Sentences with phrase «same prominence»

The Christian Institute is claiming the proposals mean the Education Secretary could force other religious festivals to be given the same prominence as Christmas or prompt legal actions which the institute claims could result in some schools choosing to stop celebrating Christmas to avoid possible repercussions.
Isauro: are you seriously saying you would be okay with the symbols of Islam hanging in the same prominence, in your child's school?
This retraction must be given the same prominence as was given to the earlier story,» the statement said.
An order of the Honourable Court directed at the Defendant to publish a retraction and an apology with the same prominence as the defamatory words on his Facebook page as well as one publication in the Daily Graphic.
This includes a proposal for a new independent press complaints procedure that will require newspapers to print apologies in the same prominence as the original article (and not hidden on the bottom of the page).
Will the BBC give this development the same prominence they did their own expose, I think that Caroline Spelman deserves that courtesy, I won't hold my breathe.
Public health: Not just a disease of the rich (p 66) To tackle the growing threat from cancer in developing countries, the disease needs to be given the same prominence that has been accorded to HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria in recent years, says Paul Farmer in an interview published in this month's Scientific American.
«It doesn't have the same prominence it did two years ago because the economy is swamping everything else and it puts other issues on the margins,» said Dante Scala, a political science professor at UNH.
His first target was the so - called planogram, a kind of map that tells chain booksellers which new books go where, ensuring that each store assigns exactly the same prominence to exactly the same titles.
In contrast to the approach seen in his Red Paintings (1953 — 54) and his Black paintings (1951 — 53), where the collage papers and fabrics typically play second fiddle to the painted passages, here Rauschenberg gives everyday objects the same prominence as conventional art materials.
Using a screenprinting style similar to pop artists, Thomas immortalizes these two strong, powerful black women, giving these modern — day women of color the same prominence Warhol gave to iconic figures like Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
It helps that each of the sisters carries a quiet expressiveness and that their beauty in the first years of the series has been given the same prominence in each successive year.
And on April 11, the Japanese cabinet approved a new energy plan that designates coal as an important long - term energy source, giving it the same prominence as nuclear in Japan's energy strategy.
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