Sentences with phrase «same number of reps»

Many perceive them only as stretching exercise, without focusing on progressive strength gains, and are willing to do same number of reps with the same weight in each next workout.
If you've been doing the same routine, with the same amount of weight and same number of reps, it might be time to change things up.
Looking through the endless supply of bodybuilding and strength training programs on the Internet one can usually find approximately the same number of reps recommended for the main movements which are around 25 - 30.
If you want to optimize your workout sessions and pack on mass on your biceps and triceps, strive to get the same number of reps and you'll also experience more gains.
Note that when you're doing the descending pyramid, you might not be able to get the same number of reps as you did when you performed the ascending one due to your body tiring out after the first four sets.
Do shrugs to the front for 15 - 20 reps, then do them behind the back for the same number of reps; repeat until you complete 4 - 5 supersets.
When you leave your big moves for the end of the routine, you won't be able to lift the same loads or perform the same number of reps as you would otherwise because of accumulated fatigue.
Decrease the weight by 20 lbs and perform 4 reps and keep removing 20 lbs on each set and perform the same number of reps you did while coming up the pyramid.
This is very important because controlling the number of repetitions is an essential aspect of validity and the only way to truly compare the gains of these two groups with different routines is to have both groups complete the same number of reps of every movement.
My question is that do you do the same number of reps or do you do less than what it says to do in the phases?
Do both calves: always start with the weakest leg, then do exactly the same number of reps with the stronger one, eventhough you could do more.
When you constantly lift the same amount of weights and doing the same number of reps and sets, you fail to overload the muscles, and as a result, they can slow down their growth.
The goal is to hit the same number of reps each day, or increase them — so keep track and post below in comments to tell me how many you did
When performing one - arm barbell presses, start with your weaker side and work it to fatigue, then perform the same number of reps on the stronger side to help bring them on the same level of strength.
Did you do one more rep with the same weight, or the same number of reps with five pounds more?
With the lower body, women can do the same number of reps as men at a given percentage of their 1RM [one - rep max], since we have a similar distribution of type I and type II muscle fibers there.
Unfortunately, many women DO become stagnant because they stick with the same resistance and the same number of reps for weeks, months, and sometimes longer or they fear that going heavy will cause them to bulk up.
If you consistently work out in any typical gym for a certain period of time, one thing you are sure to see are the same people, doing the same exercises, with the same weight, for the same number of reps, for weeks, months and years... and continuing to get the same sucky results.
Maybe you've been stuck at a certain weight for the same number of reps for 3 months or your 5k time hasn't gone down in 2 years.
However, that argument is not supported by the observable facts — when trainees perform the same workout and the same number of reps every workout strength gains slow and then stop over a short period of time.
However, you will likely not achieve the same number of reps when you do a multi-rep resistance exercise.
Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch legs and do the same number of reps on the other side.
So if you struggle with doing 8 - 10 reps at 100 kgs, you can always break it down using «Rest Pause» to complete the same number of reps but take a few seconds rest in between.
As always focus on progressive overload (increasing the weight you are using for the same number of reps over time) and ensure you eat enough of the right types of food, and you will get the results you are looking for.
Switch legs and repeat doing the same number of reps on your other leg.
Your objective: In the 2nd and 3rd round, your goal is to do that same number of reps (as you did in the 1s set) again.
More advanced trainees are generally stronger, and using heavier weights for the same number of reps is more taxing on the nervous system as well as the metabolic processes involved in recovery.
This results in more powerful muscle contractions, which enables you to lift a bit more weight for the same number of reps — or get a rep or two more out with the same weight.
You simply do one set, take a short 30 seconds break, lower the weight, then do the same number of reps as on the first set.
Using the same weights for the same number of reps does absolutely nothing to force your body to adapt.
Perform the same number of reps on this side as you did on the first side.
Including this resting phase will allow you to do close to the same number of reps for each set.
The result is that you eke out the same number of reps and sets each session, ensuring that you stay stuck.
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