Sentences with phrase «same pathogen»

Physical: The close contact between mother and baby enables mothers to create designer antibodies for their babies in their milk as when the mother encounters the same pathogens as the baby in their environment the mother will produce antibodies that pass directly into her milk and directly to her baby.
Great apes can fall victim to some of the same pathogens as humans, such as measles and Ebola.
Individual responses to the same pathogen can vary greatly.
A previous study of rats in New York by investigators at CII found several of the same pathogens, including E. coli, Salmonella, and C. difficile.
«We can use these differences to trace the outbreak back to its contaminated source by looking to see if these traits existed in other reported outbreaks of the same pathogen
And the key to vaccine success is that, afterward, the immune system starts to create fast - response infection fighters called memory cells that will circulate throughout the body and be able to recognize (and fend off) that same pathogen in the future.
The germinal center reaction generates two types of cell: antibody - secreting plasma B cells, which combat infection, and memory B cells, which persist as a reservoir of cells that remember the first infection and permit a faster and more efficient immune activation in response to subsequent encounters with the same pathogen.
In 2012, Rik de Swart of Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and colleagues revealed that the measles virus kills large numbers of memory cells, white blood cells that prevent subsequent infections by the same pathogen.
«What our data show is that these same pathogens are circulating widely across our wild and managed pollinators.
They showed that the vaginal and rectal cavities activate a distinct immune response to the same pathogen.
These groups of B lymphocytes produce antibodies specially designed to fight the specific invader or turn into antibody - secreting cells and memory B cells that give long - term protection and help protect the next time the same pathogen is encountered.
Cut to a wolf in Wyoming and a crocodile in Florida absorbing the same pathogen, neither of which is given anything close to the same touching backstory as George, and we're off.
Raw food diets are not regulated for these pathogens, and as discussed above, are regularly found to be contaminated with the same pathogens.
Dr. Stephanie Janeczko, Senior Director of the ASPCA's Shelter Medical Programs, notes that when dealing with infectious respiratory disease in dogs, it's also important to remember that the same pathogen can have a mild presentation in one animal, yet cause severe or even fatal disease in another.
Finally, to prove that pathogen had caused the epidemic, researchers must then find that same pathogen on the widespread carcasses of victims of the epidemic.
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