the flesh of the Word is most utterly flesh, the Word most fully speaks the glory of the Father.
At the same moment, science is revolutionizing our world views.
And now, having brought into the same moment of time the creation of the world and the creation of Israel, the prophet proclaims a third comparable event which is about to be the end and purpose of judgment — a new creation, a new people, a new world!
At the same moment you were engaged in pushing out shit, which is the profanest thing you could have been doing.

Phrases with «same moment»

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