Sentences with phrase «same religious feelings»

It's very cool and convenient that every one of users share the same religious feelings.

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Would all you religious zealots feel the same about expressing yourself if a devil worshiper got on the plane and started praying to the devil out loud.
Don't worry, I'm sure many atheists feel the same way about religious chaplains spewing fictional nonsense in their dying days.
@BamaDaniel I feel the same about Religious Nut Jobs.
I don't feel the need to cater to the religiously naive and uneducated by acting like there's a difference especially when these same religious folk would surely deem a person of an opposing religion / view that heard voices crazy.
I feel bacically the same way, when the religious door knockers come to my door most times my responce is not interested or no thank you, but is as the case may be they become persistent as alot of them are.
The religious authorities in the Temple must have felt the same way about what Jesus was doing — interrupting, interfering, interposing.
As a matter of theology, the word asserts that «whatever is divine» in Jesus, his deity, is as truly and fully divine as very God himself; but as a matter of religious conviction and experience, it is the assertion that very God, in all his mystery and in all his glory, is of «one substance with,» is the same reality as, that which in Jesus Christ we have been given to see and know and touch and feel.
They call them peddlers of religion, and they do not mean that in a positive way, but rather are referring to people they believe are trying to push their own agenda of a psuedo - religious toxic mix of some sort of religious something, politics, power, control, personal profit (think $ $ $) and efforts to feel good about ones self while at the same time looking down on neighbors (condescension) rather than loving neighbors.
They also have shown it deals with the brain, someone who meditates can get the exact same feeling as a religious person who believes they are feeling their god.
Beside I feel that the same descriptions might be required to be asked or be questioned to Muslims of Different Doctrines, Races and Cultures, who might have among them that who are similar to your nations, such as those who are Atheists, Agnostics or even Satanic but there still will be those who are considered as religious believers «Moderate or Extremes»..!
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
If the argument here is correct, the two developments result from some of the same causes: The American kind of church - state separation meant no church monopolized religious symbols; courts were called upon to articulate ultimate purpose and justice; and judges felt little ambivalence in doing so.
And, quite honestly, I think I'd feel the exact same way about those memorials whether I was religious or not.
Secularism wants religious practice, especially Christian practice, banished to a private world of feelings and attitudes, while at the same time the realm of the public is to be expanded to include every aspect of one's life.
But religious love is only man's natural emotion of love directed to a religious object; religious fear is only the ordinary fear of commerce, so to speak, the common quaking of the human breast, in so far as the notion of divine retribution may arouse it; religious awe is the same organic thrill which we feel in a forest at twilight, or in a mountain gorge; only this time it comes over us at the thought of our supernatural relations; and similarly of all the various sentiments which may be called into play in the lives of religious persons.
they are simply reaching out to those individuals within a religious society that feel they are being forced into a belief because of others, & that is simply not right in the same way it would not be right for you to eat fast food when you did nt want to & everyone around you is telling you to.
In a recent interview with the Washington Post (part of their ominously titled «Voices of Power» series), Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius discussed Archbishop Joseph Naumann's request that she not present herself for communion because of her public support for legalised abortion: «Well, it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life, and I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state, and I feel that my actions as a parishioner are different than my actions as a public official and that the people who elected me in Kansas had a right to expect me to uphold their rights and their beliefs even if they did not have the same religious beliefs that I had.
As we explore these issues our itinerary will be as follows: (1) we shall look first at several ways in which reflection on science has contributed to the feeling of cosmic exile and therefore to our environmental carelessness; (2) then we shall examine how theologies from our own Christian tradition that have hovered closely, even though critically, around modern scientific cosmologies have perpetuated the same feeling of cosmic exile; and (3) finally we shall look briefly at how a cosmological understanding of religion centering on the notion of adventure can both reconcile us to the evolving universe and at the same time allow us to embrace the feeling of religious homelessness present in religious teachings.
The truth is that in the metaphysical and religious sphere, articulate reasons are cogent for us only when our inarticulate feelings of reality have already been impressed in favor of the same conclusion.
How, though, can we hold together a feeling of fully belonging to the cosmos, while at the same time embracing the insecurity of a genuine religious movement into mystery?
Kaufman's Kantian method of coming at the subject matter of theology betrays the same old feeling that religion, and hence religious people, do not quite belong to the «real» universe.
Ms. Cornett argues that the love affair between Almasy and Katherine «is of the very same emotional and spiritual and factual material that dramatic religious conversions are made of»» namely, a certain sequence of strong feelings, including the experience of being led to do something against your will.
That's sunny because I feel the same way about religious freaks: nastiest, insecure, and least charitable people around if you don't follow their faith.
And I believe most religious people feel the same.
People looking at attractive members of the same sex reported stronger religious feelings than those who checked out prospective mates or just filled in the survey (Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1016 / j.jesp.2009.10.017).
For religious and / or spiritual singles, attending some sort of event that's aligned with your beliefs will without a doubt help you meet people who feel the same way.
Indeed, dating sites like EliteSingles might just be the ideal way to meet someone fantastic — not only do we let singles be open and upfront about their desire for marriage and religious compatibility, we can help connect them to others who feel the same way.
Religious beliefs vary from person to person - it's unlikely you'll find someone who feels the same way you do on every issue.
We hear her thoughts and feelings, and later we hear the same from Jane (Rachel McAdams), a rival love interest for Neil, and Father Quintana (Javier Bardem), a local priest bedeviled by religious doubt.
Many have posted comments about gender discrimination, racial and religious discrimination but the poor and the physically and mentally challenged often feel the same prejudice because they don't fit in.
«Teddy is a vehicle for the projection of one's human feelings in the same way god is,» says Perry, who loves religious art but describes himself as a Christian atheist.
In addition, on a religious point of view... if you provide an essential service to the community because you feel it is your Christian duty to do so, you should not be looking at people's beliefs when you provide these services, or who you employ to provide these services as long as they do it with the right intention and with the same mission.
In the same way that a person's ethnic or religious culture can shape their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, so can their family culture.
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