Sentences with phrase «same nutrients»

Two different people can consume the exact same nutrient in the exact same form, yet their bodies may absorb and use different quantities of that nutrient.
Formula - fed babies receive the exact same nutrients every time they eat.
They have the exact same nutrients as the rolled oats and have a satiating effect, while also preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.
MadeGood ® also carries wholesome granola bars with the exact same nutrient profile.
In addition to being rich in collagen building blocks, the cartilage in bone broth is packed with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate — the very same nutrients many doctors prescribe as supplements to keep joints young and healthy.
In the spring of 2007, Wise Traditions carried my article, «On the Trail of the Elusive X Factor,» in which I argued that the vitamin - like compound that Weston Price dubbed «Activator X» in the 1945 edition of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration was the very same nutrient researchers now call «vitamin K2.»
Hormonal birth control is known to deplete your body of the very same nutrients that you need for fertility (zinc, magnesium, B6 and vitamin D) and to nourish a growing fetus during the first trimester.
I just wasn't sure if they all had the same nutrients, benefits etc..
While you could make green cinnamon rolls with the incorporation of spinach perhaps, you're not going to get the same hue, the same nutrients, and not the same flavor!!
It contains many of the same nutrients as whole milk, but yogurt with live cultures is also loaded with beneficial probiotic bacteria.
This is the same nutrient dense diet that is recommended for everyone.
Since milk is the main ingredient, cheese contains many of the same nutrients - including calcium, protein and phosphorus - found in milk.4 A vital part of the cheese making process, salt controls moisture, texture, taste and functionality, and additionally acts as a natural preservative to ensure food safety.
Sweet Potatoes are high in vitamin A, which is the same nutrient used in those pricey anti-aging retinol creams.
Even if organic and conventional produce have virtually the same nutrients, an apple sprayed with harmful synthetic pesticides isn't the same as a plain apple with little to no exposure to organic pesticides.
Even organic produce, when grown out of season doesn't have the same nutrients.
Legumes provide many of the same nutrients as lean meats, poultry, fish and eggs and because of this they have been placed in this food group as well as the vegetable food group.
Turns out purple kale is even better than the green variety because it contains anthocyanins which are responsible for the purple colour (the same nutrient that blueberries and cranberries contain), which have even more powerful antioxidant properties.
This last post highlights Kamut, an ancient grain that has retained the same nutrient profile for centuries, hence the name.
All three grades of Encha are pure and organic matcha powder with the same nutrients.
These foods provide energy, but lack the same nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and fiber) as complex carbohydrates.
Use frozen vegetables when needed because they have the same nutrients as fresh vegetables, but try to save canned veggies as a last resort, because they have lost many of the original nutrients and aren't as tasty.
We do chemistry testing in the form of fatty acid profiles to make sure the seed has the same nutrient density we expect.
same taste, same nutrients, same genetic.
It doesn't even have to be fresh, orange juice from concentrate provides the same nutrients and it; s not just Vitamin C, orange juice is also a great source of the B - vitamin folate.
The good news is that salmon has many of the same nutrients as tuna, so your baby is still getting a great food.
If you look at the nutrition facts for infants, you will notice they do not measure all of the same nutrients.
Enfamil Enspire Powdered Baby Formula is made to provide babies with the same nutrients found in breast milk.
Most of these products have the same nutrients as milk, but some aren't fortified with vitamin D, so read the nutrition label.
They contain the same nutrients found in regular cow's milk, but they tend to taste slightly sweeter.
To its credit, chocolate milk has the same nutrients as regular, nonflavored milk.
Chocolate milk provides the same nutrients as regular milk but with more calories and a sweeter flavor.
Along with providing parents with the non-GMO formula they asked for, Enfamil has made sure that the non-GMO formula contains all the same nutrients and beneficial ingredients of the other formulas in their formula line.
Enfamil Gentlease is made to mimic breast milk in the best way possible, so your baby's sensitive system can receive the same nutrients we find in breastmilk.
Like brand - name baby formula, store - brand baby formula meets the same nutrient specifications that are listed in FDA regulations, so parents should feel comfortable using either type of formula if they aren't breastfeeding.
I've been focusing on the same nutrients that I did during the third trimester of my last pregnancy with a few additions.
Breast milk given from a bottle still has the same nutrients, but gives you more flexibility because the baby isn't only relying on your body for food.
The organic baby formulas we offer have all of the same nutrients your baby needs to grow strong and healthy without the added sugars, GMOs, antibiosis, growth hormones, and artificial colors and preservatives.
If the feeding is done properly, your child will get the same nutrients he has when sucking your breast and be able to get used to this new support «breastfeeding» relationship.
Milk served in schools — whether low - fat or no - fat, plain or flavored — contains the same nutrients, including calcium, potassium and vitamins A, D and B - 12.
Chocolate milk has the same nutrients as regular milk, and the sweet taste makes it a hit with kids.
«We're trying to get the idea across that we don't have to grow food products, we can make good alternatives with the same nutrients and constituent parts in a lab,» says Doyle.
He isolated the cells he thought he needed, at least to replicate these old experiments, and fed them the same nutrients they got in the body.
And among lab animals, rats are considered particularly relevant to human cancer studies because they need the same nutrients and proportion of protein for maximal growth as humans.
But those same nutrients can harm the soil and the water below the soil.
It could be that the parasites and gut bacteria compete for the same nutrients, so knocking out the bacteria leaves more food for the parasites.
Pigs are useful models for studies relevant to human health because they have some of the same nutrient and metabolic requirements as humans, Mudd said.
«We know the pig is a good model for humans because they have the same nutrient requirements, similar metabolic function, and also have very similar brain development, following the same growth trajectories,» explains Austin Mudd, a doctoral student in the Neuroscience Program at U of I. «The pig is bridging the gap between the mechanistic work we see in rodents and that higher - level cognitive function that they're looking at in humans.»
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