Sentences with phrase «same old problems»

And yet we battle problems daily at work and at home, and we all too easily get stuck in the rut of matching up the same kinds of solutions to the same old problems.
Teva beats first - quarter expectations but still has the same old problems Copaxone's market share and new generic launches helped Teva to forecast - beating profit and revenue but problems persistTeva had to make pricing concessions on its flagship multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone, and now expects a delay in approval of a key migraine drug, fremanezumab.
Why go back and apply the same old remedies to the same old problems ad nauseam?
Here we have the same old problem of transcendence versus immanence, metaphysical versus the existential - historical — a problem which can not be resolved within the hellenic frame of reference, without sacrificing one to the other.
Therefore, wouldn't it be more rational and logical (your god) to conclude that having people think for themselves would result in the same old problems that have always existed.
A thousand years from now our descendants will be facing difficult times, some of their problems being new and others being the same old problems that plague us today, because they will share inevitably in the perennial human predicament.
A bit like Wenger saying that the squad is good enough and there is no point spending money on transfers and then hoping that the same old problems do not happen again.
It just seems like we Arsenal fans are stuck on repeat with the same old problems every year.
Even with new wunder medical staff we still have the same old problems.
Kroenke & Wenger know this & they are gonna take advantage of this... We might win a few games initially bcoz of the positivity but the same old problem will come back once things calm down... Stay united & protest against Wenger & Kroenke irrespective of who they sign #LookAtTheBiggerPicture
Always a manager under intense scrutiny, silverware last season hasn't spared Arsenal's Arsene Wenger from more pressure this season, with his side again failing to show any signs of progression with the same old problems in defence and the hunt for more silverware already looking a challenging one this term.
Those three extra injuries made it 10 first team players in the Arsenal treatment room, as you can see Just Arsenal's dedicated injury page, and suggested that the same old problems are coming back with a bang but as early as last evening the news was getting better.
New season, same old problems.
He may be right but I do not think they should be at Arsenal, as things have become too stale and we see the same old problems holding us back year after year.
We may never know the ins and outs of what happene3d between Claudio Ranieri and the other staff and players at Leicester City, but Arsenal fans are as keen to know as anyone, and probably more so because of the issues that many fans have with the club and it's continued willingness to keep our own manager Arsene Wenger despite what is seen as the same old problems hurting our hopes of major trophy success year after year.
Giroud slow cazorla slow arteta slow monreal slow there should not be soo mich slow plauers in one team new season same old problems
It would have been nice for him to go out on top, of course, but how long is he going to carry on when the same old problems keep the Gunners from fully firing?
It's the same old problem.
I still believe we have good players in defence.But the same old problems will always be there until they are introduced to something they are not accustomed to - COACHING
Don't get me wrong I am excited and encouraged by Arsenal this season but I can not help wondering if there are still some of the same old problems.
I have been a Gunner for nearly 2 decades now I have seen enough of this same old problem.
The telling goes «time will tell», and it's been telling us something for years and sadly it will say it again comes the start of the season when the same old problems with the same old manager will emerge once again.
So are we really seeing a different and more mature Arsenal or are we just getting away with the same old problems?
However, three weeks later and suddenly the same old problems are back and Smith wasn't finished there with his criticism as he also argued that the top players at the club, namely Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez, have a habit of going missing in the big games.
The way that our season's tend to go down the same route maybe makes it easy for pundits and critics to roll out the same old lines and it can be hard to deny when you are sick of seeing your team suffer the same old problems year after year.
But the same old problems persist.
With Arsenal having had the same manager in charge for over two decades comes certain things like stability (or stagnation) and while other clubs like Chelsea chop and change and you never really know what to expect from them, Arsenal are often accused of having the same old problems season after season.
And it is the same old problems that keep coming up.
then all medias will focus on that and arsene will understand that we are tired with the same old problems.
It's the same old problem, trying to walk the ball into the net and no one taking responsibility for shooting.
Arsenal fans were starting to worry whether the same old problems were coming back to haunt us, but it looks like the trick or treaters doing the rounds for Halloween tomorrow will be the only horrors we need to worry about.
Back behind the wheel of a Formula 1 car, but it was the same old problems for Fernando Alonso in Canadian Grand Prix practice
Whether the same old problems begin to crop up and cause problems over the course of the season or not, only time will tell.
It's the same old problem for Bayern: with the pressure on to deliver results, patiently waiting for young talent to ripen is a luxury they can not always afford.
It is a new Copa Libertadores with a fresh calendar — and some of the same old problems.
While Wenger publicly praised the players for recovering a point from the jaws of defeat, the same old problems remain.
Griezmann could become a shiny new version of the same old problem for Pogba at United.
I opened private lactation practices in several more cities, and found the same old problems.
Nigel Farage also has the same old problem which all small parties, such as the Greens or Lib Dems, have: his support is spread out.
«The same old problems are occurring year after year, with little sign of significant improvement.»
The brain can be simulated on a computer, but when you interface a BBD with the real world, it has the same old problem: The input is ambiguous and complex.
«They said, «All these biomarkers and things we thought were going to be so productive for our drug discovery process and discovering new targets — now we're drowning in targets and having the same old problems with drugs failing,»» Omenn says.
Basically, I'm interested in the same old problem: How do the genes map onto the phenotype?
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